The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1230: Black and white stone meet

   Chapter 1230

  A new legend has been added to the Three Realms.

  The goddess of the God Realm is said to have fallen in love with the Heretic God. For this reason, the entire God Realm is overturned, just to stay with the Heretic God.

  There were countless slaughter of gods overnight, and there was a rain of blood in the sky.

The rumors of    are very popular. It is said that the God Realm also opened a special storytelling stand. It is very popular for half an hour every day.

  All this has nothing to do with Lu Huaijiang.

  He only held the bottle containing the spirit of Jiang Huai deer every day, and his whole body was lost in despair.

  At this moment, Chuangshi Shen heard that he was outside the temple, so he wiped his tears and stood up straight.

   "Tell him into the hall."

  The gate of the temple opens.

  The thin man staggered inside, but he held the treasure bottle tightly in his arms, as if he was holding his whole world.

  The Lord only glanced at it, and he knew that his heart was dead, and there was only a walking dead.

   His brows frowned.

  The God of Creation looked at Lu Huaijiang. The last time I saw him, he was still a round stone.

  As a white stone, she came to open up the world and gave birth to consciousness earlier than Lu Huaijiang.

  But in her memory, since Lu Huaijiang became aware, she has been wailing and spending every day in pain.

  The first ray of consciousness he gave birth to appeared crying.

  He said it hurts, it hurts.

  The pain of being burned by fire every day.

  He will also accept all the hostility in the Three Realms every day, and he can see the painful and desperate moments of those people in the hostility.

  At that time, when he was still young, he would always cry and ask, why did he torture and kill those people?

  Why do you want to kill innocent people and so on?

  Everything he meets in his dreams is always full of blood and murder. He often screamed in fright and always asked why he had to bear all this.

  Until later, his crying and screaming became less and less. Helplessness is becoming less and less.

  It is even rare to be moved by what you experience in your dreams.

  Occasionally, he would hear him teasing in a laughing voice: This method was not ruthless enough, and he left the handle and was caught.

  At that time, as Shiraishi, he felt shocked and pityed him.

  But he became less and less like himself.

   Until now, goodbye, she couldn't even see the slightest resemblance.

   "You are different from before." Chuangshi Shen was in front of him, with a trace of caution.

  Lu Huaijiang's eyes were calm and waveless, and he couldn't even feel a ripple.

   "Every scene I have ever seen, I have personally experienced the stock. In the long and endless years, I have experienced the unbearable past in the Three Realms."

  "Will I still be the same as before?" Lu Huaijiang's voice was calm.

  In these long years, he opened his eyes and closed his eyes, bearing all the hostility of the Three Realms.

  Those hostile scenes, every one of them, he felt the same way.

  As a real party, I feel the same.

  Tian Dao gave him all the hostility of the Three Realms, and had no intention of letting him be himself. Even good people will be affected by hostility and become the most evil existence.

   "I'm sorry." Chuangshishen said.

  She was in the same vein with him, but she couldn't empathize with him, nor could she help him.

  Let him bear all this alone.

  Lu Huaijiang never moved his brows.

   "You don't have to say sorry to me, you and I can't change all this." Just as he was born Black Stone and Qin Huan was White Stone, neither of them can change.

  Come in compliance with the destiny of heaven and in compliance with the Three Realms.

   "Besides, God didn't treat me wrongly. It gave me the best Lulu." Even if he was in desperation, his Lulu smoothed everything out of him.

  (End of this chapter)

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