The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1243: Beheading scene

  Chapter 1243 Beheading scene

  "Are you waiting for me here?" Lu Huaijiang whispered carefully.

  He also took out a steaming chicken leg in his arms.

  The remnant soul originally ignored him, but as soon as he took out the chicken leg, the remnant soul suddenly looked at him.

   "I asked you before, the chicken legs are more important, or I am more important. You always don't tell me."

   "It turns out that chicken legs are important." Lu Huaijiang looked at her lowly and tenderly.

   Carefully handed the drumstick over, the remnant soul did not remember him, but was not afraid of him.

  After taking the chicken thigh, he chewed happily.

  Although she can't speak and has no memory, she looks exactly the same as Jiang Huailu.

  Lu Huaijiang looked at it and cried.

  The remnant soul gnawed the chicken legs, and when it was just before the last bite, he handed it to his mouth.

  Lu Huaijiang chuckled, "I am still more important than chicken legs."

  Remnant Soul looked at her incomprehensibly and innocently.

  Lu Huaijiang gently shook his head and handed the chicken drumstick to her mouth.

  After she finished her last bite, she put her in the bottle.

  Lu Huaijiang followed her and squatted on the ruins of the Salvation Hall, squatting and squatting before remembering...

  This looks very familiar.

  It looks like he had just entered the Temple of Salvation, thinking about usurping the throne.

  Lu Huaijiang burst into laughter, a long-lost smile appeared on his face.

   "Some things, even if you have no memory, will make you repeat that action over and over again unconsciously."

  Lu Huaijiang was lying on the ruins, smiling so happy.

  Hold the treasure bottle tightly in her arms.

  Lu Huaijiang did not stay long in Huangdu. What surprised him was that Huangdu actually had very few evil spirits.

  There are countless evil spirits in the mortal realm, but Huang is rarely disturbed by evil spirits.

  Lu Huaijiang later learned that Huang was the place where the savior founded the Hall of Salvation, and that the former Tianwei still remained here.

  The evil spirit has been locked up by her for thousands of years, afraid of her breath.

  When everyone in the mortal world knows, they feel more regret and despair.

  Evil spirits are not even afraid of the God Realm, because as soon as the God will come, they will disperse and escape. It's like a slippery loach, extremely difficult to grasp.

  The people who really frightened them were driven to death by them.

Lu Huaijiang didn't want to know how regretful the mortal world was.

  Lu Huaijiang traveled around the Three Realms, almost every corner of the Three Realms.

  He searched this way, through the spring, summer, autumn and winter, after the severe cold and scorching heat, chanting the name over and over again every day: "Jiang Huailu, Jiang Huailu..."

  Only by paying full attention and constantly reciting her name in my heart, can we see her remnant soul.

  Just, the last piece of remnant soul.

  He couldn't find it.

  Searched the Three Realms, he even searched for Zhu Xiantai again, and he never found a trace.

  Now, there are only three days left in three years.

  Lu Huai and Jiang faintly anxious, he has searched all the places he can think of about Lulu.

  No trace.

  Lu Huaijiang is on the verge of collapse.

  "Only the last remnant soul remains, Lulu...Where are you?" He even risked being torn apart and returned to the void once physically.

   is still empty, only endless darkness, without his deer.

  Lu Huaijiang fell on the Jingcheng Street.

  He returned to the original place.

Already desperate, I heard the people shouting: "Go and watch the execution. Old lady Xie Fu spent three years to find out the culprit who led the people to pray for God. This will be about to be sent to the execution stand. , I'm going to behead my head."

  Lu Huaijiang sat up abruptly, his eyes lit up.

   Execution stand?

  Beheading scene?

   See you tomorrow, please ask for a reward. Meme da



  (End of this chapter)

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