The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1244: The world regrets

  Chapter 1244 The world regrets

  Lu Huaijiang abruptly got up, grabbed the treasure bottle, and ran to the beheading scene.

  In this life, the place where he and Lulu first met is the execution platform.

  There, Lulu tore his trouser legs!

   also called him evil!

  Lu Huaijiang shivered lightly. Three years, three years later, he used these feet to walk all over the Three Realms where deer might appear.

  Now, there is only the place where they first met.

   Execution stand.

  There are many people in front of the execution platform today. In the past three years, they have been tortured and disturbed by evil spirits.

  People are selfish.

  They began to hold accountability, began to think back to the beginning, began to regret and began to feel guilty.

  They found out the people who persecuted Jiang Huailu in the crowd three years ago.

  Beheaded as a sinner in the world.

  The wise king died without a whole body as early as the day when the evil spirits gushed out.

  But his party members have been lingering for many years, and the evil spirits are inexhaustible these years, and the people resent and hate. Now everyone is watching their execution.

   "What is the one in the middle... the saint back then? Why did the Guan family give birth to such a thing, and at the beginning he claimed that he was a saint who could save suffering, but it turned out to be a fake."

   "That is, I still want to pull out the magic sword left by the goddess. It's a pity, the magic sword can't be tainted by you!"

   "Kill her, kill her! It was she who was walking in the capital together with the wise king and rumored that Jiang Huailu was the savior, and that Jiang Huailu was the culprit! It was the goddess she forced, it was her!"

   "You utterly conscientious thing, you have harmed the mortal world. You have harmed the world, and you are all to blame! Kill her, kill her!"

   "A thousand knives are not an exaggeration."

The people onlookers picked up the rotten eggs, and the rotten cabbage fell on Guan Yingying's face.

  Guan Yingying had rotten cabbage clappers and rotten eggs hanging on her face, and her head was stinking.

How holy it was once, how embarrassed it is now.

  At the moment, wearing prison clothes, kneeling on the stage of monitoring and cutting, beaten his head and exuding already jealous.

  At the beginning, Jiang Huailu killed so many heavenly descendants, but did not kill her alone.

  Only overlooking the sentient beings from high above, glanced at her.

  It seemed that he didn't even deserve to enter her eyes.

   is not even worthy of being a dead soul under her sword.

  Sure enough, as she expected.

When Jiang Huailu killed Jiang Huailu, Tianji Pavilion knew that he had missed Jiang Huailu. The whole mountain gate was directly closed and no longer going out, and she was naturally abandoned as a counterfeit.

  The Guan family knew she was in a disaster.

  Originally, the Xiao family wanted to intercede, but after the death of King Xian, Mrs. Xie Fu thoroughly investigated those people who were in the crowd.

  Most of them were left by her, originally intending to build momentum for herself after the incident, and then suppress Jiang Huailu's people.

   After the Guan family knew about it, the Guan family gave up her without hesitation.

  Now, she has also been pushed onto the monitoring platform.

   "I have a thousand cuts? You should be the one who should cut all the cuts." Guan Yingying's eyes were full of madness.

"When she was good to you, you said she was good. I just sent someone to instigate a few words. For your own benefit, regardless of whether things are true or false, and regardless of what she has done to you, you It will take her life."

   "Not to mention her life, but also her pair of female lives. The person I left behind did not say that she would kill her child."

   "I have a thousand cuts? Who should make a thousand cuts? I have never been favored by their husband and wife, and I have never forced you?"

  "You were kneeling before the gods, asking the gods to kill the evil god, punish the goddess, and give her a pair of children to death. Do you think she forgave you? Hahahaha...It's funny."

   "Her salvation hall was destroyed by you. Her life is what you want. There is today in the mortal world. Didn't you ask for it yourself?"

   Good evening, everyone... Yeah.



  (End of this chapter)

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