The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1245: A stubborn soul

  Chapter 1245 A stubborn remnant soul

   "Everything is you. What's the matter with me?"

   "How big is my provocation? It's your interests and greed! It's you who kill the donkey! Everyone present, everyone in this world is guilty. You all have the sin of persecuting the goddess to commit suicide."

"The high gods, how can they be merciful to the mortal world? Look at the past three years, the world has been devastated, and mortals are dying and struggling. And sitting in the hall of salvation, truly sympathizing and pitying the gods in the mortal world, you have destroyed the gods. Now, they have all given up on the world."

   "It is said that the evil servants in the Hall of Salvation have been taken over by the underworld. Because of their merits, they now hold important positions in the underworld."

   "Even if you can live this life, you won't be pleased anymore."

   "How does it feel to ruin your future with your own hands? You won't be much better than me."

   "Hahaha, I am trying to kill the goddess, and I am trying to mutilate her sons and daughters. Now I want to ask her men to save you. It's ridiculous."

   "Jiang Huailu will not forgive me, nor will he forgive you." Guan Yingying has long been mad, and the people's sentiments are excited.

  But at the same time, they all understand.

What Guan Yingying said is true.

  The people she sent only provoked a few words in the crowd at the time.

  The rest are voluntary.

  They voluntarily asked Emperor Ziwei to kill Jiang Huailu and kill the pair of children.

  The goddess looked at their eyes, and still remember them.

   Cold, indifferent, cold without the slightest temperature.

  The appearances of smiling and singing porridge outside the city gate overlapped, and my heart was actually endless regret.

  They can't resent themselves, they can only find Guan Yingying and other virtuous king party feathers.

  But they know it themselves.

  The goddess resented them, but I was afraid that it was more serious than resentment of Guan Yingying and Xian Wang.

  As Guan Yingying said, she has never received the favor of a goddess, and naturally she will not let her down. Because there was no expectation.

  The people in the world are different.

  They have received countless blessings from the Hall of Salvation, countless disaster reliefs from the richest businessman in the world, and countless bowls of porridge from the Jiang family.

  Goddess, she probably didn't think of it.

  The one who paid the most was the one who hurt her the most.

  The people are in a panic. In the past three years, they have become more sober.

  Among these three realms, there is probably only a goddess who regards mortals as such an important person.

  The goddess defied the order of heaven at the beginning, which is enough to explain everything.

  Yang Dianfeng stood on the periphery, watching everything quietly.

  The people's confession and guilt, his eyebrows were not raised, and there was a slight coldness in his eyes.

  Everything is deserved.

  In the past three years, he has collected all the wealth of the world.

   but refused to give alms to another person. They were not worth it. All they were fed were a group of white-eyed wolves.

  Yang Dianfeng is in his twenties this year, and he has never given birth to any children. Mr. Yang persuaded him a few years ago. Now it is not persuaded.

  Lulu never punishes the world, but he will.

  Yang Dianfeng turned and left, how are these people different from Guan Yingying.

  No one is innocent.

When Lu Huaijiang hurried over, he only saw the dim shadow on the execution platform.

  A transparent shadow almost disappearing.

  At this moment, she opened her loose hair.

   eagerly put his head on the monitoring stage, and couldn't help but knocked down the prisoner who was kneeling on it with his neck exposed.

   Almost let the Superintendent Chop it crooked.

  Lu Huaijiang's expression was originally tense, but when he saw this scene, he almost smiled and cocked his mouth.

  (End of this chapter)

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