The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1252: Roots are not red

   Chapter 1252

  She understands better than anyone else.

  I and my mother are different.

  Although they rarely mentioned the mother-in-law, she was able to piece together the appearance of the mother-in-law.

Mother    was born with the perfect kindness, so she can get the approval of Po Xi Divine Sword.

  She cares about the world and the people. When she was a goddess, she had to seal the underworld for thousands of years to be scolded by the world.

  Even if you become a mortal after going down to the earth, you must set up the Hall of Salvation to expel the evil spirits of the world.

  She did a great job.

  Netherworld has never been opened, and she has also expelled the unreliable ghost.

  The people are ignorant and would rather believe in the provocation of others than in the help that their mothers have given them over the years.

   even tried to mutilate a pair of innocent children left behind by his mother.

  In the end, the mother ended up like this.

  In this way, Lu Youyou has a deep hatred for mortals since then.

  Lu Yoyo, she knew better that she was different from her mother.

  "The world is ignorant and untrustworthy, and the world is cunning and cannot help. They plant the causes themselves, so naturally they have to bear the consequences." She really has no good feelings about the mortal world.

  If she is not raised by Emperor Ziwei, she knows that the laws of the Three Realms cannot be shaken, she...

  I’m afraid I won’t grow up to be a good child with a bright root.

  Perhaps, it is not necessarily the calamity of these three realms.

  The little guy curled his mouth, only seeing his brother’s silence, he panicked slightly, his eyes quickly filled with dampness.

   "Brother, Yo Yo... is that a cruel and bad boy? Yo Yo is not kind?" The little girl is not afraid of anything, but she is afraid that her brother will not like her.

  Two people and one mother and compatriot, relying on each other for fate, the relationship has already surpassed everything.

  Lu Youyou bit her lower lip and pinched the corners of her clothes nervously with both hands, and the corners of her clothes became deformed.

  Tears hang on the eyelashes and dare not fall.

  She never dared to analyze her state of mind to anyone. She knew that she was never a good boy like this.

   "No, brother is very happy. Brother is happy that you will not sacrifice for others. You are more important than the world." The little emperor actually knows more than others.

  For example, a few years ago, when he was only one or two years old, he always cried and called for his sister to come back.

  The Queen Mother often held him in tears.

   once said inadvertently, your sister's blood made grandmother return her yang. If she is not raised by the emperor, who can protect her from these three realms.

  I'm afraid it's a cramp in the skin, and there is not even a single hair left.

  After that, he rarely yelled to miss his sister. Even when the younger sister came back, he had to be protected by three layers inside and outside.

   Later, he also checked a lot in private and asked the door god.

  I learned that my sister’s physique can change her life, and it can attract countless people to **** it regardless of life and death.

  He was afraid that his sister would be a good person.

  She is more powerful and vicious, so she will not be forced by mortals to give her own blood.

   will not be coveted by the demon world.

  Now that he knows his sister’s mind, he is happy and distressed.

  It turns out that my sister is just like him, remembering the scene that year.

  My sister has suffered all the hardships he has endured.

  "It’s good for you to think that way, no one is as important as you in this world. No one is worth your sacrifice, you know?"

  "Just don't let the Ziwei Emperor hear this. Those gods..." The little emperor gave a cold smile.

  The gods are all lofty, and they are full of compassion.

  If you know your sister’s mind, I am afraid that you will anger him.

  Lu Youyou, of course, believes in his brother. At this moment, he smiled and leaned on his brother and nodded.

   Soon, the carriage stopped in front of Jiang's gate.

  (End of this chapter)

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