Chapter 1265

  Avalokitesvara Purifying Bottle is said to be the magic weapon for the ascension of Avalokitesvara into a Buddha.

  Only a drop of clean water has been produced for thousands of years. I have collected a bottle of water. I don’t know how long it has been.

   "Speaking of which, the goddess's father, Buddha, once had kindness to Guanyin. I'm afraid she will want to repay the kindness since then." Emperor Ziwei couldn't help but sigh. I'm afraid that the Buddha realm would have known that the God Realm will have this catastrophe early.

   "Please also the gods can help me." Lu Huaijiang whispered.

  Countless gods and monarchs appeared in the Hall of Salvation.

  For the past three years, they have been wandering around the world, secretly guarding the Jiang family and the little emperor.

  But never helped the world.

  Even if someone re-stands their golden body and prays day and night, they still can’t let them move at all.

   "You are serious. The little **** must do his best." The gods looked at each other, and they waited too long for this day.

  I saw that everyone was scheming, the hem of the clothes had no wind, and countless runes appeared on the ground.

  Countless runes are intertwined, forming various cumbersome and simple patterns.

  A little bit of ornament with the fairy grass, spreading towards the surroundings.

  I saw the ghosts appearing in the sky waiting for the opportunity to swarm toward the rich vitality here.

   attracted the surrounding people to raise their heads and stop.

  Jiang’s family is a restricted area in the capital.

   used to be the home of the savior. Before the identity of the savior was revealed, they even resisted the Jiang family.

  Later, the Jiang family, the Hall of Salvation, and the world's most wealthy businessman all gave up the people.

  They never showed a trace of kindness.

  But the Jiang family is still different in their hearts.

  Even if the savior abandoned them, they still humblely followed Jiang's family secretly.

  At this moment, they looked up and saw countless evil spirits heading towards the sky above Jiang's house.

   could fly to the sky above Jiang's house, but was swept by a burst of light, and saw that countless evil spirits touched the burst of light and were shattered.

   The screams screamed, and everyone was so scared that they covered their ears.

  At the same time, a bit of regret and despair rose in their hearts. If they had never offended the Savior, it would be great.

   Once, the savior saved them like that.

  Just now, that burst of light emerged, shattering countless evil spirits. The evil spirits all around heard that they fled for a hundred miles, and they withdrew from the capital.

  Puff and puff...

  Puff and puff...

   Kneeled outside the gate of Jiang’s house, there were no hundreds of surnames, "We knew it was wrong."

  "We dare not pray for the savior's forgiveness. We only hope that you can reshape the golden body so that we can alleviate our sins."

   "Pray for the savior to reshape the golden body and return to the world."

   "All this is our own responsibility, we should bear it, please come back." Everyone knelt down and sat on the ground silently.

  "You should not be affected by the world. It is our ignorance that has been deceived by others, which has caused you to practice for many years. Please come back."

  Except for the savior, no one will have mercy on them.

  They lost the most precious person.

  A trace of invisible power of faith flew out, towards the fairy grass.

  In the blink of an eye, the fairy grass completed the process of transformation.

  I saw a second tender leaf quickly gave birth, and even the whole body was still carrying a faint streamer, the streamer looming, and countless auras poured toward the fairy grass.

  Lu Huaijiang poured out the clean water in the Yujing bottle, and the golden clean water flowed and poured little by little into the fairy grass.

  The fairy grass quickly gave birth to a third shoot, and the edge of the whole fairy grass was slightly golden.

  Lu Huai, Jiang Meiyu bends, he seems to see what the deer looked like before they were transformed.

  Long-lost familiarity.

   There are still three chapters during the day



  (End of this chapter)

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