The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1275: Dead wood every spring

   Chapter 1275

  Xia's heart is a bit sour, but at the same time she wants to cry.

After Lulu left, everyone changed.

  Everything has changed.

  "The peak was abducted when he was seven years old, and he was saved by the three-year-old Lulu in the desert. For more than ten years, he has been following Lulu without leaving. The business of the two people has grown and grown."

   "The child at Pinnacle is not very mindful, but Jiang Lulu takes it very seriously."

   "Always mentioning Lulu taking care of the outside industry, and always doing good deeds in her name."

   "The two are family and friendship."

  Lu Huaijiang knows all these.

   "Three years ago, after Lulu left. He was originally upright and praised by everyone, but he has changed."

   "He took all the wealth of the world, and the mortal people who were hooked by the wealth of the world rose to greed. The people burned, killed, looted and looted for those wealth, and they did nothing."

   "From the original with a gully in his chest and the living God of Wealth in the world, he became what he is now." How did the Xia family feel distressed? She knew that Yang Dianfeng was avenging Lulu.

  People in the mortal world are all accomplices who forced Lulu to death.

  Ms. Zheng has now given birth to another son, but she has devoted countless love to her eldest son. Seeing such a son, I have already felt very distressed.

   "All his future is ruined." The child who was originally a bright heart in Lang Lang Qiankun, has now become full of depression.

   "I'll see him." Lu Huai Jiang pursed his lips.

   "By the way, before...there was a dry peach branch on the altar. Did you see it?" Lu Huaijiang suddenly remembered that he wanted Lulu to wake up and everything would return to its original beauty.

  Taozhi is a little maid who has followed Lulu for more than ten years.

   is also a peach demon.

  Xia's stunned, she remembered that it was Taozhi.

  The maid who served in front of Lulu at a few years old.

   "I saw it. After the war, I collected the peach branch." At that time, many mortals were about to burn the dead branches, but she stopped them.

   Hidden the dead branches against the crowd.

  The Xia family had the dead branches taken out.

   Seeing that the dead branches were not alive, Lu Huaijiang sighed and planted the dead branches in the spirit gathering formation next to the fairy grass.

  The aura drawn by Lulu is too strong, and the overflowing trace is enough to re-practice.

  I just don’t know if she can have this good fortune, let the dead branches come in spring.

  After Lu Huaijiang took care of it, he went to Yang's house again.

   Yang Dianfeng seems to have counted that he will visit today, and the door of Yang's house opens.

  The attendant serving Yang Dianfeng is at the door.

  "Your...Mr. Lu, please come inside." The attendant originally wanted to call your Majesty, but remembered that the new emperor had taken the throne, he didn't know what to say. Only whispered Lu Gongzi.

  A few days ago, the Jiang family had such a vision, and everyone wondered if he had returned.

  But no one dared to step forward and disturb him.

  Three years ago, it was mortals sorry for him and the goddess. Everyone was afraid of him, and no one dared to go to Jiang's family to verify.

  Nowadays, some of the mansions that pay attention to the Jiang family are shocked when they see the still domineering man.

  But Lu Huaijiang didn't care about everything.

   Followed the attendants all the way into the Yang family.

  Lu Huaijiang once met Yang Dianfeng. He was innocent by nature, without scheming, and always had a good for the world.

  He has helped Lulu do things over the years, and has also given back to the people for many years.

  Lu Huaijiang knows that he is the **** of wealth with a trace of soul, has great love for the people, and naturally loves the people.

  But this time when I saw the staleness of his body.

  Lu Huaijiang was silent.

  (End of this chapter)

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