The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1274: Phoenix Nirvana

  Chapter 1274 Phoenix Nirvana

  The Lunar New Year Festival is also the birthday of Lu Huaijiang and Jiang Huailu.

  But Lu Huaijiang had no idea of ​​having a birthday.

  Only people left a room for him next to Xiancao. He eats and lives next to Xiancao.

  I didn’t think about it before, but now that the fairy grass is re-bred, Lu Huaijiang has only discovered little by little that the fairy grass fruit is really different.

  It seems to be born to control the four gods skills of wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

   July is blazing like a hot sun, but the next day it rains in Da Zhou, and it feeds itself white and fat.

"You are here for the evil **** and for the massacre. She is here for life and salvation. She naturally has a mission given by heaven. This time, she can be herself." Emperor Ziwei stood beside the fairy grass and had to Said that this calamity was calculated by the Dao of Heaven many years ago.

  Leave two gates of one life and one death.

   "She survived this catastrophe, and what is left is Heaven's compensation for her."

   "Phoenix Nirvana, rebirth from the fire." Emperor Ziwei shook his head slightly. This fairy grass contained the aura of heaven. If she was born, her future would be limitless.

  The Three Realms owe her, I am afraid that she will have to pay it back eventually.

  Lu Huaijiang looked at the fairy grass and saw her growing rapidly in the gathering formation, with a slight warmth in her eyebrows.

  Only when he saw Emperor Ziwei, his face was cold.

  Anyone who is destined to abduct his daughter at any time will not have a good face.

   "What does Nirvana have to do with Nirvana? Anyway, we are just pawns of the heavens."

   "The emperor would rather be the sword in the hands of the Tao of Heaven. We don't want to die according to the Tao of Heaven. This is what we deserve."

   "But the emperor is too indifferent." Lu Huaijiang's face was cold and shocked.

  Ziwei Emperor knew that this time, after all, he was unjust. Just bowed his head and said nothing.

  It's a good reincarnation.

  Three years ago, he was commanding thousands of magic soldiers to capture the opponent, and then he would be told by the opponent, and Xun’s head could not be lifted.

  Who makes the three-life stone so unpretentious?

  As long as one person is randomly assigned in the Three Realms, I am afraid it is not so embarrassing.

  The Emperor Ziwei looked arrogant when he saw everyone, but he couldn't look up when he saw Lu Youyou's family members. It's really shameless.

  Dijun ran away dingy, his back looked particularly embarrassed.

  Xia came out from the corner with a bowl of chicken soup: "You, why do you treat the emperor this way? I also blamed the emperor, but the emperor took over without complaint, and we always owe him once."

  Lu Huaijiang took the chicken soup and drank it in one sip.

   "You, I will regret it. He has no complaints, he has a lot of plans."

  Lu Huaijiang is hard to say, but Emperor Ziwei pretended to be their baby.

   "Don't worry, I know it in my heart. Now I just guard Lulu with peace of mind, waiting for Lulu to regenerate consciousness." Lu Huaijiang did not want to worry about the Xia family, Lulu's mother is his mother.

  Xia nodded, now it is a great blessing to have a chance.

   "By the way, did you hear about Young Master Yang?" Xia's heart was slightly blocked when he thought of Yang Dianfeng.

  Lu Huaijiang frowned slightly, Yang Dianfeng knew it.

  A wisp of the soul of the God of Wealth, to the lower realm for the deer crossing the catastrophe.

  Why hasn't he returned to God Realm yet?

  Lu Huaijiang frowned, whether it was the God of Wealth in the God Realm or the mortal Yang Dianfeng, Lulu’s closest relatives.

   "What happened to Young Master?"

  Lu Huaijiang looked at Xia's.

  The Xia family sighed slightly: "Ms. Zheng asked me for this matter. I don't know that the peak has reached such a point."

  (End of this chapter)

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