The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1294: As witty as me

   Chapter 1294

  Lu Huaijiang looked for a secluded place with no one.

   Pulled Lulu and finished a bunch of candied haws in the corner.

  At the last bite, Jiang Huailu suddenly scolded: "You take advantage of me!"

  Lu Huaijiang gave a fright, and almost swallowed half a candied gourd and choked to death.

The dignified evil god, choked to death when stealing incense, fearing that it would be spread for thousands of years.

  Jiang Huailu sat on his lap with an aggrieved face and accusations on his face.

  Lu Huaijiang's hair is tingling, and he is finished. Anyway, I secretly kissed her. Did you kiss her too much? Was discovered?

   "It is said that one person and half a candied haw, how dare you eat most of it? Mine is only one-third. Look, look, I'm so bad."

  Jiang Huailu's hands on hips, biting a small half of a candied haw, his eyes are almost staring out of anger.

  Lu Huaijiang's breath loosened, damn.

   was so scared that his soul was almost lost.

   gently pressed his lower lip, his voice was slightly hoarse: "Next time, I must eat less. It won't take advantage of you." Lu Huaijiang's face flushed, and his breathing was slightly thick.

  He didn't dare to fall on her.

  Jiang Huailu knows that he has a guilty conscience at a glance, and he dare not look at him. Isn’t he guilty?

  I took advantage of her and thought I didn’t know it?

  She is not stupid.

  She is smart.

  No one should take advantage of her.

"It's okay if you know what you are fighting with me. You have a sense of taste, you can eat at any time, how much you want to eat. Don't fight with me. I have enough candied haws, let's change it?" The little girl looked at him blankly.

   Lips were flushed with water, Lu Huaijiang moved away with difficulty.


   "Then why don't you get up? Why are you sitting in the corner?" Lulu looked at him curiously, and he slightly bent over, as if he couldn't straighten up.

  Lu Huaijiang's ears are red like blood.

   "You just sat on my lap, my leg is a little numb."

  Lu Huaijiang’s voice was a little hoarse, Lulu’s eyes trickled, and he felt that he was taking advantage of it, and he wanted to eat some food outside.

   immediately said: "Should I rub it for you?"

  Lu Huaijiang’s scalp numb with fright: "No, it will be more numb. Wait for me, it will be fine for a while."

  Lulu screamed, and had to step back a few steps.

  For a while, Lu Huaijiang took a deep breath and suppressed the dryness in his heart.

   "Let's go, I'll take you to the food street. In front of the gate of the East Palace, you have everything." The food street once was just a street.

   is now a real scale, and it has developed into an extremely lively food town before and after.

  "Didn’t you say that the Eastern Palace Palace is the most majestic place? The prince is so confused that there will be a restaurant in front of the Eastern Palace gate?"

  Lu Huai Jiang suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

   "Probably his brain is confused." I was fascinated by others.


  The two arrived outside the East Palace, Lu Huai and Jiang Meiyu also softened slightly.

  In fact, the food street in front of Donggongmen has been suspended for a year.

  It was later that Jiang Huaian missed Lulu, which made people reopen.

  Today is still the most prosperous and lively place in Beijing.

  Lulu stood in front of the street, sniffed with her small nose: "It's so fragrant, so fragrant, so fragrant, it smells like roasted pig's feet."

  Today coincided with the event, and people were crowded in front of the roast pig's knuckles.

  "This is the one that once liked the most. When that person used to live in the East Palace, he used to crawl out of the dog hole to eat. I still pay for it if I ate it."

   "I also remember that the dog hole was too small. When I came out, I could come out. When I went back, my belly was enlarged and I often got stuck in the dog hole."

  (End of this chapter)

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