The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1295: She is everywhere

   Chapter 1295 She is everywhere

   "Hahaha, so stupid."

   "Why are you so stupid."

   "I still crawled out of the dog hole to eat, and I didn't leave room for myself to eat. I had a round belly and I couldn't climb through."

   "Is it stuck in the dog hole? It's funny, how come there is such a funny person."

   "Will you still pay after eating?"

   "You said that the person was stuck in the dog hole, isn't it too funny?" It was so faceless.

  Lulu burst into tears when he heard these words, and almost couldn't stand up straight when leaning on Lu Huaijiang.

   "Don't laugh." Lu Huaijiang sympathized with her extremely.

   Looking at her with pity, this poor child...

  Lulu smirked for a long time before stopping: "Oh, as long as you think of a person with a chubby belly getting stuck in a dog hole, waiting for someone to save you. It feels funny."

  Lu Huaijiang...

  Hey, my brain hurts.

  In the past, you were not as generous as you are now, and you are not allowed to mention it, but now you have a heartless smile.

  "I want pig's trotter, pig's trotter, too."

  Before Lulu squeezed in, he heard the people inside yelling: "It’s gone, it’s sold out today. Everyone has to come back tomorrow. I’ll take care of it tomorrow."

  The crowd surrounded.

   "Obviously there is still one on top, so why not sell it. The roasted brown and crispy on top is delicious."

  "Sell this last one to us. Our young master came from afar, specifically for that favorite delicacy."

  There are different opinions, but the vendor shook his head with a smile.

   "I will keep one every day. This is not for sale."

  Everyone did not listen to any persuasion and had to give up.

When Lulu squeezed in, the vendor was closing the stall.

   "If you don't sell it, you don't sell it, you don't sell it anymore. This one is for the deceased. I won't sell it if you add money." The vendor set his hand to close the stall.

  But this head up...

   His eyes were dumbfounded, his lips quivered, and he looked at the girl in green in front of him.

   "Really not for sale? Can't you sell one to me? It smells good." The little girl slumped her face and looked at the pig's hoof.

The vendor took a deep breath, looked at the man standing behind her, shaking his hands slightly.

  Outsiders may not know her, but they all watched her grow up in front of the East Palace.

  The stalls in front of the East Palace gate were all impoverished.

  Because she was exempted from taxes and booth fees, allowing people from outside the city to come in and set up stalls.

  Every shot was extremely lavish, which allowed them to survive and feed their family.

  Everyone forced Jiang Huailu to death, but they were not included.

  It's just that they are weak and can't help her.

At this moment, the vendor looked at her with red eyes: "What you sell, this is for you... This is reserved for the destined. It will be given to whomever is pleasing to the eye. If you are a small one, you will be destined to leave this trotter for you. ."

  Every day, he will leave a roasted best.

  Whether she is still or not, she still keeps it.

  Three years later, I finally saw her reappear on this street sucking saliva.

  Lulu looked surprised: "Give it to me? Is it really for me?"

  The vendor took a piece of clean oiled paper, wrapped it in his hands and handed it to her.

   "You eat and like it, come and eat it every day, and I must keep it for you." The vendor moved his lips, but did not dare to say more.

  Anyone can see that she now looks more like the carefree she was when she was a child.

  The scene of the volley three years ago is vividly remembered by everyone.

  The vendor’s eyes were full of distress, but fortunately, she came back.

  (End of this chapter)

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