The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 139: Zhuzhu's domineering evil (add more for Yuduo)

  Chapter 139 The Domineering Evil of Beads (Adding more to Yuduo)

  "Why not do this, you are small. You sit on the ground and move over like this. This is not a dog hole. Have you climbed? You haven't!" Yang Dianfeng vowed.

  Jiang Huailu thought deeply, with a slight hesitation on his face, then nodded.

   "You are so smart." Dang Even sat cross-legged on the ground and moved a little bit into the dog hole.

  She did not climb.

  She didn’t!

  She sat in!

  Who said she climbed the dog hole, she would not recognize it!

  Don't blame her for turning her face.

  She turned her face up and it was scary.

  Jiang Huailu silently moved into the dog hole, Yang Dianfeng suddenly lay down on the ground, and then took a deep breath.

  Sucked the whole person's eyes round.

   "What are you doing? Have you joined a cult? Practice exercises?" Jiang Huailu looked at him inexplicably.

  Yang Dianfeng glanced at her, reached out and patted her belly.

"Hurt, I have a big belly, I can't climb over. I blame you, I have to take another breath." After speaking, I took another breath, until the stomach was flat, the two of them passed through the dog hole and entered To the Wen Family Courtyard.

  In the other courtyard, there is already a strong smell of sandalwood.

  The yellow canvas is flying high, and a Taoist man in a Taoist robe is doing the work with a peach wood sword in his hand.

  There is an incense case in the center, and paper money and black dog blood are placed on the incense case.

   At the very center of the yard, there is a lonely girl tied up. The girl lowered her head, and only asked softly, "Where is my father?"

   "Where is my dad? You tell my dad to come back." Zhuzhu pressed her lips tightly.

  The young woman is Xiao Li sitting on a square master chair. Although she is the wife of the head, but because she can dress up and is better than her petite figure, she is a bit charming.

   At this moment, he raised his hand and touched the emerald jade hairpin in the temple, with a smile on his eyebrows.

"Don't blame me, Zhuzhu, this is what your father and grandmother ordered. If you don't get rid of the evil spirits on you, it will be harmful to our entire Wen family." Little Li chuckled, Wen Rujing and Wen Ruyu today. Going out to pester Master Wen.

  It was probably the setting sun slanting westward. After watching this scene, the two felt a little gloomy.

"Senior, please. You do all Zhuzhu's evil spirits every year, and Wen Jia believes you. I only hope that you can get rid of the evil spirits as soon as possible and return my stepdaughter to peace." Xiao Li said immediately. Zhuzhu raised his eyes.

  The peach wood sword in the master's hand was swung, and a piece of yellow paper was brought up on it. After several dances, the yellow paper was actually ablaze out of thin air.

  The long sword points straight to the beads.

  The flame swayed in front of her. No one in the Wen family knew it, and Miss Wen was afraid of fire.

  Sure enough, she was tied to a wooden stake. Seeing the flames at this moment, big drops of sneer appeared from the forehead. His expression was slightly panic, and the corners of his lips were white: "Daddy, let my daddy come back." As the flame approaches, the fear in his eyes deepens.

Then she began to struggle: "Let go of me, father, father! Who will save me, who will save Zhuzhu and my mother, who will save me." Seeing the fire, she suddenly seemed to be caught in some kind of fire. Memories, constant struggles, Le's wrists are bruised.

The appearance of    seemed to be frightened.

  Jiang Huailu frowned slightly and wanted to get up. But being held down by Yang Dianfeng, the two of them still sat in the grass.

  Sure enough, the girl who was **** didn't struggle twice, but suddenly quieted down.

  As soon as the wind blew, the courtyard seemed a bit cold.

   Low laughter sounded from the courtyard: "Little Li, do you miss me?"

  A pair of eyes are as black as ink, as if that glance was actually filled with sarcasm and mockery, and it was not so gloomy as a young girl in the season should have.

    The fifth update is on offer, and the reward of Lihua Yuduo is added. I'm asking for a recommendation ticket...Five more, I will add more tickets tomorrow.



  (End of this chapter)

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