The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 140: She is possessed by evil

  Chapter 140 She was possessed by evil

  Wen Ruzhu was agile when he was a child, and since his mother was burned to death, she has become extremely timid.

  Fear of fire, timid, speak softly.

   Even mostly silent and refused to speak.

  But at this moment, those eyes are frivolous, and the tail of the eyes is closed, and the light in the eyes is actually chilling in my heart.

  The cool tone made Xiao Li's heart jump out.

   is this voice, this is the tune!

  Little Li was bluffed abruptly.

  Little Li hurriedly stood up, and the master chair behind him fell to the ground with a chirp.

   "Quick, quick, it's evil, the evil in her body has come out!" Xiao Li stood up in fright and backed away several steps.

   Seeing those eyes, there was a layer of goose bumps on her body.

  It seems to be back to that day.

   On that day, she entered the door as a filling house. When she was a few years old, she held her mother’s tablet and hid it under her pillow.

   "Little Li, my mother looked at you last night." The young, cold tone and smile, immediately scared her to death.

  Obviously he was still the body that hadn't passed the wind, but anyone could see that they were not the same person.

  This is not the look Wen Ruzhu should have, the tone that she should have.

  Even the hostility in the eyes is frightening.

  Rao was shocked by the Taoist priest. He can be invited by the richest man in the deserted city, and he must have a bit of a brush. But at this moment, the peach wood sword pointed straight at the other side, and the peach wood sword even reached the tip of her nose.

  The other party smiled frivolously. She was obviously tied to a wooden stake, but she didn't show any fear at all.

   "Little Li, are you too quiet to live without me?" The girl's black eyes were like ink, and she was clearly unable to break away from the rope. At this moment, it was a forceful tugging, and the bright red blood flowed down the skin.

  In spite of the pain and the flesh and blood, she broke the rope alive.

   "Bold and evil, don't leave quickly!" The Taoist's complexion changed, and he immediately raised his hand and slashed towards Wen Ruzhu.

  The peach wood sword, under his blessing, was actually shining a bit of cold light.

  This is a thousand-year-old peach wood, which specializes in killing evil spirits.

  His ability to stand firm in the deserted city these years has a great relationship with this thousand-year-old peach wood sword.

  Under his sword, I don’t know how many dead souls were killed.

  The Taoist saw her hands dripping with blood, and she was obviously weak and timid just now. At this moment, she was like a demon, walking in the courtyard. Approaching step by step, the Taoist felt a little uneasy.

  "Master, we must get rid of her. This evil creature has been possessed by my stepdaughter for many years, and it must not be kept! If it succeeds, there must be a thank you!" Xiao Li gritted his teeth, his teeth trembling lightly.

  The Taoist looked fierce, thinking about the ten thousand rewards of silver, and immediately lifted the mahogany sword.

  Fastly chanting something in his mouth, vaguely, I saw dark clouds surging in the sky.

  It seems that a large number of thick fog is emerging, and you can vaguely see thunder.

   "She won't be struck to death by lightning, right? I know this Taoist. When there was no Salvation Palace before, Taoists often eliminated evil." Yang Dianfeng was a little scared, no matter how powerful he was, he was also a seven or eight-year-old child.

  Jiang Huailu frowned: "That's not true. This is the evil sword. It can only kill evil gangsters. If it is used to punish people, it will be backlashed."

  Yang Dianfeng felt something wrong when he listened.

   Can only kill evil spirits? ?

   "Wait, sister Zhuzhu, is there any evil in her body?" That Daoist is engaged in such a big battle............

  Yang Dianfeng looked at her blankly.

   But it is obvious that Wen Ruzhu is a little different from the usual.

  On the contrary, it's a bit more hostile!

   Who said I don’t update? Hahaha, I’m coming... I’m asking for a ticket... I’ll continue to add more updates, thank you Yuduo, thank you Jingwu, etc. for the readers’ rewards... I will thank you one by one after we finish the code.



  (End of this chapter)

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