The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 149: Hanhan put on a look before he died

  Chapter 149 The melancholy poses before death

   "The heart is not old, the world is cold." A Yin sighed quietly.

  This will change the men’s long gown, Ah Yin arrogantly raised his leg and stepped on the stool, it was called a leisurely.

   "It's true that the world is cold." Jiang Huailu's small face was slightly startled, and he looked at her silently.

  The world is cold, and people's hearts are not old.

  You can leave a psychological shadow on the elders.

  I also blamed others for making a fuss.

  This meal was directly eaten until it was dark, and the shop's second child wandered around Ayin back and forth for several laps. Mother, this table is actually finished.

  This is a big customer.

  "Guest, this is our store's card. It can be eaten at half price on the fifteenth day of every month." The restaurant likes this kind of edible, one person can eat one table.

   Jiang Huailu's expression is really hard to describe.

   "I have eaten for so many years, and this is the first time I have eaten it at half price." Yang Dianfeng sighed quietly.

   I squeezed the soft meat around my waist, and I couldn’t eat it. It’s really useless.

  Fortunately, it can help Lulu make money.

  "Wait later, I will buy something to commemorate the undead. Later, can I go to Lulu's house for a temporary stay?" A Yin squatted down and squeezed Jiang Huailu's face.

  He knew Jiang Huailu.

  This child is different from others.

   "Of course." Jiang Huailu's new home has more rooms.

  A Yin smiled and thanked him.

  She wanted to live in an inn, but he would leave her body at any time, and Zhuzhu's aloneness made him worry.

  It’s been a long time since he took over her body.

  It was the first time to take over. At that time, Zhuzhu almost couldn't support it on the mourning hall.

  A Yin was silent, then went to buy some scented paper money, and went to the coffin shop on the corner of the street. The boss was taken aback when he saw her.

  "Boss, can I make the things I ordered three years ago?"

  The boss immediately slapped his forehead and hurriedly carried his things out.

   "I thought you weren't here anymore. I haven't seen you for three years. This head has grown. When I came three years ago, I was thin and small. You gave me the money. I thought you didn't want it anymore."

  The boss actually recognized her.

  Three years ago, she had ordered a slap-sized nanmu coffin, but she left the body in a hurry and didn't take it away in the end.

  A Yin thanked him again and again, and then he took the small coffin and went to the grave.

   "I came to dig the grave in the middle of the night, what did I do. I recognized your two friends..." Yang Dianfeng shoveled the mud recognizing his fate.

  Until a small coffin was dug out, the paint fell off the outside.

   "I left early, my mother couldn't stand the stimulus, and my father was buried in a hurry. The coffin is broken, and there is water leaking inside." A Yin muttered while squatting on the ground, and picked up the small bone.

  Yang Dianfeng trembled with fright.

   "Too inhumane... dig a grave."

   "People dig their own graves, what's wrong, no one cares about breaking the sky." Jiang Huailu will understand this, this is a twin soul.

  Yang Dianfeng took a breath, swallowing drool in fright.

  Own grave?

  Although it hasn't been heard from the outside world, these secrets and their families have heard the wind.

  Wen’s mother-in-law gave birth to twins, but the eldest son was not saved because of the premature delivery.

  This is now?

  Jiang Huailu walked to the mud, the small coffin was already wide open at this moment.

  "Why do you raise your hands to the top of your head, with your feet bent on both sides?" She saw too many dead ghosts, and it was the first time she saw this posture.

  Na Ayin suddenly raised her head shyly: "Um, before I die, I gave myself a look..."

  Always pose to prove that he has been here!

  Jiang Huailu: Niangmaozi. Fortunately, you died early. If you are alive, this show operation is estimated to be one set.

  The stepmother, it is estimated that the door will not be able to enter!

    is another day earlier, please ask for a ticket... please check in, ask for comment, ask for reward, ask for recommendation ticket, what?



  (End of this chapter)

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