The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 150: Willing to be under her

  Chapter 150 Willing to be under her

  A Yin is a completely different person from Wen Ruzhu.

  The strong character Bizhuzhu in her body is completely two extremes.

  Beads are introverted, gentle, always testing the world, and holding a bit of doubt about this world.

  A Yin, but no, she is completely different.

  She dared to love and hate, dared to speak anger and speak, she arrogantly and do whatever she wants. She has the courage to protect her sister.

   "Hey, have you always been in her body?" Xiao Huailu lowered his voice and looked at her.

  Ayin fiddled with the pile of bones, lowered his eyes, and said in a dark tone: "Actually, I have my own body in the mother's womb."

  At that time, he had a little memory of his birth. He still remembered that day his father cried and held him to be buried.

  He is the son of Wen's family, named Wen Ruyin and his younger sister Wen Ruzhu.

  Father’s tears fell on him that day, burning and heartache. Let him have a bit of consciousness, only barely remembering that he should be called Wen Ruyin.

  Later, he slowly left his body, and when he opened it again, he had reached his sister's body.

   "Zhuzhu was innocent and charming when he was a child, not as rigid as he is now."

"After she was one year old, she learned to speak, and she often asked and answered questions and talked to herself by herself. That was when I learned how to communicate, but I didn't know how good it was. I often took her and talked to myself in public. Until she I was taken by my grandmother to drive away evil spirits."

   "On that day Zhuzhu was frightened, so she didn't dare to speak for a long time. She didn't dare to say that she had a brother named Ruyin, so she became reticent."

  A Yin changed the posture of the skeleton, paused, and assumed a difficult posture.

  Thinking about it, and then stretched out **** again.

  When you come to this world, you always have to remember something.

  If someone steals his tomb in the future, it will also give the other person a good impression.

"At that time, my mother was gentle and often guided Zhuzhu. I was silly at that time, knowing that I couldn't see the light. I was afraid that I was living in the shadows in this life, and there was some silence, so I seldom contact with Zhuzhu." Every year on Zhuzhu's birthday, his mother would cry, and he did not dare to take Zhuzhu's body.

  He knew that his sister had been secretly scolded by someone, so he didn't dare to fool around.

   "Until the age of three, when her mother died in the fire, Zhuzhu was shocked. She fell on the ground and didn't know how to avoid it, but I broke free and regained her body..." As he said, A Yin actually laughed.

  That smile, there was a bit of water in his eyes.

   "Guess, I just looked up at her. She knew I was not Zhuzhu."

  He called his mother, Yin Yin missed you.

  The young woman shed tears on the spot, and laughed as she was burned by the fire. Until she threw her out of the boathouse surrounded by fire on all sides.

"After that, Zhuzhu was a little bit wrong and didn't like to communicate with the outside world. As a child, he was extremely hysterical and hated Master Wen and Xiao Li. In the past few years, under the background of the pair of dragons and phoenixes, Zhuzhu has become more and more involved in her own. Thoughts can't come out." He was anxious now, and robbed his body several times. Every time Zhuzhu is troubled by not eating or drinking.

  Jiang Huailu looked at her, as if looking away through this face.

  So, he has never seen sunshine since he was born, and has never enjoyed the beauty of this world. I have never experienced family affection, so it's no wonder that he always acts with a bit of recklessness.

  But such a person, born in the dark, is still bright.

  If you were born in Wen's family, the future will definitely be Long Ao nine days, extraordinary.

  "Are you resentful?" Jiang Huailu suddenly asked as he watched him bury the coffin again.

  (End of this chapter)

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