The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1571: Be the son of man and be the king

  Chapter 1571 The Son of Man is the King

When Lulu came down, King Ren raised his head and glanced.

  Lulu heaved a sigh of relief when he saw the relief in his eyes.

  The children laughed and split the mutton, Lulu sat by the fire, and Aze was beside him.

  Lulu is still youthful and beautiful, with the majesty of a **** on his body.

  And her eldest son is already very old, and even a few years later, he will go to reincarnation.

  The past three years have all been gifts from the world master.

  She always dare not face this child, and she cannot make up for her debt to this child.

  To the world, he is a saint with a great commission.

  For myself, it can only be with me for a hundred years.

  All of her children have endless lifespans, but Aze is the only one who must obey the various states of birth, old age, sickness and death.

  She didn't even dare to face him.

  She thought she looked away, but every time she saw her eldest son with white hair, she still couldn’t help feeling sad.

  Aze handed over a piece of lamb leg.

   "I heard that my mother likes meat the most."

  Lulu's cheeks are reddish, Tiandao loves to eat meat, it is a bit embarrassing to spread it out.

  I was very honest, and quickly took over the roast leg of lamb.

  Bigger than her face, shiny golden, oily, and sprinkled with chili noodles.

  After Lulu finished the roast leg of lamb, Aze handed over another cup of fruit tea.

   "Why don't you eat, grandfather?" Xiaohuangsun asked when he came over.

  Ren Wang said frankly: "The emperor's grandfather wants to keep his teeth." He is not young now, and God blesses his teeth to stand until now.

  Lulu's figure paused.

  Everything is constantly reminding her that her son is about to leave.

  "Then I will give my grandfather short mutton soup."

  The little guy ran away on short legs.

  Lulu narrowed her eyebrows slightly, her eyes showing tenderness.

  "As the king of the world, I have something to say to the Taoist master." The king of humans looked at her with a fixed look.

  Lulu slightly straightened up.

  "The peace of the three realms is hard-won. The world is working hard to cultivate and keep up with the footsteps of the gods. The two worlds of demons and monsters are also unified. I also hope that the Taoist can restrain the gods and do not want to waste aura."

  "Foresee that in the dream, the future generations will be difficult to practice, and there will be no one who can practice. The glory of today will no longer be restored."

   "The lives of the three realms are tied to the body of the Taoist. I also hope that the Taoist can support this sky and protect this world."

  Lulu nodded solemnly.

  Ren Wang finished speaking, and smiled suddenly.

  "As a son of man, my son has something to say."

  Lulu's eyes shook slightly, and he saw him saying: "The power of the world master is extremely powerful, and his mother is just a small world bred by it. This difficult and dangerous situation, if..."

   "If you can, I hope my mother will protect myself first."

  As the lord of the world, he hopes that the way of heaven can coexist and die with the Three Realms.

  As a son, he wants his mother to be selfish.

   "The son enjoys birth, old age, sickness and death, and the fireworks in the world. Every reincarnation is a new beginning for the son. The mother does not need to feel guilty for the son."

   "My son doesn't like long and boring days, he likes the brilliant and short-lived fireworks. If this can bring light to the world, that would be even better."

  Yes, his life is short, but extremely brilliant.

  It is difficult for outsiders to copy.

  Almost no one can surpass.

  His existence has brought light to the mortal world.

   "The son is very calm in the face of reincarnation, and I hope that the mother is the same. I also hope that the mother, don't worry about the next life of the son."

  The deer’s lips and horns are pressed tightly.

  She knew that her son hoped that she would not interfere in his next life.

  He is more open than he can see.

  (End of this chapter)

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