The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 1572: The situation is grim

  Chapter 1572 The situation is grim

  She even thought that the eldest son entered the reincarnation, and she would re-contact him with every opportunity.

   but didn't want to, he knew before he had time to do anything.

   also, he can unite the world and possess a seven-orifice exquisite heart, how can he be concealed from him?

  Renwang looked clear.

   "Actually, why should mother feel guilty."

   "To say, it is the son who has the advantage."

"In my son's dream, the Three Realms is about to usher in a great upheaval. In the future, all the burdens will be placed on the mother and sister, as well as the shoulders of many gods. On the contrary, the son, as the saint emperor, enjoys the joy of his life and walks happily. In the face of unknown pressure and fear, is this not a good thing?"

  Lulu took a deep breath, she knew that what her son said was the truth.

  If something goes wrong, maybe everyone will be destroyed.

  I'm afraid it will be extremely painful to walk.

  Leave in endless fear and despair.

  It is a blessing to be able to reincarnate safely now.

  Ren Wang’s lips smiled. In fact, he was most worried about his mother, unable to accept his death.

  She is a god, but as a mother, he has never doubted her love for herself.

  I was also afraid that her mother would do irreparable things and put her in a dangerous situation.

  The Three Realms are too dangerous, and my mother can't take a wrong step.

  The mother and son have lost the heavy pressure in their hearts, but they have lived an ordinary life in the mortal world.

  Lulu lived in the mortal world for three years. On the day when the king was about to leave, he held his hand as if he was a child.

  Clearly knowing that her son will re-enter the reincarnation sooner or later, until this day, she still cannot control herself.

  Countless rays of sunlight fell, and the gods came down to pick him up into reincarnation.

On the same day, Jinniang also passed away at the same time.

  Renwang's soul was separated, and seeing his mother a drop of clear tears, he nodded to his father, and walked into the glow of the glow hand in hand with Jinniang.

  His life is short but brilliant, enough to be remembered by the world.

  The King of Humanity passed away, and the mortal grief was extremely sorrowful. All the people consciously became vegetarians and enshrined the King’s tablet at home.

   Suddenly, the whole country was in grief.

  The emperor had abdicated to the twelve-year-old prince, and the new emperor ascended the throne and led the civil and military officials to stop the court for seven days.

  Day by day, the court resumed its former prosperity.

  Gradually dispelled the sadness of the Saint Emperor's departure.

  "Sir Shi, your wife is going to give birth again? But she gave birth to a girl? This has been born for decades, why doesn't your Shi family have a girl."

  As soon as he went down, everyone saw the young Shi-sama hurriedly walking out.

  Speaking of it, everyone couldn't help laughing.

  No one knows the luck of Shi's family. It's been three generations, but it's a girl.

  Unique son.

   Adult Shi looked embarrassed, and now there are several wives and concubines in Shi’s family, and there is no girl in sight.

   is also strange.

   "Hey, this winter is getting colder. It is getting colder year by year, and even the jackets are not cold. The same jackets, who were dressed very warmly a few years ago, feel ventilated now."

   "I don't know how many people will freeze to death again. Today's winter, it is a test." The ground has been frozen, and a thick layer of ice has condensed, and the palace shovel can't win.

  The most disturbing thing is that there are fewer and fewer children with spiritual roots nowadays.

  Chaoxianmen has developed rapidly over the years, and it has only been established a hundred years ago, and it is already one of the best sects in the Three Realms.

  In the past two years, the number of disciples that Chaoxianmen can recruit has decreased.

  (End of this chapter)

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