The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 198: Assassinate

  Chapter 198 Assassination

  No one knows why His Royal Highness Lu Huaijiang was in a coma.

  Why wake up again.

  The entire Taiyuan Hospital could not find the cause.

  The eldest prince had even found the imperial doctor who treated his highness several times in private. Whether it was threatening or temptation, the imperial doctor all insisted that the prince was in a coma for no reason, and he was awakened for no reason.

  Some people even approached the master of Huguo Temple.

  Master only put his hands together: "Everything has its own providence."

  No matter what you say, Lu Huaijiang’s waking up confirms a sentence, which is a thousand years of harm.

  Especially when he jumped out of the coma this time, it was all bad luck.

  In the early morning of the second day, Minghuang's curtain set out from outside the palace gate.

  The people all knelt on both sides tremblingly, not daring to lift their heads.

  Emperor’s chariots and horses go ahead, the prince, and then the prince.

  The mighty imperial forest army guards strictly, guarding the scene comprehensively.

  Lu Huaijiang was riding a tall horse, wearing a white cloak, his hair raised high, and his sword eyebrows condensed.

  Anyone who sees this young man must give a sigh of admiration, Haoerlang.

   Partial life, the life and death power he holds can control the world, and no one dares to covet it.

  A sudden, sudden change.

  I saw a few cold light suddenly flashed from the kneeling crowd.

  Cold light appeared, and countless assassins appeared in all directions.

   "Assassin, assassin! There is an assassin, please protect the driver!" The **** who was in front of the emperor's sedan chair screamed sharply, holding Buddha's dust in front of the emperor, panicked.

  Rao is the emperor's pale face, and he has grasped the empress who is also pale face next to him.

  The Royal Forest Army guarded his Majesty one after another.

   "Bold Rebel!" The Emperor shouted sharply, looking at the gleaming sword tip.

  I saw...

  The assassin holding a long knife actually leaped straight past the emperor and stabbed towards Lu Huaijiang on the horse.


   "You have a vicious heart at a young age, you are not worthy of being the king, you are not worthy of being the emperor!"

   "There is no world in your heart, no people, you are not worthy to be a prince!"

   "God has no eyes, why do you want you to wake up, why do you want you to wake up!"

  The red-eyed assassins headed towards Lu Huaijiang one after another. Lu Huaijiang was riding on the horse, his brows were not moving. The snow-white boy has picturesque eyebrows, his eyes are calm, and there is no wave on his face.

  As the assassin approached him, he saw countless cold arrows shot from the surrounding area.

  Swish swish...

  The assassins fell in front of him one by one.

   fell under his horse.

With a bang, the tip of the knife fell to the ground, and the assassin was shot into a sieve.

  The people fled in panic, but they were all guarded by the imperial forest army.

  For a moment, the assassin's corpses were everywhere.

  The assassin who fell at the feet of Lu Huaijiang, vomiting blood, an arrow pierced his back to his chest. He also tried to get the hilt of the knife that fell to the ground: " can't, so you die. You, there will be retribution..."

   "Your Majesty has no eyes, wrong belief... Devil."

  Lu Huaijiang looked at the assassin high, his lips twitched slightly.

  "Come here, look into it thoroughly. I don't leave a trace of blood to the Nine Clan." The tone is indifferent, as if just killing a cat.

   Quietly, the dark guard who came out from nowhere took the assassin away.

  The eldest prince saw the group of people, and his eyes fell lightly.

The prince    has a team in front of him, whose name is Tianjue.

  Kill until the end of the sky.

  In their hands, no one has ever been able to come out alive. They performed all the ugly tasks for the prince, and only obeyed the prince's orders.

   "This palace has been assassinated countless times a year, making the emperor laugh." The prince nodded slightly at the eldest prince. Hearing that sentence of assassinations countless times, the prince's eyelids jumped sharply.

  How many times were his people, it is unknown.

  (End of this chapter)

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