The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 199: Master Yixu

  Chapter 199 Master Yixu

  Blood everywhere outside the palace gate.

  It just follows the flushing with clean water, and nothing seems to have happened.

  Another assassination of His Royal Highness Lu Huaijiang failed.

  His Royal Highness rode a horse on the street, as if nothing had ever happened.

  The eldest prince saw that he was so indifferent, and his heart was faintly cold. This younger brother, this younger brother shouldn't exist.

  I only blame him for not being ruthless.

  At that time, he was very beautiful. At that time, he was the only candidate for the crown prince, and he was very supportive in the court. He didn't bother to do things like that, and he didn't bother to look at him who hadn't been born at that time.

  If there is another chance, he will definitely not let him be born.

  At this moment, he is walking beside him, and the eldest prince must try his best to control, to force himself to push him down.

  If he grows up, what will it look like?

  Now, he is less than twelve.

  "Yian should be more careful in the future. This assassin doesn't look like he's going to let go. Why do they want to assassinate His Royal Highness?" The prince is gentle, so gentle, and full of concern.

  So, he was left Beijing by Fengxian King.

  Xian Wang, is the word that concubine Lin Gui knelt all night begging for.

  It was a joke from the seven-year-old His Royal Highness, Xian Wang Xian Wang.

  If you really agree with this idle word, I am afraid that the eldest prince will have no hope of that supreme position in this life.

Concubine Lin knelt all night before begging your majesty for a good king.

  Lu Huaijiang raised his brows: "They are the wicked sons, and this palace is the monarch. Why does this palace know their thoughts?"

   "If the heart of the palace is different, kill it."

  Lu Huaijiang has frivolous brows, as if deliberately provoking.

The prince coughed slightly: "You, it's still such nonsense. The saint has a cloud, and the people who win the hearts of the people win the world. Look, your Royal Highness has been in a coma for three months, if you win people's hearts, your Royal Highness will not be so troublesome." , When you are in a coma, the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty have made a small calculation.

  To mock him is unpopular.

  Lu Huaijiang was not angry at all, and even looked at the prince with a smile.

   "Actually, if I wake up or not, the ending will not change."

   "You think this palace has to stand here in order to hold down the Xiao Xiaoxiao? Then you look down on this palace too much." Lu Huaijiang laughed lowly.

  "You should be grateful. Fortunately, this palace woke up in time." Lu Huaijiang lowered his voice, pulled the reins, and the horse leaned against the prince.

  "You, Master Lin and..." Lu Huaijiang read a series of names, and every time he reads one, the prince's face becomes a little ugly.

   "If you really think that you are in a coma in your home house, you can take advantage of it? Really a joke."

"If this palace does not wake up one day, you dare to act rashly, you will be killed on the spot! The things in this palace, unless the palace discards, it is destroyed, no one wants it!" Lu Huaijiang drove the horse. Quietly left.

  The prince's face was pale, and he changed several times, carefully looking at the left and right sides.

   gritted his teeth with hatred, looking at the figure walking away, his eyes dark.

  When a group of people arrived at the Temple of Heaven, it was exactly noon.

  The abbot of Huguo Temple had been waiting here, and seeing the arrival of the royal honor guard, he put his hands together in a salute.

  "Master Yixu please get up soon. The master has been ignoring the affairs of the world for many years. He can preside over this sacrifice ceremony for me, but I am not." The emperor knew Master Yixu, and was very polite to Master Yixu.

  Master Yixu bowed and said Amitabha.

   instead looked at His Royal Highness.

The prince    also happened to look at him.

  (End of this chapter)

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