The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 200: Capture Jiang Lu

  Chapter 200 Capture Jiang Lu

  To worship the heaven, the emperor and queen will comfort him.

  Master Yixu stood beside the prince, his face cold.

  "The poor monk sees that the color underneath the temple is unusual. His Highness can see the hit person?" Master Yixu folded his hands together, his tone was very firm.

  His Royal Highness Lu Huaijiang had already guessed the identity of Jiang Lu, I am afraid it was the person who hit him in a false mouth.

   "Did you say that she lost the palace several times?" Lu Huaijiang sneered, just such a short, short fat man, can he lose the palace?

  "The world died for her." Master Yixu smiled.

  Lu Huaijiang's face worsened: "That palace had a bad vision in his previous life."

  Master Yixu laughed and said nothing, OK, you have the final say.

  Lu Huaijiang's face was dark and ugly: "So, it is because of her that my palace is in a coma? What's the explanation for this palace in this life?"

  Master Yixu puts his hands together, his tone is more relaxed.

   "Pet her, love her, protect her, and have her in my heart." Everything can be solved by her.

  Lu Huaijiang sneered at this, wishing that he could roll his eyes.

   sneered disdainfully, still petting her and loving her, do you want her to be wild on your forehead?

  He Lu Huaijiang will never have that day!

"Your Highness can give it a try if you don't believe it, but whenever she needs His Highness, His Highness will appear in front of her. No matter when, no matter where you are. Your Highness just give it a try." Master Yixu's complexion remained calm, but Lu Huaijiang had a calm face, ruthlessly. Glancing at him harshly.

   only pondered in his heart, and found the person secretly, as long as she was removed, it would be a hundred.

  At this moment, it was His Royal Highness's turn to chant the prayers for heaven, and Lu Huaijiang walked onto the platform for offering sacrifice to heaven.

  The Zhilan Yushu, born by His Royal Highness Prince, is exquisitely graceful. If it is not bloodthirsty and easy to kill, it is definitely an extremely attractive existence.

  Standing on the high platform at the moment, reading the sacrificial text, countless people secretly looked at him.

  The sun above the head is so dazzling.

  Master Yixu folded his hands together, and said in a low voice: "The monk does not slander, live for her, die for her, and bang for her against the wall."

  After speaking, I don’t know when I withdrew from the crowd.

   And at this moment, His Royal Highness, who was reading the sacrificial text, suddenly thought of the difference between Yin and Yang in his mind.

  There are countless deer in this world.

  There are also countless halls of salvation.

  But there is only one difference between Yin and Yang!

  Only one place!

  She is in the deserted capital, she is in the deserted capital!

  She is in the forgotten lost land, the city of exile!

  Lu Huaijiang's eyes widened suddenly, and the sacrificial text in his hand tightened slightly. He actually forgot such an important thing.

  The corner of Lu Huaijiang’s mouth evokes a wicked smile, small and short, it’s not to blame for this palace to find you first!

  When this palace is a ghost, you can't help but now, you can't help it.

  After reciting the sacrificial text, Lu Huaijiang clicked, threw the prayer papers, and hurriedly descended to the high platform.

   "Jiang Lu, this time it's up to you to run away!"

  His Royal Highness, who has always been calm and unmoved by foreign affairs, has a bit of rush.

   just turned around, and in his ear, he seemed to hear the cry from the sky again.

   "Brother Lu Jiang, come back soon..." A whispered voice in his ear, like a muttering in casual utterance. The tone is arrogant and innocent.

  Lu Huai Jiang made a masterpiece, and the long-lost tearing came again.

   A violent force tore his soul, trying to separate him from the body.

  Lu Huaijiang bit his teeth with hatred, and his eyes are flushed. Ciao, you are so short, my palace can't spare you!

  Everyone watched. Lu Huaijiang stood there with red ears and red ears. After a short while, he fell straight on the ground.


  As soon as he opened his eyes, he stood in front of the Salvation Hall again.

   Just when he guessed that Jiang Lu was about to catch her, he fell into her hands.

  You **** bastard!

   Please ask for a ticket... Chuanchuan is on the shelves more frequently, the more free recommended tickets, the better, don’t recommend a ticket after it’s on the shelves, you need a monthly ticket... Everyone.



  (End of this chapter)

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