The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 201: I miss you so much, brother

  Chapter 201 I miss you so much, brother

  Jiang Huailu holds a coarse porcelain bowl in his hand, and there is still a chicken wing in the bowl.

  The little girl squatted on the threshold of the Salvation Hall with a bowl, whispering: "Brother Lu Jiang, I miss you so much. Come back soon, you..."

  As soon as she finished speaking, in front of the main hall, a young man dressed in white quietly looked at her.


  The half of the chicken wing in his mouth fell on the ground, Jiang Huailu stared at him blankly.

   "I won't be daydreaming, am I? Brother Lu Jiang has gone home." After speaking, he stretched out his fat little fist and rubbed his eyes. He mumbled: "Brother Lu Jiang doesn't want Lulu? It's been almost a month..."

  Lu Huaijiang's face was green.

  So, what did you tell me to come back for?

  Just because she just thought of it casually?

  Lu Huaijiang's forehead blue veins jumped violently, almost uncontrollable.

  Lu Huai Jiang was angry, angry, he was only a little too close, only a little too close to catch this dead girl. You can control her, and you can control the Palace of Salvation! !

   only so little!

  Just one point!

  He insisted to prove it to a lie, he held the look of this dead girl.

  哧, she also lived and died for her, life after life was damaged in her hands.

  Lu Huaijiang almost sniffed.

  Lu Huaijiang looked at Jiang Lu with extremely picky sunlight. The mother is a short nest, just such a short stump?

  Round and round, the chin has a few twin chins, and the eyes are big and bright. But that cheek looked very fleshy, and I was afraid it would be very comfortable to pinch it.

  Lu Huaijiang's mouth curled, can he look at Jiang Lu?

   "Shudun Dun, thinking of me like this, do you miss me?" Lu Huaijiang hugged her hands and looked at her condescendingly. Standing in front of her, she seemed to be able to smell a few delicate scents.

   Jiang Huailu's eyes lit up, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes.

  I have to say that this bit of surprise pleased Lu Huaijiang.

  At any rate, it’s not that it’s not that discouraged.

   "Brother Lu Jiang, are you back?" Jiang Huailu dropped the bowl, and immediately rushed up to hold Lu Huaijiang, rushing into his arms, making him almost unable to stand.

"Brother Lu Jiang, are you going home? Are you dead? Are you buried? Why are you back again? Are you reluctant to bear the deer?" Jiang Huailu rushed over like a small cannonball, Lu Huaijiang I didn't want to stretch out her hand, but when she saw her excited face flushed, she stretched out her hand lazily.

   "Well, I'm going home. I haven't died, I haven't buried it yet." As for why he came back again? Your uncle didn't know it in his heart?

  Lu Huai Jiangpi smiles and does not smile.

   "Brother Lu Jiang, why did you suddenly disappear last time? Did your family call souls? You have to thank them. If you are later, you will really not be able to regain your soul." Jiang Huailu eagerly asked.

  But did not find Lu Huaijiang looking at her quietly, his eyes full of sadness.

  The roots of the ears are still slightly red.

  Why is he suddenly powerful? It's not because she suddenly hit the cheek.

   "Brother Lu Jiang, Lulu misses you so much." Xiao Huailu's voice was low and muttered a bit, but Lu Huaijiang was full of depression for a moment, and was gently smoothed.

  As the two of them were talking, they heard a slight tapping at the door of the hall.

  Jiang Huailu broke free from Lu Jiang's arms, the hair on his little head was fluffy, lying in Lu Jiang's arms and paddling his feet before looking out the door.

  I saw a girl with disabled eyes and scars on her face crawling outside the hall.

  Ragged clothes, rags, and no longing for the future.

  The broken bowl in his hand gently tapped the ground, and the pilgrims in the past would throw a few copper plates to her.

  Jiang Huailu paused and pushed Lu Jiang away. Lu Jiang only felt that his arms were empty, and he curled his lips.

   , menstrual period, stomach pain, heart congestion. I've been lying down for a day, so unlucky. It didn’t hurt before... I’m asking for a ticket.



  (End of this chapter)

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