Chapter 202 Signing

   Jiang Huailu stepped on the offering table with his feet on his feet, and took a few tribute fruits.

   Granny Zhu saw it, just as if she didn't see anything.

   Anyways, these things were originally enshrined to her.

  "To your little sister. This is the tribute fruit. If you eat it, you will be blessed." Xiao Huailu looked at her compassionately. The girl couldn't see her eyes, she only took it with her hands, and then lowered her head and started chewing.

  The moment he lowered his head, he seemed to be able to see the original beautiful face.

   "Lulu, come back soon. These little beggars are all taken care of." Granny Zhu stepped forward and respectfully led Lulu back into the hall.

"This famine is always chaotic. Because people have been exiled, there is no hope, no restraint, and they have gone down the evil road. In our famine, children and girls are often lost, and those that can be sold are sold. Those who went out became disabled and came out to beg."

"This girl is looking at it. You, don't involve too much. You have to grow up well." Granny Zhu whispered, you, the mission in this life is to grow up well and save the people from the water and fire. .

  At exactly this moment, a woman in Tsing Yi brought scented wax paper money to pay tribute.

  The moment Jiang Huailu and the woman met each other, both of them were shocked.

  Isn’t this the Sister Li? The woman who tried to kidnap Jiang Huailu at the foot of the Temple of Salvation last time?

  Sister Li was startled when she saw Jiang Huailu, her expression a little embarrassed.

  I saw the girl begging at the door again, glanced at her, and she saw a man standing under the wishing tree in the distance.

  This girl was brought back by her. She was strong and went on a hunger strike for three days and three nights.

  Sister Li pretended that nothing had happened before, smiling and putting the food box in front of the offering table.

   "Mother-in-law, believer is here to make a wish." Sister Li smiled.

  Mr.Zhu smiled and handed the lottery: "Let’s ask for a lottery first, I remember you come here once a month. You will win the lottery back and forth, and it’s not bad news if it doesn’t go up or down."

  Sister Li nodded: “As long as she can still live in this world, it’s not a bad thing. There will always be one day we can meet each other.”

  The lotus in his hand had not been shaken, Jiang Huailu looked at her with pity.

"You don't have to ask. It must be signed. Do you remember what I said to you? Be kind to others, if you are good, you won't be where you are now." Xiao Huailu mentioned her at the time. One sentence.

  Sister Li frowned: "You kid, don't talk nonsense. Bah, bah, and Tong Yan Wuji!"

   After speaking, he gave Jiang Huailu a fierce look, and then reverently shook the swatches.

  Jiang Huailu shook his head while muttering: "If you do more unrighteousness, you will die. I told you a long time ago, but you didn't listen."


  A sign jumped out.

  Mr.Zhu glanced at her master, and went forward to take the sign. The red sign made Sister Li's face changed drastically.

"How could this be? I have been winning the lottery for three years, so how can I suddenly get the lottery? But what happened to my daughter? Why did the heavens torture us so much that we should be separated." The woman sank to the ground. Sadness and tears.

"The crowd looked for him a thousand times. Suddenly looking back, the person was there, in a dimly lit place. This have already seen it? You just missed each other because you missed it." Mother Zhu gave a cry and looked surprised. Signed.

  Sister Li looked at her blankly.

  Jiang Huailu sat cross-legged on the futon, holding his chin in both hands: "Don't find it anymore. It only increases sorrow." Jiang Huailu rarely feels soft, but it is rare to say something at this moment.

  Lu Jiang sat next to her, playing with her soft fingers.

  It's so soft, soft.

  (End of this chapter)

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