The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 203: Laozi's background is the best in the world

  Chapter 203 Lao Tzu's background is number one in the world

  "What do you know? Don't search for a word, do you want us to be separated?" The woman cried loudly.

"I was from my father at home and married from my husband. The husband is not a good thing, and sold me into the kiln. I only hope that he can treat my two-year-old daughter kindly. Give it to him, and beg him to be kind to the child."

   "But what about him, but what about him! My poor boy was actually lost by him at the gambling table, lost!"

   "I have been searching for more than ten years, and have been searching for more than ten years. I don't know where she is suffering..." The woman in Tsing Yi was full of resentment.

  Jiang Huailu coolly said: "Then you must be so cruel to kidnap someone else's girl? I have persuaded you early, and there is still a glimmer of hope. You have experienced the pain of losing a daughter, and want others to try it too?

  The woman covered her face in pain, pitiful and hateful.

  She hates, she hates.

  She killed her ex-husband, she escaped from the brothel and became a kidnapper. I look for my daughter every day, and abduct other people’s daughters every day. The injuries she has suffered have also been experienced by countless mothers.

   "I'm a woman, what can I do? I can abduct people for them and ask about my own children. What can I do?" The woman slumped on the ground, dizzy in front of her eyes.

   "Have I already met her? Have I missed her? Is she okay?" the woman whispered.

  Mr.Zhu's complexion has never been good since she discovered that she had also committed kidnapping.

"Do you think she is good? You are a kidnapper, and the woman you met, the woman in your hands, have you ever lived? A woman who has a relationship with you and met, are you sure she is not one of the women you abducted? "" Granny Zhu shouted sharply, and then stood up.

  "Please. The Hall of Salvation does not welcome you. The savior acts voluntarily, loves the world, and does not like you." Pointing outside the door.

  The woman was pale.

   Suddenly, I don't know what I thought of, screamed on the spot, and rushed towards the door like crazy.

   Granny Zhu broke into a bite: "I thought she was a good one, she was actually doing this kind of conscientious deeds! I had known this, so I shot her out!" Forcing Liang to be a prostitute and kidnapping her child is a serious sin.

"Causal reincarnation, retribution is unhappy. She has already received the greatest punishment..." Jiang Huailu looked at the girl under the wishing tree who could no longer stand up straight and could no longer see the sun. Sister Li was standing not far from her, silent. Weeping in horror.

   Granny Zhu was taken aback suddenly.

   "That girl?"

   "Yes, it is her dearest relative." Jiang Huailu ignored it after she said it. She had already given the opportunity, but she had never seized it.

   Granny Zhu sighed softly and looked outside the door.

  Separation of close relatives is not terrible. What's terrible is that all the suffering she suffered was given by you.

  At that time, she saw at a glance that her flesh and blood had arrived, and then she persuaded her to be kind.

  Jiang Huailu has never been a savior without a bottom line. Her godmother was kidnapped by the morality of the world when she first created the world. She naturally has to learn from the original lesson.

  She, but she has a backstage.

   Ganniang said, the background is also her ability. Humph.

  Whoever dissatisfied, anyone should go to the backstage, anyway, no one can be bigger than her backstage.

  The sky and the earth are big, and the **** is the biggest.

  I'm the number one backstage in the world, huh!

  The little girl shrugged her nose proudly, her hands on hips, Lu Huaijiang looked at her playfully.

  Round and chubby, I am afraid that my eyes are blind to see her?

  This is eleven this year, and she is four years old this year.

  The palace is fifteen, she is only eight years old.

  Waiting for her fifteen and ten, my palace is twenty-two.

  Is this palace still able to protect her like a jade for 11 years?

  Lu Huaijiang curled his lips in disdain, what a joke.

    The lower abdomen is uncomfortable, Chuanchuan went to bed early today and rested for a while. Ask for a recommendation ticket. The last round of PK will start on Friday, and the clearance will be on the shelves... Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty... How many do you guess?



  (End of this chapter)

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