The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 398: Guard against the prince

  Chapter 398 Guard against the prince

  The three aunts of the Xia family are extremely gentle.

  I am like a sister to Xia.

  Xia’s temperament was better when he was not yet married. Get along with the three sister-in-law.

  I am now a parent, and I feel sorry for her suffering at Jiang’s family, and naturally the more I feel sorry for her.

"In the evening, I will have dinner in the middle hall, and someone will be invited. If I am not awake, I will send someone to the small courtyard to warm up. You don't have to come to please peace. This is your home, so you don't need to be too cautious." Very kind, put Lulu on the bed and secretly kissed him before coming out.

  Xia nodded, eyebrows a little worried: "His Royal Highness and the Xia Family..."

  The three aunts smiled: "It's all men's business. What are our wives worry about. Don't be afraid, there are men in our family."

  After speaking, he left.

  Xia’s sitting in the house, the little girl burned the palm-sized purple sand teapot on the table with a small stove.

   has everything available, always keeping everything about her.

  Tao Zhi is Lulu's personal maid, so she went out to inquire about it. That girl was always exquisite and talkative, and she became acquainted with people inadvertently.

  Not long after, Tao Zhi came back.

  Taoji sighed when he entered the door.

  "Madam, since several uncles and wives are unwilling to tell you, you don't have to ask. They are hiding it, they want to come for a reason." The little maid looked embarrassed and a little bit unbearable.

  But seeing Xia’s face slightly stern, he said: "I'm afraid, it's your business."

   "The Jiang family was convicted of copying and cutting, and the three masters and grandfather of the Xia family all knelt in front of the temple to petition, and His Highness avoided ignore."

   "Several masters went to beg your majesty in a hurry. Your majesty seemed to have reprimanded your majesty, and the Jiang family was sentenced to exile."

"But the Xia family and His Royal Highness are feuding. Although His Royal Highness did not clearly suppress him, he secretly made a lot of gaps with the Xia family. Last year, he sought to send the two sons of the Xia family to remote areas as county officials. Back to Beijing."

  Tao Zhiben wanted to say that the two sons who were released, the young lady in the house had quite complaints against her.

   But after all, I endured it without saying.

Xia's lips trembled lightly, holding back tears: "I am not sensible, so my father and brother are worrying about it. It also hurts the family." Xia now realizes how stupid he is, and abandoning his relatives for such a man, something happened for her. But only relatives are running.

   "On the day of the Jiang family's exile, the three masters also hid in the crowd to see them off. And at that time, they were also accused by His Highness's stick, who came with lame legs." Tao Zhi whispered.

  The Xia clan finally couldn't help but cried.

   lay down on the bed and cried and fell asleep.

  I slept very deeply, probably...

  After returning from them, the Xia family ordered the servants of the mansion to act lightly, not to awaken the girl who had returned from the mansion for a long time.

  At night, Father Xia came back from the palace in a hurry.

   "Where is Yurong?"

  The old lady happened to have dinner and wiped the corners of her mouth: "Let them rest. After walking on the road for two months, I'm afraid the bones will be scattered."

   "Get up early tomorrow and go to the East Palace to teach you the rules a few times. Don't let him find a handle. You also protect them."

"Yunze should also think of a way. Yunze's wife has sent letters several times, crying out that it's not easy there. In the border area, she is a young lady with the ancestors of the world, how can she stand it." The old lady Meiyu was a little displeased, but Did not say anything.

   Yunze is the eldest son of Dafang, and Yunyan is the second son.

   Yunze is the grandson of Xia’s family and will inherit the Xia family in the future. The daughter-in-law who was married was also a good match, so she would have been arrogant and indulgent. After giving birth to her son, she became more arrogant.

  I don’t know how many times I scolded in secret because of the release.

  The old man nodded in a deep voice, and it was not until child time that the Xia family turned off the lights.

  (End of this chapter)

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