The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 399: Go to the East Palace to meet

  Chapter 399 See you at the East Palace

  Lulu was awakened by the aroma of the food.

  Opening his eyes, I saw Tao Zhi holding a bowl of steaming wonton standing on the bedside.

   also looked at the Xia's maid with a sad expression.

"Let's just talk about the slave and maid. Our girl doesn't want to be fooled. Just serve a bowl of delicious food, and she will get up in a hurry. She will never be wronged by this bowl of wontons." Taozhi did a hundred tricks. Try Braun.

   "Lady Lulu is so nice to serve, the young master is not good enough, she has to lose her temper every day when she goes to the college. People are scared." The young master is the only son of the three rooms, and is now attending school at the Imperial College.

  At this moment, Taozhi is swiftly waiting for the deer to wash, soft and soft like a clay figure.

  A face is flushed from sleep, and it looks like it's not awake, looking extraordinarily cute.

When Xia took her out, she still looked drowsy. But she was so awake when she was eating in the morning!

  "Uncle, uncle, uncle, uncle, grandfather..." a soft voice sounded.

  The eldest uncle is an official in the dynasty, the second uncle is in business, and the third uncle is a talented master.

   But they are all quite talented people in Beijing.

  The three uncles were shocked when they saw her articulate, clear eyes, and so exquisite.

  They knew that the younger daughter was extremely dull when she was born because of her sister's dystocia.

  After going to Huangdu, I became sober.

  They only thought it was only normal.

  It turned out to be such an outstanding child.

   "Good boy, good boy. I will be next to my uncle, don't be afraid, my uncle will take care of you." Uncle's heart is about to change, his daughter is dignified and virtuous, like a small adult since childhood.

  Now I see Ruan Ruan Nuo's niece who is full of milky milk, so I don’t feel soft-hearted.

   "Lulu will follow his uncle." Xiaolulu raised his head, full of dependence.

  Old man Xia glanced at her, then glanced at her again, Lu Lu walked up to his grandfather with comprehension.

   got in the same carriage with his grandfather.

   "Our family has a bit of grievances with His Highness. His Highness will probably ignore us when we salute, and it won't matter if I kneel for a while." My grandfather put a soft cloth on her knees.

  It’s winter, don’t freeze it.

  They are used to kneeling anyway, but Lulu's body is delicate and weak, that's not good.

   "Knowing grandfather, Lulu will be obedient and will not run around or offend him. I will salute him if I see him, and I will certainly not offend him." Xiaolulu sat upright, assures him like an adult.

  The eldest uncle laughed straight at the sight.

   touched the thick cotton cloth on his knees, feeling full of guiltyness.

  The group of people first arrived in front of the palace gate. At this moment, many ministers were standing in front of the palace gate. Master Yang Cong led his wife and children, Master Wen led Wen Ruyin, and the Zheng family and other people.

  Everyone got out of the carriage and greeted a few words. After a while, they heard the **** in the palace come out to reply.

"Your Majesty knows the minds of the adults, but your Majesty has caught the wind and cold today, so he won't call a few adults. It's when you enter the palace together at the New Year's palace banquet." The eunuch's voice was sharp, and the adults did not express their gratitude. Your Majesty has passed.

   "Next, let's go to the East Palace to give thanks." Master Yang took a deep breath, and the next thing was the highlight.

   Your Majesty will not meet them, everyone had guessed it a long time ago.

  Regardless of his semi-antagonism with the prince, or whatever, everyone guessed that he would not see him.

  Not disappointed, everyone got up and went to the East Palace.

   "Master Zheng's carriage went up to the Grand Prince's Mansion." The uncle opened the curtain and looked out.

  (End of this chapter)

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