The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 417: Princess admires

  Chapter 417 Princess Admires

  No one thought that her son would be a prince.

  She knows the world of maternal rituals.

  Neither natal father and brother can support the wall, and the son obviously has no affection for the Yun family. The two uncles of the Yun family tried to ask to see Lu Huaijiang several times, but they couldn't even enter the gate of the East Palace.

  Now that the prince is thirteen, he should get married in two years.

The Queen was a little afraid of Lu Huaijiang, but she had to rely on him.

   "If you don't like it, just put it by your side and coax you to play." The queen said again.

  Lu Huaijiang touched a peony plant next to the desk and sighed softly, "Mother, do you think this peony plant is not beautiful enough?"

  There is no smile in his eyes.

  The queen's back shrank, she knew that the prince loved to water flowers with blood. Rumor has it that the flowers in the East Palace are blooming beautifully because of the blood.

  Hearing these words at the moment, the queen actually got a cold back.

   "The queen mother, the son can give you all the glory. Can give you the honor of the mother in the world, and ask the queen to do your own duty."

   "There is no shortage of girls next to this palace." Lu Huaijiang flicked his sleeves. When Grandpa Lu saw him getting angry, he actually knelt on the ground.

  The people in the palace were afraid to get up.

  On the contrary, the queen was green and looked at him with a blue face.

   was shocked by his powerful eyes, and avoided his eyes.

   "You, you..." The queen's eyes wrinkled slightly, and she took a deep breath.

   "I heard that Princess Dongli delivered letters to Donggong twice after entering Beijing, but it's true?" The queen bit her lower lip. There were rumors in the capital during this period.

  Princess Dongli is sixteen years old, and she is full of flowers and moonlight.

  Before he said a kiss to the prince, his eyes were above the top and threatened to marry the hero of the world.

  If it was before, she didn't like the prince at all. Even the people who asked to marry her were stronger than Lu Yuanxiu.

  When Lu Huaijiang attacked Dongli, there were rumors that the princess had begged to see His Royal Highness naked.

  But he was beaten out by His Highness, and never left any affection.

  At this moment, Lu Huaijiang glanced at her when he heard the news.

  The queen gave a chuckle in her heart, I'm afraid this matter is true.

   "How about delivering the letter?" Lu Huaijiang's eyes were cold, and there was no friendship at all.

  He knows what the princess is thinking.

  But there is no ripple in Lu Huaijiang's heart.

"It's just that my palace defeated Dongli, which made her hate, but was shocked by this palace and made her admire. What about it? Just rely on her, and Xiao want to think about this palace? If she still refuses to give up, I will give her The head of the queen father and mother hung on the head of her bed, and she can always give up." Lu Huaijiang sneered, and inexplicably thought of the short round face in front of him.

  Lu Huaijiang's eyes trembled slightly.

  He has something wrong.

  The appearance of the princess, she glanced at the emperor from a distance on the day she entered the palace.

  Even the emperor was very restrained, so he looked twice more.

  At this moment, I saw the crown prince with contempt. The queen looked at him blankly, but remembered that he was born without empathy. It seems normal again.

  If he likes someone, she will cry for someone, laugh for someone, and she will be astonished if she pleases someone with all her heart.

  The queen feels a little peaceful.

   "Tomorrow, the first day of the day will be the day of her big joy. Avoid it in the future. If Concubine Lin knows about it, I'm afraid it will increase the trouble again." The queen stood up after speaking.

   "It's fine if you don't have this thought. The queen can't control you." The queen sighed lightly. The prince was never something she could handle.

   "Okay, let's go to the palace banquet for now."

  Lu Huaijiang is thinking deeply behind her.

  He is not quite right with Dumpy!

  (End of this chapter)

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