The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 418: Catch and kill

   Chapter 418

  Lu Huaijiang's heart was beating banging.

  Suddenly realized that something was wrong, Lu Huaijiang's heart lost its regular beating for the first time. It seemed that he was about to jump out of his chest.

   Father Lu saw the two walking to the palace banquet, and hurriedly folded the rice paper on his desk.

  This opens...

  The name of Jiang Huailu is densely written on it.

  At this moment, Grandpa Lu shook his hand in horror and almost collapsed to the ground.

River! Pregnant! deer!

  Grandpa Lu has experienced countless things in front of him and handled countless people in his hands. But at this moment, he really felt horrified and shocked.

  Your Highness, there is someone in my heart.

   Father Lu folded the rice paper with trembling hands, and solemnly placed it in the highest position of the bookshelf.

   Still panic and nervous in my heart.

  Catch up in the footsteps of His Highness.

  At this moment, it happened to be outside the palace banquet.

   Father Lu looked up, just in time to see His Royal Highness looking towards the Xia family's position. Wearing a red winter dress, a little doll like a virgin is sitting in front of the elder beside her.

  At that moment, the coldness in His Highness's eyes disappeared.

  It's so soft.

   Father Lu hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look again.

  The palm of the hand has been pinched tightly.

  It’s no wonder that His Royal Highness looks down on Princess Dongli and people who look down on the empress. This is, this is a dwarf in my heart. Moreover, the little guy is chubby and occupies a slightly wider position, I'm afraid he won't be able to tolerate others.

  After all, His Highness’s heart is so small.

  Gong Gong thought in his heart, and followed His Highness's footsteps all the way to the main position.

  Today, Concubine Lin and Your Majesty are also here. Concubine Lin is holding her seven or eight months pregnant belly, wearing a pink palace dress and sitting in front of her. When the prince and queen came in, the two chatting and laughing quietly.

  The queen's color remains unchanged.

  She always knew that she was not a queen because her majesty valued her. Just because of this son, as long as the son is alive, whether your majesty likes her or not, she can sit firmly as a queen.

  At the moment, smiling at the meeting with his majesty, he smiled and looked at Concubine Lin Gui who was sitting next to his majesty.

  Lin Guifei laughed suddenly: "Look at the concubine, the little guy just kicked the concubine in his belly. The concubine just took a seat. Sister won’t care, right?"

  The queen nodded: "What can I care about. It will rise up anyway, right?" After speaking, she sat beside the emperor.

  The imperial concubine, can only sit down.

  Lin Guifei glanced at the emperor with aggrieved expression, but the emperor bowed her head and drank tea without seeing it.

"Your Majesty, tomorrow is Yuanxiu's big wedding, and Yuanxiu is our eldest son. Your Majesty has to personally witness the marriage for him. Otherwise, his concubine will not follow him. Now his concubine is pregnant and is in labor right away, I am afraid it will be exhausted. Your Majesty. We are the elders, and we have to send someone out to make him feel at ease." Lin Guifei snorted, looking at your Majesty with admiration.

  The emperor personally married the eldest prince. Doesn’t it prove his majesty’s value?

  Your Majesty has not spoken yet.

Lu Huaijiang picked up the tea cup and said faintly: "The imperial concubine, don’t want to embarrass your father. A side concubine is just a concubine. Whose face is so big that it is worthy of the marriage of the father and the emperor? From?"

   "Furthermore, Princess Dongli just sent her to make peace and make peace, if it counts as a trophy. She is worthy of such a honour? It really shows her face."

   "My palace kills her tribe and her people, the father is the father of Huai Jiang. It is good for her not to assassinate the father, but she still thinks about the marriage." Lu Huaijiang chuckled, and Lin Guifei's face instantly turned white.

   got up straight and knelt before the emperor.

  Facts have proved that His Royal Highness can't do anything except to take short stumps. It is all about catching and killing others.

    There is still an hour before twelve o’clock, let’s vote for Chuanchuan on the monthly pass, everyone...



  (End of this chapter)

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