The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 419: His little deer

  Chapter 419 His little deer deer

   "Get up, the happy day is just a few jokes." The emperor waved his hand gently.

   "It is the concubine's stupid concubine, which puts your majesty to shame." Lin Guifei wiped her tears, quite as if she was crying. The emperor sighed, pulled her gently, and sat beside him.

The position of the Empress    is extremely wide, with a table in between.

  The emperor moved a little to the side, and Concubine Lin could barely sit down.

  The queen's eyelids moved slightly, but she did not turn her head to look at it.

   "The imperial concubine and empress don't have to behave arrogantly. This silly pregnancy for three years, the imperial concubine empress is excusable." Lu Huaijiang smiled and nodded at her. Lin Guifei's breathing became a little short.

  Princess Dongli, who was sitting at the bottom, was wearing a veil and tightly squeezed the handkerchief tightly.

   looked at the boy with burning eyes.

  Bite at the corner of his mouth, biting out a trace of blood.

  Hate again, but can't help being attracted by the strong.

  The words were shiningly disdainful, and slapped her face with one slap. Make her look up.

   At this moment, she followed Lin Guifei and knelt down together: "The little girl dare not." The voice was slightly low, like the clear cry of an oriole.

  The emperor still waved his hand, and the eldest prince pulled her up.

  The prince glanced darkly at Lu Huaijiang. Thinking of the rumors in the city these few days, he only felt that he had an extra hat on his head.

   But still holding back her anger, Concubine Lin heard his light cough, and she was kind of gentle on her face.

  At this moment, there are beauties singing and dancing in front of the temple, but Lu Huaijiang is a little girl who stares at her without blinking.

"The prince is in a very good mood today. Could it be a great event? I just saw the prince looking at the corner without blinking, but what's the difference?" Lu Yuanxiu glanced at the prince and found that his lips were slightly raised and his eyebrows were curled today. Bend, there is probably something happy.

   followed his gaze, but only saw a group of bad old men drinking.

  His Royal Highness retracted his eyes and took a sip of wine.

"It's nothing. When I think of drinking, I think of my eldest brother's funny stories about drinking a few days ago. Huai Jiang missed it because he was in a coma. It's a pity. It's just a little fun just thinking of that scene." Lu Huaijiang said slowly. If you do, the prince's complexion slightly condenses.

  Unexpectedly when he died, he would mention this!

  How could he know about this! !

  The prince's face suddenly sank.

  The queen smiled gently: "Your brothers have not seen each other for many years, and now you can talk and laugh, and your mother is satisfied. I don't know what your brothers are talking about, let the father and the queen also have a good time?"

  The prince: I love your family!

"I heard it from the people. It was said that the eldest brother went to the deserted capital a few days ago, and everyone practiced it for him. That day, a child suddenly fell down while drinking, and the eldest brother's expression changed drastically. Many guests started vomiting in public. It is said that some people had been waiting for the doctor and drank the filthy water in a hurry. As a result, when the doctor came, the little girl fell asleep after drinking too much."

   "My palace sympathizes with the man who drank the dung water. I really feel wronged. Fortunately, the eldest brother didn't drink it. I'm really glad." Lu Huaijiang raised his glass and bowed to the prince.

  The big prince shook his hand, and there was some shadow when he looked at the drink.

   had to swallow without a smile.

  The queen's eyebrows were crooked, and Concubine Lin and the emperor couldn't help but press their lips. The two of them didn't know about it.

"Okay, don't want to say it again. Your concubine can't stand it if you hear it. The concubine has a big belly and a shallow stomach. Then don't say anything disgusting." Lin Guifei's words made the prince pale. .

  (End of this chapter)

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