The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 645: He is the only reason for the injustice of heaven

   Chapter 645

  Lu Huaijiang was silent from beginning to end, as if he did not exist.

   "You will regret it, now if you don't kill her, you will definitely regret it!"

   "You and her, you should be born in opposition. These are all the tricks of the old witch of the God of Creation, the sinister and poisonous woman! The poisonous woman!" The voice gritted her teeth.

   "Back when I was conceived and born with her, she was the first to incarnate in the lower realm by gathering the aura of heaven and earth."

   "I am too late for a thousand years. The overall situation has been decided after a thousand years, but she deployed early, which is too sinister and vicious." A sarcasm came to mind. It seems to think of the past again.

  Lu Huaijiang frowned slightly, and when the voice in his mind became angry, he could also perceive the other party's emotions.

  At this moment, a scene appeared in his mind without control.

  Darkness, boundless darkness.

  In the skyless void, quiet and murderous.

  Two stones, one black and one white, are suspended in the void. The white stone exudes a shining luster, warm and bright.

  Heishi can feel the hostility of the sky with just one glance.

  He absorbed all the gloomy air that gathered from all directions.

  I don’t know whether he took the initiative to absorb it or was born in response to the catastrophe of the world.

  He was in a daze, not knowing that the white stone suddenly became conscious. On a certain day, in accordance with the meaning of heaven, Shiraishi turned into a ray of light and cast it into the world.

   Separate heaven and earth, and have heaven and earth.

  Heaven and earth grow grass plateaus day by day, but Baishi turns into a woman who has no memory and walks barefoot in this deserted world. Walk through every inch of the world she created with her own hands.

  And Black Stone, still lying in the boundless void, whether he wants or resists, still quietly receives the hostility that gathers from all directions.

  Heishi is enveloped in a layer of hostility, always on the verge of violence.

   Boring day after day.

  I don’t know when, a green grass grew out of the corner of Blackstone.

  One grass and one stone, beside the black stone, a touch of greenery is a bit of vitality.

  "Thirst..." A muttering sound came from his arms, and Lu Huaijiang waved his hand instantly and handed over the sweet little fruit.

  Since he learned to fetch things from the air, there has been a big rat in the imperial dining room.

  Lu Huaijiang sighed lightly, no wonder the sense of consciousness in his mind felt humiliated.

   was supposed to be a **** at the same time as the creation god, but his magic skills can only be reduced to the point of raising children.

   "Things that are not promising, in this life, waiting for you to die in her hands!" The voice in my mind was overcast, hating iron can't make steel.

"No matter how you escape, you are the evil **** destined to heaven, and you will still walk that way. You, can’t escape! You were born in the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is in order to remove the hostility between heaven and earth, It is the fault of heaven to fall on us! The way of heaven is injustice, the way of heaven is injustice, why should I bear everything in this world!" After that, the voice was vaguely mad, Lu Huaijiang's heart was unstable, and his eyebrows couldn't help but leak a bit. Hostile.

   "Jiang Jiang wipes his mouth." The little girl's voice was soft.

  Lu Huai and Jiang quickly faded away. He took out his handkerchief and wiped her mouth.

  It seemed that Lu Huaijiang was angry with that voice.

  The hostility that was finally hooked out was easily erased to restore clarity. How can he not be angry?

   "Things that are not promising!" The voice was originally very arrogant, but now he finally fell off the altar with anger.

  The seventh, the seventh!

  Finally, they are all planted on the same person!

  Even if he left a touch of spiritual knowledge, he still can't stop it. This is despair!

  (End of this chapter)

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