The Savior is just a 3-Year-Old

Chapter 646: Altar panic

  Chapter 646 Shocking change of altar

  Everyone walked outside the city for about an hour.

  The road is heavily guarded, showing the imperial dignity.

  The people knelt down along the way, and no one dared to raise their heads.

   is not shocked by the emperor, but the young man who has not yet reached the crown.

  He was only so lazily riding a horse and walking behind, everyone seemed to be stuck in their throats, and he did not dare to cross over half a point.

  Finally, when the sun was about to hang at noon, everyone stopped.

  "The front convenience is the imperial mausoleum." As soon as the sedan chair stopped, Lin Guifei helped the emperor walk out.

  Horse-drawn carriages are not allowed in the imperial tomb, and everyone can only walk.

  Now the weather is a bit hot, but the emperor’s forehead sweats more than others. The handkerchief on Concubine Lin's body was almost drenched, but fortunately, the mother quickly replaced it.

  Qin Tianjian has already prepared everything.

  "Auspicious time is here, and Emperor Chongming of the Great Zhou Dynasty has personally worshipped the sky and prayed for blessing." The officials of the Qin Tianjian stood on the altar and sang loudly.

  The emperor took the prince to the Temple of Heaven.

  Everyone put on sacrificial clothing for sacrificing the sky early.

   Kneeling down the people who had already arrived, the people were pious, their hands clasped together, and they did not know how long they had been kneeling.

  The prince got out of the carriage and handed Lulu to Father Lu, who took her to stand in an inconspicuous corner of the Temple of Heaven.

   Yushen stood three steps away from her.

  Looking at the altar with gloomy eyes, Lulu followed his gaze, and it happened to fall on Lu Huaijiang.

  There are stone pillars carved with dragon patterns on all sides of the Temple of Heaven. When the auspicious hour arrived, the top of the stone pillars lit a brazier.

  The incense table is placed in the center, and chickens, ducks, cattle, sheep and pigs made of jade are placed on the incense table.

  Qin Tianmon stood on the edge, reading aloud the merits of Emperor Chongming in ruling the world over the years.

  Compliment the emperor’s fame.

  While chanting prayers, flattering, and praying for peace and prosperity.

  The emperor stood at the forefront, and the moment the Qin Tianjian stopped, he looked at the sky in the distance: "I am the emperor of heaven, earth and man, here I pray for gifts from heaven. Bless the Great Zhou, the world is peaceful, the country is peaceful, the people live and work in peace.

  The emperor slowly read the prayer of offering sacrifice to the heavens, kneeling behind him with hundreds of civil and military officials.

  When your majesty finishes reading, burn the sacrificial text in the incense burner.

  The emperor brought the people three prayers and nine knocks.

  After the worship, Si Zhu led people up to dance the sacrificial dance. The faces of the people were painted with colorful colors, and they couldn't see the appearance clearly.

  The drum beats all around rang, and with the dancing of the sacrificial dance, it seemed to produce an inexplicable melody.

  The emperor who led the crowd to kneel at the forefront shifted and stood up suddenly.

  "Please ask God for instructions, there have been traces of the evil **** in Da Zhou several times. The people of Da Zhou and the emperor are all loyal to the gods and God. Please have mercy from the heaven and give instructions to pick out the evil **** and return the world to peace!" the emperor shouted.

  The emperor's voice just fell, at noon, the sun was shining, and it was a sunny day with thunder.

   Yu God suddenly raised his head, his eyes looked at the sky, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

  "God gave instructions." God Yu pointed his toes and went directly to the altar.

   "Your Majesty, the aura of heaven is leaking at this moment. There is the aura of heaven everywhere, and the evil **** must be in a state of weakness."

   "The little **** guessed right, the evil **** is in the capital, right in the crowd!!!"

  The emperor was so excited, everyone changed their faces one after another.

   Knowing that such an evil **** is here, the emperor was heavily protected by guards.

   "Your Majesty is not anxious, that Cthulhu was born and grew up in Beijing. Although he is the incarnation of Cthulhu, I am afraid that he has not fully awakened. But the little **** has a way to let him lose his clarity and expose his identity!"

  (End of this chapter)

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