The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 131: Lincheng University

Lingziding Village is affiliated to Dayao Township, Anhe County, G Province.

Lingziding Village is nearly 100 kilometers away from the county seat of Anhe County.

To go from Lingziding Village to the county seat, you must first walk the mountain road one day and one night to the seat of the Datong Township Government, and then you can take the bus to the county seat.

Before going out, Pang Xuelin brought dry food, corn noodles, and a pot of water and a bag of pickled vegetables that A Qing specially prepared for him.

All the way through the mountains and ridges, although the township of Datuo Township is only 30 kilometers from Lingziding Village in a straight line, the real road to go is several times more.

Occasionally, this village will pass through several villages, dotted between the mountains, smoke and smoke, a peaceful and peaceful rural style.

In the evening, Pang Xuelin came to a mountain temple for passing travelers to rest overnight.

Now near the Nianguan Pass, there are not many pedestrians in the past. When Pang Xuelin arrived, there were about three or four people inside.

But Pang Xuelin didn't mean to talk to them.

The corn grits were mixed with water, and pickles were added.

No words overnight.

The next day, Pang Xuelin continued to leave until 2 pm before arriving at the township of Datuo Township, catching the last CMB bus to the county seat.

Staggered all the way.

Arrived at the county seat at six o'clock in the evening.

Pang Xuelin found a five-dollar Chase shop, ran a foot with hot water, and then fell asleep in a room filled with foot odor and snoring.

Early in the morning, Pang Xuelin was woken up by those who hurried to get up early.

He also had to get up and eat soy milk buns on the street, then rushed to Anhe Bus Station, spent 24 yuan, and got on the shuttle bus to the provincial city of Lincheng.

Pang Xuelin had previously inquired that the Anhe County Post Office had not opened an international postal service. He could only rush to the provincial capital and ask the Post Office to post his thesis.

On the evening of the third day after departure, Pang Xuelin finally completed a journey of hundreds of kilometers from Lingziding to Lincheng.

It was already evening in Lincheng, and Pang Xuelin first dealt with it casually on the street, then found a small guest house.

Although Lincheng in this era had a population of more than two million in the urban area, the level of urban construction is completely different from the previous life.

The 30-storey department store is the tallest building in Lincheng, and there are only a handful of high-rises in the entire city.

Messy electric wires are everywhere on both sides of the road, especially at the gates when work is over, and the streets are full of bicycles. From time to time, airbag buses and trolley buses peculiar to this era can be seen patrolling the streets.

The guest house costs 25 yuan per night. Pang Xuelin must finish what he has to do as soon as possible, otherwise he will not be able to cope with this money for many days.

The next morning, Pang Xuelin went straight to Lincheng Post Office for international mailing.

This time, Pang Xuelin also contributed his thesis to "annalsofatheatics" ("Annual Mathematics") hosted by Princeton.

Four major international authoritative academic journals in the mathematics world are Annual of Mathematics, New Advances in Mathematics, actaatheatica, and Journal of the American Mathematical Society.

The reason for choosing "Annual Journal of Mathematics" is, on the one hand, the authority of this magazine; on the other hand, the "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" has only been published for a few years, and there is still a certain gap between the influence and the "Annual Journal of Mathematics". Both "actaatheatica" and "actaatheatica" are quarterly, and even if they are finally published, they will take longer than Pang Xuelin expected.

Therefore, "Mathematics Annual" is considered the best choice.

Unlike the real world, in the 1990s, it was very difficult for mathematicians in mainland China to publish an article in four major journals.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, a number of papers have been published in the four major journals.

Even in this era, as long as you publish a paper in the four major journals, you will be eligible to be elected as a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences by default.

Therefore, as long as the paper can be successfully published in "annalsofatheatics", the situation of Pang Xuelin and even the entire Lingziding Elementary School will change dramatically.

More than sixty pages of hand-written thesis in English were sent from Lincheng to Princeton, and it will take more than a month at the earliest.

The young girl who helped Pang Xuelin handle the international mailing service looked at Pang Xuelin from time to time.

One hand of beautiful English calligraphy, dozens of pages of full handwritten English articles, plus Pang Xuelin's old military green coat, the appearance of a dusty servant, how to see how to violate.

"Comrade, is there any problem with the document I'm mailing?"

"Oh it's all right!"

The girl put a stamp on the bill of payment, and then said, "Take the bill across the window with the bill, and pay me the receipt."


Pang Xuelin looked at the postage of 124 yuan on the payment slip, and couldn't help but feel a little painful.

However, he was quick to pay the money and leave, compared to the harvest, this effort is nothing at all.

For the international mailing business, the remaining dozen articles need to be submitted to domestic journals, but it is more troublesome to submit to domestic journals than it is to submit to the "Mathematics Annual".

Because Pang Xuelin did not know the specific addresses of these journals at all.

Even if you remember the addresses of previous lives, China will change so much in the next few decades. God knows whether these addresses have changed.

After thinking about it, Pang Xuelin decided to go to Lincheng University to see if he could find someone to help.

Although Lincheng University has entered the list of 211 projects in future generations ~ ~, because it is located in the west and has limited attraction for talents, the overall strength of the school is not strong.

Pang Xuelin spent a long time at Lincheng University before getting the position of the teaching building of the Department of Mathematics from a student.

After entering the teaching building, the bell rang during the class, and as a large group of students poured into a stepped classroom, Pang Xuelin followed in quickly, and then he found a place to sit down.

This section is a big lesson. It consists of students from several classes. There are more than one hundred people who do n’t know anyone. Except for occasional students who looked at him because of Pang Xuelin's clothes, no one noticed him.

At this time, a middle-aged man with glasses and a bald head came in and said, "Today is the last lesson of functional analysis for this semester. The exam will be completed after this lesson. Today we will review functional Analyze some difficult and difficult knowledge points, and focus on some topics based on these knowledge points, I hope everyone can listen carefully. "

There was a commotion in the classroom, and students took out pens and papers to prepare for recording.

Real function is studied ten times, and functional analysis is used to analyze coldness.

This is not something to say casually.

As a basic course entering the modern mathematics gate, these two courses are basically the same as Tianshu for many students in mathematics.

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