The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 132: Come on, classmate.

"For functional analysis at the undergraduate level, we mainly study linear functional analysis. Non-linear functional analysis generally does not start until the graduate level. The main content of linear functional analysis, summed up, is what we often say is one king one And the four heavenly kings. One king and one after the other are the Bell theorem and the hahnbanach theorem. The four heavenly kings are open mapping theorem, closed image theorem, banachsteha theorem, closed range, azur theorem ... "

This is a review class, and the teacher did n’t say much, and started directly in the classroom. "Today, we will start with the one king and one queen and the four heavenly kings, and sort out the relevant knowledge learned in this semester, including the closed operator. Spectral analysis, self-adjoint extension of symmetric operators, operator semigroup theory, linear monotone operators, operator algebra ... "

Pang Xuelin yawned in his seat. The guest house he lived in was so soundproof. He didn't sleep well last night. He has been on his way these days and he is really tired. In addition, the teacher also brought part of the dialect accent during the lecture, and his tone was tepid. Although there was nothing wrong with the content, it still made people feel sleepy.

Pang Xuelin closed his eyes unknowingly.

I don't know how long, Pang Xuelin was suddenly awakened by a loud noise.

He opened his eyes blankly, and found that many students in the classroom were staring at him with playful eyes.

On the podium, the bald professor was speaking in the direction of where he was. "The student in the army green coat, slept so sweet during class. It looks like you should have everything. Come over and help me solve this. question……"

Pang Xuelin looked around, then pointed blankly to himself, "Teacher, me?"

"Yes, it's you! Come up and help me solve this question on the blackboard ..."

"Teacher, I am not ..."

"Can't you come up? If not, just go out to me, but don't even think about taking this course."

"This ... okay!"

Pang Xuelin hesitated for a moment, but chose to get up.

He originally wanted to wait for the professor to talk after the class and ask the addresses of several major journals.

Now if you go out directly, it really offends others.

Pang Xuelin stepped onto the podium, and then everyone could clearly see his outfit.

In a worn military coat, a black cotton quilt was faintly visible inside, and the thread at the collar of the quilt fell off, revealing a small section of cotton.

He had a pair of black cloth shoes on his feet, but after a few days hurried down, the cloth shoes that had been washed clean had long become dirty.

In this era, college students are still proud of the sky. Even if the family is poor, there are several decent clothes to exchange.

If it wasn't for Pang Xuelin's temperament and image, he would have been regarded as a blind stream from the countryside.

"Which class is this guy? How haven't I seen it before? This dress is enough!"

"Pharaoh dares to sleep in class, this guy is so brave."

"I estimate that he has given up the idea of ​​temporarily holding Buddha's feet. Functional analysis is too difficult. Pharaoh's accent is heavy. I am sleepy and want to sleep ..."


The students in the audience talked and looked at Pang Xuelin curiously.

Wang Chongqing looked at Pang Xuelin's dress, frowned, and said, "Classmate, you can solve it!"

Pang Xuelin nodded and looked at the question on the blackboard.

Let e ​​and f be two banach spaces, let a: da ?? e → f be a closed operator, and da ?? e. Prove that da ???? σf ′, ff′da ???? σf ′, ff ′.

Where a ?? is the adjoint operator of a, f ′ is the dual space of f, σf ′, f is the weak topology on f ′, da ???? σf ′, f represents da ?? in the weak topology σf ′, closures under f.

After reviewing the topic, Pang Xuelin didn't think much, and began to write the answer directly below.

Conclusion 1 Let f be a sub-vector space of e such that f ?? ≠ e, there exists f∈e \ 'not 0, so that f, x0, ?? x∈f.

Conclusion 2 Let ??: e ′ → r be a linear mapping and continuous for the topology σe ′, e, then there exists x∈e such that ?? ff, x, ?? f∈e ′.

Proof Let ?? be a linear functional with continuous topology σf ′ on f ′ and f be 0. From conclusion 1, in order to prove the denseness in the weak topology, just prove ?? ≡0.

From conclusion 2, the existence of x ∈ f makes ...

Pang Xuelin's writing speed is very fast, and the entire proof process has almost no pause. It took less than two minutes to complete the answer work.

"Teacher, after answering, shouldn't there be any problem?"

Wang Chongqing is a little bit fascinated. In functional analysis, this question is a final question. It is difficult for undergraduates.

He was going to wait until Pang Xuelin couldn't answer, and then taught him a little, but did not expect that this guy's foundation seems to be good, but he gave proof in a blink of an eye.

Both the proof of thought and the process are concise and almost impeccable.

Offstage, the students' discussions also sounded.

"Who the **** is this guy? It's hidden!"

"I haven't had any idea about this problem. I didn't expect him to solve it so quickly."

"It looks like we have a lot of cattle in the math department."


Many people have focused their eyes on Pang Xuelin.

Wang Chongqing's face was slightly heavy, and he went to bed in class, even if his grades were not good, he didn't want to easily let go of this guy.

He thought for a while and said, "This classmate, it seems that you have a good foundation, so you can tell everyone, your understanding of the subject of functional analysis."

Functional analysis is inherently a highly abstract course, which is why it is difficult to learn. Even if a doctor is on the stage, he may not be able to fully describe his understanding of the course.

The corner of Wang Chongqing's mouth slightly raised, he did not believe that an undergraduate had such ability.

"Teacher, are you sure ... let me teach?"

Pang Xuelin laughed ~ ~ OK! "

Wang Chongqing felt a little weird in his smile, but he nodded.

Pang Xuelin said, "So, let me start with the history of functional analysis of this course."

"It is well known that the discipline of functional analysis was born in the early 20th century and is itself a result of axiomatization in the development of mathematics. That is to say, mathematicians hope to achieve the axiomatization of analysis. The same axiomatic movement also appeared in geometry Algebra. Now functional analysis has become a behemoth, especially when it is put together with harmonic analysis, it is difficult to distinguish what is called harmonic analysis and what is called functional analysis. But I next The point is not to clarify its definition, but to focus on its foundation and future development trends. "

"We first discuss some early abstract analysis, especially how mathematicians have expanded a particular example to make it a general theorem. Our discussion mainly covers the following. First, Fredhol, hilbert's work on integral equations Second, the work of volterra and hadaue, frechet and riesz on abstract space, and finally, the study of the concept of duality by hahn and banach ... "

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