The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 227: Meter-level single-walled carbon nanotubes

A month passed in a flash.

两 At two o'clock in the morning, Pang Xuelin did the final derivation on the draft paper, and then input the partial differential equations into the quantum computer, and let MOSS check the results.

After just a few seconds, the calculation results appear on the screen.

放在 If you apply to the Supercomputing Center in the past, at least you have to wait in line for at least a week, and then spend a few days and nights. It may take 100,000 yuan to have a result.

For such calculations, at least seven or eight consecutive visits are required for more than half a year before a complete mathematical model can be obtained.

With MOSS and quantum computers, Pang Xuelin's research time has been greatly saved in terms of scientific computing.

Xi Pang Xuelin nodded with satisfaction, murmured to himself: "Finally, I'm not busy this month, so I can start the experiment formally!"

I said, he closed the computer and collected the manuscript paper. Then he turned off the study lamp and came to the bedroom.

Yao Bingxia has fallen asleep in a blanket.

Pang Xuelin quietly raised the temperature of the air conditioner with a remote control, and then gently kissed the girl's forehead. Then she lay down next to Yao Bingxia and closed her eyes.

I waited for Pang Xuelin to wake up again, it was already over eight in the morning.

冰 Yao Bingxia's cooking sound came from the kitchen.

Xi Pang Xuelin got up from the bedroom, went to the bathroom to wash, then leaned against the kitchen door, and smiled as Yao Bingxia was busy in front of the stove.

啊 "Ah, Brother Kobayashi, you're awake, wait a minute, the porridge and quiche are already ready, I'll fry a cabbage again!"

"it is good!"

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and nodded.

In the past month, his life with Yao Bingxia seemed to return to the days when he was in Jiangcheng Dungeon.

When he smashed into research, Yao Bingxia generally either read a book or studied how to prepare himself for food.

Occasionally they will go out to watch a movie.

I live a bland and warm life.

"Yes, Xiaoxia, don't cook for me at noon. I'm going to the laboratory over Yuquan Road."

"Oh, Brother Kobayashi, did you research this time?"

Xi Pang Xuelin laughed: "It's almost there. When this time is over, I'm going to Germany for an academic conference. Would you like to go with me?"

Yao Bingxia froze slightly, her eyes suddenly became a meniscus: "Okay!"

Uh ...

After eating, Pang Xuelin drove directly to the carbon nanotube research center.

When Xun came to the door of the laboratory, Pang Xuelin just met Professor Wan Yi.

Wan Wanyi looks like she is in her early forties, wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, and her head is almost half bald.

Wan Wanyi graduated from Jiangda University in his early years, and then went to Stanford to study. After graduating, he stayed in the university to teach. He also returned to China a few years ago, and is the vice president of Jiangda Materials Engineering College.

He is mainly engaged in the research of low-dimensional materials and nano-devices. He has improved the chemical vapor deposition growth method of carbon nano-materials and established mathematical models to precisely regulate the growth of carbon nanotubes and graphene.

Like Li Changqing, he is also an expert in the field of carbon nanotechnology. Because of this, he was drawn into his team by Pang Xuelin as the deputy team leader of the single-wall carbon nanotube material fiber project team.

In the days when Pang Xuelin was away, Wan Yi was mainly responsible for the preliminary preparation of the entire project.

"Professor Pang, you are here."

Pang Xuelin said: "Professor Wan, how is the reaction to the black box preparation?"

Wan Yi was a little surprised: "All kinds of equipment and sensors have been customized according to your requirements, and a total of more than 20 million have been spent. It is currently being assembled. Professor Pang, what is your idea of ​​getting back to the bottom? It's all Fan Fangu! "

成立 After the project team was established, Pang Xuelin did not start the project directly, but assigned tasks to everyone, let them buy various equipment through various channels to create a reaction black box.

Some parts are not produced by the manufacturer, so Pang Xuelin asked people to make a custom order.

With such a large expenditure, Pang Xuelin's father is an investor in this project. Otherwise, if he seeks support from various national funds, writing a report alone will be enough to destroy most of Pang Xuelin's brain cells.

He Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Professor Wan, you will know later. You will find Huo Ziqian, Yu Anxiang, Wu Dong, Lu Zhengde, Ye Xingmin later. I will wait for you in the conference room!"

"it is good!"

Wan Wanyi nodded.

Soon, under Wan Yi's leadership, Huo Ziqian, Yu Anxiang, Wu Dong, Lu Zhengde, Ye Xingmin all came to the conference room.

Pang Xuelin has been waiting in the laboratory for a long time.

"Presumably everyone should be more curious about the project we are going to do next. This is an experimental scheme I made. Please take a look ..."

Xi Pang Xuelin distributed the printed six documents to Wanyi.

的 The first moment they saw the title on the document, Wan Yi's face showed a startling color: "Preparation of single-wall carbon nanotubes in meters?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and was not surprised by the crowd, saying, "Since it was first discovered in 1991, the research on carbon nanotubes has gone through almost forty years. The unique structure of carbon nanotubes gives it excellent properties. Therefore, it has broad application prospects in carbon nanotube composite materials, industrial additives, electronics and other fields. "

"However, due to the difficulty of highly selective growth and the limitations of macro-preparation techniques ~ ~ The electronic devices constructed by carbon nanotubes are also limited to laboratory-level prototype devices, and carbon nanotube additives play a role High-strength / high-conductivity industrial additives have not played a leading role in carbon nanotubes. As for carbon nanotube composite materials, until the breakthrough in the high-purity macro-preparation of carbon nanotubes, there is basically no practical application value. "

"The structure determines the nature, and the preparation determines the future. To give full play to the excellent properties of carbon nanotube materials and their leading role in applications, and even to find killer applications for carbon nanotubes, the structural control of carbon nanotubes is a key step. At present We have completed the preparation of ultra-high-purity single-walled carbon nanotubes in the laboratory. The next step is how to make breakthroughs in the application of carbon nanotubes. Our goal this time is to challenge single-wall carbons of meter length. Nanofibers! "

Xi Pang Xuelin's voice dropped, the conference room could not help quieting down, and everyone looked at each other.

Soon, everyone focused on Wanyi.

After all, Wan Yi has the highest academic achievements in the field of carbon nanomaterials.

Wan Yi groaned for a moment and then said, "Professor Pang, I remember that the best growth results of single-walled carbon nanotubes in the laboratory are only at the centimeter level, and the rice level is mentioned at once. Will the span be? Too big? As we all know, due to the carbon-carbon double bond bonding method, a perfectly structured carbon nanotube has a very high Young's modulus and tensile strength, the Young's modulus is close to 1TPa, and the tensile strength is as high as 100GPa. Defects in the tube wall will cause the mechanical properties of the carbon nanotubes to decline. Even if we have actually completed the preparation of carbon nanotubes in meters, it will not necessarily guarantee that there are no defects in the tube walls? "

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