The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 228: Computational Chemistry

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and was prepared for Wan Yi's question.

"Professor Wan, that's the normal way to grow carbon nanotubes. For example, we use the size of the catalyst to control the diameter of single-walled carbon nanotubes. By extending the life of the catalyst, we can achieve the growth of ultra-long carbon nanotubes and change the growth. Atmosphere to achieve metal-semiconductor control of single-walled carbon nanotubes, etc. "

"However, we now have a complete method for preparing ultra-high-purity single-walled carbon nanotubes. The single-walled carbon nanotubes prepared by this method have basically the same diameter and body length. What we have to do It is on this basis, how to make these micron-sized single-walled carbon nanotubes effectively connected through some special physical and chemical methods, so as to achieve the preparation of single-walled carbon nanotube fibers under macro conditions ... "

"Connect these single-walled carbon nanotubes by special physical and chemical methods?"

Everyone here could not help but look at each other.

This formulation is very novel.

At present, one reason why the academic community cannot prepare large-scale carbon nanotube fibers is that the structure control of ultra-high-purity single-walled carbon nanotubes has not been achieved.

This problem was solved not long ago by Pang Xuelin's paper on Nature.

The second problem is that there is no way to combine the fine structure control of carbon nanotubes with the macrofabrication.

In fact, in some top universities' laboratories, it is possible to prepare trace single-walled carbon nanotubes with a high purity, with a yield of up to grams, and the highest purity is close to 99.5%.

Although it is not comparable to the 99.99999% electronic-grade single-walled carbon nanotubes previously prepared by Pang Xuelin, it is already a very important breakthrough in this field.

However, once these carbon nanotubes are prepared in large quantities and their yields are increased, the purity of single-walled carbon nanotubes will rapidly drop to about 95%.

And Pang Xuelin's paper, not only can produce 99.99999% ultra-high purity carbon nanotubes, but also can achieve mass production in kilogram laboratory.

These two points are enough for Jiangcheng University's carbon nanomaterials research center to rank among the world's top carbon nanomaterials research institutions.

With this breakthrough, Pang Xuelin was able to overpower Li Changqing and serve as the director of the Carbon Nanomaterials Research Center of Jiangcheng University.

"Professor Pang, how confident are you?"

Wan Yi stared at Pang Xuelin's road without blinking.

This is the first time he has collaborated with Pang Xuelin. Although I heard that Pang Xuelin is very good before, this time Pang Xuelin came up and drew a big cake for everyone, still making him feel a little uneasy.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Eight or ninety percent, if I'm not sure, I'll spend tens of millions for everyone to help you customize the reaction black box directly? This is my father's money ..."

He said so, everyone in the conference room could not help laughing.

They just remembered that Pang Xuelin was not only the leader of this research, but also the investor of this research.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Well, next, I will explain the specific operation method to you through a slideshow!"

Speaking, Pang Xuelin turned on the projector in the office and connected his notebook.


Time passes by every minute.

In the morning, I quickly passed by Pang Xuelin's explanation.

Until 12.30 noon, Pang Xuelin's slide was only halfway through.

Pang Xuelin simply ordered the take-away to the conference room, finished the meal directly in the conference room, and continued the explanation just now.

Until 3 pm, Pang Xuelin basically explained the whole reaction principle and process.

"This is the general process of the entire experiment. Do you have any questions?"

Pang Xuelin looked at the crowd in the conference room.

At this time, Huo Ziqian said, "Professor Pang, you just said that extending the effective life of the catalyst by extending the constant temperature interval of carbon nanotube growth, but as far as I know, the cobalt and molybdenum catalysts currently commonly used in your Under the temperature conditions reached, the life is not very long, and our reaction is performed in a black box. There is no way to artificially interfere during the reaction. How do you ensure that the catalyst's service life is extended? "

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "It's very simple. We can use ferritin as a precursor for the preparation of cobalt and molybdenum catalysts. It is expected to extend the time by at least ten times. In addition, because ferritin has a single size, we can also use ferritin effectively Controlling the growth direction of carbon nanotubes ... "

Yu Anxian said, "Professor Pang, what about the vertical array of carbon nanotube growth, how do we control it?"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly: "With water vapor, we can add water vapor into the reaction black box, and the presence of water vapor can effectively achieve the vertical growth of carbon nanotube bundles."

"How should the final chiral structure of carbon nanotubes be controlled?"

Someone asked again.

Pang Xuelin said: "In fact, whether it is geometric structure control or conductive property control, it will ultimately be a problem of chiral structure control of carbon nanotubes. Since the catalyst and carbon nanotubes directly share an interface, the fine structure control of carbon nanotubes The core lies in the design of the catalyst. I believe everyone has found that the reaction black box is divided into two parts. We can use high melting point tungsten carbide or molybdenum carbide as solid catalysts ... "


Time passed minute by minute, and the questions came one after another, but no matter how difficult the angle of the problem was, Pang Xuelin could always use clever methods to answer it.

Everyone questioned this plan from the beginning and gradually accepted it.

Finally, Ye Xingmin, who had not spoken before, said: "Professor Pang, according to your ideas, there is no way for us to intervene manually through this reaction process. We can only let the reaction black box execute automatically under the control of a computer, but the computer's control program What about us? We do n’t know anything about this reaction so far. To design a more complete control program, we must collect enough data. In addition, we need supercomputer support to establish a mathematical model. In this way, whether it is The funding is still time, and the span is probably long. "

The crowd reacted immediately.

At present, according to the scheme designed by Pang Xuelin, the previous budget was 50 million RMB, and now almost half of it has been spent. Whether the remaining funds can be supported for so long is also a problem.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Reassured, I have already made a mathematical model."

"A mathematical model is ready?"

The crowd couldn't help but be taken aback.

Wan Yidao: "Professor Pang, how do you do this without actual data support?"

Pang Xuelin looked at everyone: "Is this difficult? Computational chemistry! The first reaction principle is used to deduce the entire reaction process, but what I now give is only a theoretical mathematical model, but is it in line with the actual operation, I I ca n’t guarantee it ”

As Pang Xuelin said, everyone immediately responded.

Computational chemistry is a branch of theoretical chemistry. The main purpose is to use effective mathematical approximations and computer programs to calculate the properties of molecules, such as total energy, dipole moment, quadrupole moment, vibration frequency, and reactivity. Chemistry problems.

However, in order to do this, the mathematical literacy of a chemist or material scientist is very high.

Even in the entire Jiangda University, academician Xiao Wenbo from the School of Chemical Engineering had such a level.

Everyone did not expect that Pang Xuelin could do this.

But thinking about his identity as a mathematician, everyone was relieved.

The real big man in the mathematics world, it seems really easy to do this.


The overall experimental ideas and plans were determined, and the rest of the work was left to Wanyi to solve.

A week later, Pang Xuelin and Yao Bingxia boarded the plane to Germany.

Pang Xuelin promised Schultz long ago and went to the University of Bonn for academic exchange if he was free.

As a result, in the first half of the year, there was not much free time, and it was not until the summer vacation that the carbon nanomaterials center was established. After he cleared these things up, it was August.

August is the hottest time of the year in Jiangcheng. The highest temperature during the day is almost forty degrees. If you go out every day and put on an umbrella and apply sunscreen, it will be enough to peel people off.

On the contrary, Germany, the hottest time of the year, has reached its maximum temperature of 27 degrees.

After arriving in Bonn, Pang Xuelin received a warm reception from Schultz and gave a lecture at the University of Bonn. As a result, the top German universities such as the Munich University of Technology, the University of Heidelberg, and the University of Göttingen have successively invited them.

Even knowing that Pang Xuelin has come to Europe, universities in several countries near Germany, such as the Federal University of Technology in Zurich, Lund University in Sweden, and Paris Normal University in France have sent invitations to Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin couldn't avoid it, so he had to choose a few universities to make a report.

Throughout August, Pang Xuelin spent his lectures around Europe, and met with Faltins ~ ~ When Faltins knew what Pang Xuelin was going to do about carbon nanomaterials recently, Weiwei A little disappointed, and warned Pang Xuelin that I hope he doesn't waste his talents, and he won't be too gluttonous, he might as well concentrate on mathematics.

In this regard, Pang Xuelin just smiled, and he naturally understood that the problem was that he was different from ordinary scientists.

After binding the sci-fi world adventure system, the technology extracted from the plane world is reproduced in the real world, which is the significance of his work.

In this month, in addition to participating in academic lectures, Pang Xuelin also accompanied Yao Bingxia to some well-known sites in Europe.

The Alps, King's Lake, Neuschwanstein Castle, Hallstatt and other places have left their footprints.

In addition, when giving a lecture at the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Pang Xuelin took a special time to visit the European Nuclear Research Center (CERN), which is a mecca for physicists.


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