The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 260: Gravitation

One night later, the Star Ring II spacecraft once performed a launch mission.

It successfully took off with Pang Xuelin, Cheng Xin, Wade, Zhang Beihai, Seans, Ding Yi, Cao Bin, and virologist Wang Zhiping, who was responsible for treating Luo Ji.

In addition, the cargo compartment also contains Luo Ji's hibernation cabin and a thought stamp machine that has not been carved into the proposition.

After nearly ten minutes of flying in the atmosphere, the crowd finally saw the blue planet through the porthole.

"What a beauty!"

Cheng Xin took off his spacesuit mask during the take-off phase, exposed a slightly pale face, and looked greedily through the porthole at the home where human beings depended on.

Pang Xuelin skillfully unfastened his seat belt and floated freely in the cabin.

His long space travel on Mars' rescue world made him feel uncomfortable with this degree of weightlessness.

Wade, Zhang Beihai, Seans, and Cao Bin also looked curiously at the world below.

Cao Bin said with a smile: "After today, I can finally tell my students with full confidence that the earth is indeed spherical, because I have seen it with my own eyes!"

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Among them, apart from Pang Xuelin, the only one who actually went into space was the oldest Ding Yi.

"Twenty years ago, I used to take the NASA space plane to the International Space Station. I didn't expect that after so many years, there was still a chance to go to space." Ding Yi said with some emotion.

Pang Xuelin laughed and said, "Professor Ding, with the development of technology, the cost of aerospace is getting lower and lower, and the comfort will also improve. There will be opportunities for you to go to space in the future."

Ding Yi waved her hands with a smile: "I still forget it, anyway, I can't do scientific research now, and it doesn't make much sense to go to space, it's better to bring students on earth."

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "This is inaccurate."

Pang Xuelin made a circle in the crew cabin, and soon the commander's voice sounded: "Professor Pang, after five minutes, Star Ring II will derail and fly to the gravitational force. Please return to your position and sit down as soon as possible! "


Pang Xuelin returned to her position lightly with the help of the armrest on the bulkhead.

Cheng Xin, who was sitting next to him, wondered, "Professor Pang, how did you fly so skillfully? I remember that you seemed to be in space for the first time."

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Maybe it's a gift. I feel it's easy to drift under weightlessness!"


The orbital flight went very smoothly. Twenty minutes later, everyone could see the huge figure of the "gravity" through the porthole.

Gravity is by far the largest and most powerful war machine ever constructed by humans.

It has a total length of more than 600 meters and a diameter of nearly 70 meters. It still presents a cigar shape as a whole. Under the sun, the dark silver surface reflects the cold metal texture.

This is a super battleship that StarCity has spent countless resources to build. Even the "Oasis" and "Natural Selection" that have been in service before can't match it.

In contrast, the Star Ring II spacecraft, which is not too small, seems to be a small sampan.

Pang Xuelin noticed that when he saw the "gravity", Zhang Beihai's gaze was fixed on the behemoth outside the porthole. The whole person's attention seemed to be attracted by this super battleship.

However, Pang Xuelin didn't care. Anyway, whether it is the "Oasis", "Natural Selection" or the "gravity" just in service, he does not have interstellar flight capabilities, and he is not worried about Zhang Beihai's boat running.

Others also made surprise sounds.

Although on the ground, they have seen the pictures of the "gravity" when it was built, but the first time they saw this scene, they still shocked everyone.

Ten minutes later, under the operation of the commander, Starring II successfully docked with the "gravity" spacecraft.

Pang Xuelin and his team entered the gravitational force through the transition capsule.

Subsequently, under the guidance of the guide, the people followed the channel in all directions to the gravitation ship and came to the bridge of the gravitation ship.

The "Gravity" ship's bridge is located in the annular area near the edge of the spacecraft. The bridge rotates around the ship's axis and uses centrifugal force to simulate the gravity environment on the earth.

The bridge area is very large, a bit like the aerospace command center on the earth, which is full of various holographic displays and various operating stations, with more than a hundred crew members on duty.

The most eye-catching is the holographic display that simulates a porthole in the forefront of the bridge.

At this time, the earth picture captured by the camera outside the cabin is being transmitted to the holographic display in real time.

Captain Xu Shaomin of the "Gravity" led a dozen senior officers of the "Gravity" and welcomed everyone in the bridge.

"Professor Pang, I'm Captain Xu Shaomin, here, I represent the officers and men of the ship, welcome you to inspect! Salute!"

Xu Shaomin quickly raised his right hand and made a solemn military salute towards Pang Xuelin.

The dozen or so senior officers behind her also saluted.

Pang Xuelin nodded and smiled at Xu Shaomin, saying, "Captain Xu, hello everyone, you have worked hard this time!"

"It is not hard at all. It is our glory to be a crew member of the universal gravitation!"

Xu Shaomin said with a smile: "Professor Pang, let me introduce to you the leading collective of Gravity!"

Xu Shaomin is a woman in her early thirties who looks heroic. Being able to become the captain of the "gravity" at this age is enough to illustrate her ability.

"it is good!"

Pang Xuelin nodded.

"Professor Pang, this is Grauer Cleef, member of the Gravity!"

Clive is a white male, but when he saw Pang Xuelin, he was still very excited.

"Hello there!"

"This is Deputy Captain Eyson."

"Hello there!"

"This is Zhu Yao, Minister of Navigation."

"Hello there!"

"This is Sinclair Keane, Minister of Electrical and Mechanical Services."

"Hello there!"


Xu Shaomin introduced the senior officers on the ship one by one to Pang Xuelin. When she introduced a young man with a Chinese character face and a little handsome appearance, Xu Shaomin said: "This is our Minister of Astronautical Communications, Chu Yan! "

"Chu Yan ?!"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly and couldn't help looking at him more.

Chu Yan Lizheng, surprised at Pang Xuelin with a serious expression, Pang Xuelin kept his features in his heart, patted him on the shoulder, and smiled, "Have a good job!"


Chu Yan responded with some excitement.

In the original novel, if Zhang Beihai is the father of galactic humans, Chu Yan is the true head of galactic humans.

In the original novel, before the doomsday battle, Chu Yan drove the "Blue Space" and two other interstellar battleships, chasing the "Natural Selection" kidnapped by Zhang Beihai, and escaped.

After the doomsday battle, the entire human fleet was annihilated, and the facts proved that Zhang Beihai's advanced vision.

Chu Yan and they also obeyed Zhang Beihai's leadership one after another and decided to form a starship human and follow Zhang Beihai to the new world to open up.

However, everyone soon realized that the supply supplies carried by a spacecraft alone could not support the next galaxy.

Unless all the people in the other three spacecraft are killed, then all the materials in the four spacecraft are concentrated in one.

So the suspicion chain broke out in four spacecrafts. In the end, one of the spacecrafts took the lead with an infrasound bomb to attack the other three spacecrafts.

Zhang Beihai died one after another.

Only Chu Yan, when the opponent launched an attack, evacuated the spacecraft in advance, and the crew entered a deep-sea state, thereby avoiding the impact of the infrasound bomb.

Subsequently, the "Blue Space" launched a counterattack, becoming the only survivor of the four warships.

Later in the third part of the novel, Chu Yan and they also led the Blue Space. They used the four-dimensional debris encountered by the spacecraft to defeat the three-body civilization water droplet detector that hunted them down. At the moment of human civilization's existence, Civilization launched a cosmic broadcast, which gave mankind a respite.

In the three-body series of original works, Da Liu's inscription on Chu Yan is not much, but this person has a strong leadership and wise mind no matter from which perspective, even compared with Zhang Beihai .

Pang Xuelin didn't know if the Chu Yan he saw today was the Chu Yan in the original book.

However, this person deserves his own attention.

After the mutual introduction, Xu Shaomin first took Pang Xuelin to eat a space meal, which was regarded as cleaning the wind for them.

Then, they took Pang Xuelin and his party directly to the lounge prepared for them.

In the next two days, Wang Zhiping began to treat Luo Ji formally in the medical capsule of the "Gravity". Pang Xuelin visited them every day in the Gravity to learn about the performance and combat effectiveness of the spacecraft.

It was not until a week later that Pang Xuelin was in the medical cabin and saw Luo Ji who had been completely cured and awake!

"Professor Pang!"

When looking at Pang Xuelin, Luo Ji looked a little surprised.

Then he looked around and was surprised: "Professor Pang, what time is it now and where is it?"

Pang Xuelin smiled: "It is July 28, 36, this is the medical capsule of the spacecraft Gravity, and we are currently in geosynchronous orbit. Dr. Luo Ji, congratulations, the virus in your body has been completely removed and you have recovered Healthy. "

"36 years of crisis?"

Luo Ji lowered his head for a moment of contemplation, then raised his head, wondering: "Professor Pang, I remember the stellar spell I issued, it should not work yet, why did the United Nations wake me up?"

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly: "It really hasn't worked, but you are not the United Nations awakened, you are the fleet international awakened. At present, on the earth, the United Nations no longer exists, and the wall plan is taken over by the fleet international. At the same time, I am Chief Executive Officer of Fleet International! "

"The United Nations is gone ?! Are you the Chief International of the Fleet International ?!"

Luo Ji was obviously very surprised.

Pang Xuelin smiled and described the development of the earth over the past thirty years to Luo Ji.

"So, Lan Yi ... Lan Yin, they are also in Starring the City?"

Luo Ji was a little excited.

Pang Xuelin nodded with a smile and said, "Dr. Luo Ji, as long as you help us complete the next task, after returning to earth, you can see your wife and children!"

"Okay, what tasks are you going to accomplish, and I will give my full assistance!"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "Come with me first!"

Pang Xuelin took Luo Ji to a cabin, Cheng Xin, Wade and others have been waiting for a long time.

Pang Xuelin looked at the people in the cabin and turned to Xu Shaomin, who was standing by his side, "Captain Xu, you take all the others from the aerospace communications department to evacuate this cabin, and at the same time close the cabin door and close any audio and video recording equipment. , Minister Chu Yan stayed! "


Xu Shaomin hesitated for a moment, nodded towards Pang Xuelin, and left the cabin with several crew members of the Aerospace Communications Department on duty.

Pang Xuelin's eyes swept away from everyone present, Cheng Xin, Wei De, Shiens, Ding Yi, Cao Bin, Zhang Beihai, Chu Yan, and finally stopped at Luo Ji.

Cheng Xin's faces also became dignified one by one.

This time they took them to the "gravity", and they always wondered what Pang Xuelin was going to do.

It is indeed time for the showdown.

Pang Xuelin said: "Everyone here is a person I really trust. In a responsible manner for all humanity, I hope that what happens next will become a common secret among the nine of us here. Of course, the same is for the sake of To prevent leaks, I will ask everyone to accept the stamp of thought prepared by Mr. Seans before leaving the cabin! "

Ding Yidao: "Professor Pang, let's say, what are you going to do next?"

A faint smile appeared on Pang Xuelin's face, saying: "Presumably everyone should be clear. During the crisis era of Dr. Luo Ji's face wall plan, Dr. Luo Ji asked the United Nations to send a stellar spell!"

Everyone nodded and turned their attention to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji's face changed slightly, frowning: "Professor Pang, what are you going to do?"

Pang Xuelin said: "In the face wall plan hearing that year, you asked the United Nations to launch the three-dimensional coordinates of the 187J3X1 star in the universe through the stellar wave amplification function. Later the United Nations did it."

"I've been thinking all these years, what was the purpose of Dr. Luo Ji doing this? Why did the trisomy and ETO always want you to die at any cost!"

Luo Ji was silent, and the others did not speak, and the whole cabin fell into a strange silence.

"When I can't sleep at night, I like to get up from the bed and watch the stars, and see that I paid for the star that belonged to me and Zhuang Yan. Then one day, when I was watching DX3906, I suddenly thought, DX3906 would not Will you have planets, will you have civilizations as well? "

"Oh, wait a minute ..."

Speaking, Pang Xuelin suddenly looked up, as if looking at an unknown existence: "I know that you are watching us, are you really going to continue to broadcast the next paragraph of what I want to say to ETO people?"


Somewhere in the unknown cyberspace, the picture in the gravitational cabin transmitted by Tomoko suddenly interrupted in mid-air.


Mo Zi cursed angrily.

Qin Shihuang standing beside him sighed and said, "Lord, you still don't trust us!"

Mo Zi said: "Qin Shihuang, now among the broken people, only two of us are awake. Does the person you are responsible for have any ideas?"

Qin Shihuang shook his head, his face solemnly said: "To be honest, I have been with him for so many years. Although I have been watching him, I still don't understand his thoughts. Previously, no matter what he did about Starring the City or any controlled nuclear fusion, yes For the Lord, it does n’t make any sense. But this time, he suddenly took Luo Ji from hibernation to Gravity, and was suddenly noticed by the Lord. Unfortunately, I was sent to Australia at that time, plus these years of organization Development has always been weak, and we have no ability to penetrate the Star City, let alone those space warships. His trip to the Gravity this time is likely to be a real face-to-wall plan, but I do n’t understand, think I do n’t understand why the Lord interrupted our support because of his word! ”

Mozi said: "Wait a minute, I think the Lord must have had a last resort! The Lord should give us a reasonable explanation later."

"I hope so!" Qin Shihuang sighed.


After Pang Xuelin said something inexplicably to the air, the atmosphere in the cabin suddenly slid.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Where did I say just now?"

Cheng Xindao: "Professor Pang, you said that you thought whether DX3906 would have a planet, or would it have a civilization as well."

"Oh, yes, is there a civilization in DX3906? Then I thought of a more terrible thing. Alpha Centaur and the sun are just an ordinary star on the cantilever of the Milky Way Orion, only two light-years away All the stars have given birth to a wisdom civilization. So what about the hundreds of billions of stars in the galaxy? Can't these stars give birth to a wisdom civilization? As long as these wisdom civilizations have evolved one million years before us, then we can basically Sure, their level of technology will be incredible. But where are they? Why don't they make a sound? Why can't we find any signs of the existence of an alien civilization in the universe? "

Pang Xuelin's tone was very peaceful, not ill, but Cheng Cheng suddenly felt a creepy feeling in his heart.

"So I thought about the strange stellar spell that Dr. Luo Ji had made. After thinking about it for a long time, I came to a terrible conclusion. There are countless civilizations in the universe, but they have hidden themselves. . "

"Why are they hiding themselves?"

Cheng Xin wondered.

Pang Xuelin had a bright smile on his face and said, "Because ... they are afraid of exposing themselves. Exposing themselves means death!"


Cheng Xin couldn't help covering his mouth lightly, his eyes widened!

Luo Ji sighed, "Professor Pang, it seems that you have thought of it!"

"Yes, I thought about it too!"

Pang Xuelin said: "Dr. Luo Ji, now you can talk about your secrets ~ ~ You should know why ETO assassinated you then!"

Luo Ji nodded and said, "I have seen Ye Wenjie!"

The words fell, everyone looked up, looked at Luo Ji in surprise, only Pang Xuelin smiled lightly.

Luo Ji continued: "I and Ye Wenjie's daughter Yang Dong is a high school classmate. After Yang Dong committed suicide, I went to scan her grave and happened to run into Ye Wenjie. At that time, the trisomy crisis had not yet erupted, and no one knew that there were three Civilization is such a thing. In the evening, in front of Yang Dong's tombstone, Ye Wenjie suggested that I could consider studying the sociology of the universe and told me two basic axioms and two important concepts in the universe. "

"1. Survival is the first need of civilization. 2. Civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of material in the universe remains the same. Two important concepts are: 1. Chain of suspicion: the two sides cannot judge whether the other is a good-willed civilization. . 2. Technology explosion: The speed and acceleration of civilization progress may not be the same. Weak civilizations are likely to produce technology explosions that surpass powerful civilizations for various reasons in a short period of time. "

Ding Yi, Cao Bin, and Seans had thoughts on their faces.

Wade, Zhang Beihai, and Chu Yan are all expressionless, but from their twinkling eyes, it can be seen that their hearts are not so calm.

The Science Fiction World of Xueba

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