"Civilization keeps growing and expanding, but the total amount of material in the universe remains the same ... Chain of suspicion? Technology explosion?"

Cheng Xin murmured to himself, brow lightly.

She always felt that these basic axioms and concepts of cosmic sociology contained heartbreaking secrets.

Pang Xuelin didn't let Cheng Xin think for too long, and said lightly, "The conclusion is very simple. The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is a hunter with a gun. It sneaks in the forest like a ghost, and gently pulls out the branches blocking the road. Try hard not to make a little sound in the footsteps, you must be careful even breathing, he must be careful, because there are hunters sneaking like him everywhere in the forest, if he finds other life, there is only one thing he can do to shoot and destroy it . In this forest, others are hell, an eternal threat, and any life that exposes itself will soon be destroyed. This is the picture of cosmic civilization, and this is an explanation of Fermi's paradox. "

Pang Xuelin's tone is not stubborn, but in Cheng Xin, Ding Yi, Cao Bin, Shines, and Chu Yan, these words are like the twilight morning bell, reshaping their view of the universe and putting the last point in their hearts Fortunately smashed.

Even Wade and Zhang Beihai, who had always been indifferent to anger, were slightly changed at this time.

Pang Xuelin continued, "The reason why Dr. Luo Ji asked the United Nations to launch the three-dimensional coordinates of 187j3x1 stars in the universe through the stellar wave amplification function was to verify the accuracy of this hypothesis. Dr. Luo Ji, I guessed right Right? "

Luo Ji nodded. "Professor Pang, you guessed right, but now that you have guessed the existence of the Dark Forest Law, you are called today to announce this secret. What are you doing?"

Pang Xuelin smiled slightly and said, "The 187j3x1 star is still too far away from the solar system. Even if our previous message was received by the alien civilization as soon as it came out of the solar system, it would take at least fifty years to see the picture of the 187j3x1 star being destroyed. It is conservatively estimated that it is normal to wait for two to three hundred years. Two hundred years later, the first batch of detectors launched by the trisomy will reach the Earth. Four hundred years later, the trisomy fleet will reach the solar system! Humans can't wait that long! So I was thinking, if we replaced the three-dimensional coordinates of the 187j3x1 star with Alpha Centauri, what would you guess would be the trisomy? "

The voice dropped, and the cabin was suddenly quiet.

Everyone understands that once the coordinates of Alpha Centauri are announced, the coordinates of the solar system will inevitably be exposed!

This is a means to all end!

But no one spoke.

"Chu Yan!"


Chu Yan stepped forward.

"Should there be three-dimensional coordinates of Centaurus α in cosmic space in the gravitation?"


Chu Yan froze slightly and nodded.

Pang Xuelindao "Now aim the gravitational communication antenna at the sun, enter the three-dimensional coordinates of the Centaur α in space, and be ready for launch!"


Chu Yan didn't hesitate, went directly to the console, and started to operate the computer.

There was a gleam of appreciation in Pang Xuelin's eyes.

The reason why he left Chu Yan mainly was to see Chu Yan's attitude when facing such a choice. Obviously, Chu Yan did not let himself down.

Soon, Chu Yan looked up and said, "Professor Pang, all the data has been entered. As long as you press this red button, you can announce the three-dimensional coordinates of Centaur Alpha to the universe!"

Pang Xuelin nodded, and said lightly, "Retreat, and give me the launch mission at last!"

Chu Yan hesitated a moment, and then took a few steps back.

Pang Xuelin stepped forward and placed his finger on the red button.

"Professor Pang!"

Cheng Xin couldn't help coming out.

Wei De, Zhang Beihai, Ding Yi and others all looked at Pang Xuelin, and no one spoke.

Pang Xuelin looked at Cheng Xin with complex emotions beyond his eyes.

Cheng Xin opened his mouth and ended up saying nothing.

Pang Xuelin smiled, looked up slightly, and looked at the unknown existence in the air. "I speak to the three-body world now, and I know that Tomoko is by your side, you can hear it. If I press this button now, it will The two great civilizations have committed terrible sins, but I do n’t regret it. Thirty years ago, you called us bugs, but for other higher civilizations, why are n’t you bugs? For thirty years, your call to humanity is not No reason, speechlessness is the biggest contempt. I have had enough of such contempt. Now, I will give you ten seconds. If you remain silent, then after ten seconds, the ultimate judgment against the two worlds will start from Issued within the gravitation! "

At this moment, Luo Ji suddenly said, "Professor Pang, wait!"


Pang Xuelin froze and looked at Luo Ji puzzledly.

Luo Ji laughed and said, "If this is the crime of world destruction, then count me as one!"

Then, he stepped forward and put his hand on Pang Xuelin's hand.

"Also count me!"

Zhang Beihai also stepped forward.

"Count me!" Vader stepped forward.

"Count me!" Ding Yi stepped forward.

"Count me!" Chu Yan stepped forward.


One hand stacked.

Finally, a thin, tender hand appeared above the rough male palms.

Pang Xuelin turned her head in amazement, facing Shang Chengxin's touching eyes.

"Also count me!"

Cheng Xin looked at Pang Xuelin and smiled.

Her eyes flickered slightly, showing that she didn't seem so calm inside.

Pang Xuelin said, "The countdown starts, ten, nine, eight, seven ..."

The "seven" in Pang Xuelin's mouth just dropped, and three spheres suddenly appeared in midair. They all had a total reflection mirror surface, and two identical words appeared on it!

Pang Xuelin breathed a sigh of relief ~ www.readwn.com ~ looked up and said, "Can we talk about the conditions now?"

A line of words appears on the sphere, you loose your hands first, we can negotiate!

The words glowed red and were extremely striking.

The word lines are not deformed on the sphere, they are neat lines, so that they look both on the surface of the sphere and inside them.

"I want the identity and list of all eto members on the planet."

Soon, the shape of the three-dimensional sphere changed, and became a two-dimensional screen of nearly one hundred inches. The identity information of more than two hundred eto members appeared on the screen, and even their photos.

Pang Xuelin made a wink at Chu Yan. Chu Yan quickly found a video device and took all of these personal data.

Everyone's eyes swept across the list of eto members.

Soon, Cheng Xin covered his mouth with his hands, flashing a little exclaimed, "Professor Pang, Kan ... Mr. Kanter is also inside!"

Pang Xuelin just smiled slightly and did not respond.

At the same time, Seans had a shocked expression on his face, and he also saw a familiar name from the list.

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