On the way home, Pang Xuelin picked up Murphy by the way.

Xiao Xiaoya hasn't seen Pang Xuelin for more than two months, and she doesn't want to come out in the arms of Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin simply asked Murphy to act as a driver, while holding her daughter behind the car.

囡囡 "Hello, do you want dad?"

"miss you!"

Little Murphy was only seven years old and dressed like a doll. Pang Xuelin couldn't help kissing her, and she was giggled with stubble on Pang Xuelin's face.

The father and daughter played all the way until they stopped at home.

The return of Xi Pang Xuelin made this slightly deserted home quickly become lively.

Especially at night, I learned that Pang Xuelin had a one-month vacation, and Kris turned to be the master, turning months of thoughts into endless lingering, so that Pang Xuelin enjoyed the tenderness.

It's just that this girl is destined to fight five dregs. After only two rounds, she lay on Pang Xuelin and didn't want to move.

"Husband, how are you getting worse lately?"

"Don't like it?"

Pang Xuelin laughed.

Kriss gave Pang Xuelin a white look and bit his ear and said, "I like ..."

Pang Xuelin was agitated by Kris's charming state, and pressed Kris under her again.

Until Kris was completely out of energy, the two men embraced and chatted, and fell asleep before they knew it.

The next month, Pang Xuelin helped Kris to do farm work and do housework every day at home.

Their family has planted more than two hundred acres of cornfields. Although the peak period of farming has passed, there are still countless tasks to be done every day.

Pang Xuelin was distressed by Kris, and she simply learned Cooper to help Kris transform the harvesters, seeders, pesticide spray drones and other machines into a machine with a certain degree of artificial intelligence.

加上 In addition to this era, whether it is fuel or other energy sources, it is too cheap to die, so this will make Kris's daily work a lot lighter.

When the two of them are free, they either drive out to play, or take Murphy out for a picnic, and the family is happy.

A month of happy time passed by.

A month later, Pang Xuelin appeared in the NASA conference room to participate in a discussion of the latest version of the Lazarus plan.

In the movie, human spaceflight is still maintained at the level of chemical propulsion, coupled with the gravity limit on the earth, even though the Yongye spacecraft has already spent a lot of human resources, the entire spacecraft is quite primitive.

Compared with the vast universe, it is like humans in ancient times, relying on simple canoes, across the vast ocean to find a new continent.

This risk means that every astronaut participating in the Lazarus program will die nine lives.

一次 This time, the anti-gravity technology has developed by leaps and bounds theoretically. In addition to some technologies left over from the shrimp culture, human beings can basically guarantee the application of anti-gravity technology from theory to engineering within three years.

Therefore, after the repeated discussions between Pang Xuelin and Brand, the newest "Yong Ye" spacecraft was launched.

The overall scale has been improved by a factor of ten compared with the original version, and comfort is incomparable.

The latest version of the Yongye spacecraft will be built on the ground. After the construction is completed, it will be lifted into space by an anti-gravity engine.

The spacecraft as a whole is in the shape of a circle, with the center of the circle being a huge Hall thruster. In space, it can provide more than one million cattle of thrust to the spacecraft.

The ring around the puppet is composed of independent cabins. Each independent cabin has a complete life support device and a small ion propulsion device for attitude maintenance.

外观 From the appearance, this spaceship is a bit like the "navigator" space station of the smaller one in the stray earth world.

The main power of the plutonium spacecraft is six molten salt reactors with a total output of more than two gigawatts, and a large number of nuclear fuel rods.

The puppet crews can change nuclear fuel in space on their own, coupled with the hibernation system in the spacecraft, the overall self-sustainability of the "Yongye" spacecraft has exceeded 200 years.

As a result, the number of astronauts in the entire Lazarus program also needs to increase significantly.

However, due to the danger of this program and the issue of the astronaut training cycle, NASA finally controlled the total number of "Yongye" spacecraft to less than 100 people.

A lot of work will be done by artificial intelligence in the spacecraft's master computer.

As the overall scale of the Yongye spacecraft has expanded, the mission redundancy and various guarantees of the entire spacecraft have been improved more than a hundred times compared to the previous spacecraft.

The original high-level coalition government was unwilling to invest such huge resources for the "Yongye" spacecraft, but in the end, Pang Xuelin's words made the coalition government suddenly become the biggest supporter of this spacecraft.

The phrase that struck him was: "The Yongye spacecraft project can pave the way for future Space City plans."

Uh ...

之后 After the spread of the blight virus on the earth, it has become increasingly unsuitable for human survival. Therefore, space has become the only way for human beings.

After the breakthrough of anti-gravity technology, the Space City project has also been put on the agenda.

But before then, humans have never conducted such a large-scale space project.

Because of this, the "Yong Ye" spacecraft has become a touchstone for future Space City projects.

Aware of this, the United Humanity Government, composed of three autonomous regions in North America, East Asia and Europe, provided a surprising amount of resource support for the Lazarus Project.

Fortunately, after so many science fiction world exercises, Pang Xuelin has extremely rich management experience on this super-large scientific project.

Coupled with his superhuman vision, after only one year of project demonstration and design, this spacecraft officially entered the project implementation stage.

Uh ...

Twenty years later, in a secret base belonging to NASA, a ring-shaped spaceship with a diameter of more than 500 meters stood tall in front of Pang Xuelin.

霍尔 The Hall thruster, the main power system for the spacecraft, is a cylindrical structure with a diameter of 50 meters. Therefore, the combination of the ring and the Hall thruster will be carried out in space.

At present, the main structure of the Hall thruster has been launched. Through that launch, humans have verified the state and stability of the anti-gravity engine.

Today, NASA will officially launch the main structure of the "Yongye" spacecraft.

With the order of the commander-in-chief of the scene, the steel structure supporting the Yongye spacecraft was slightly shaken, and a wave of fluctuations spread out.

Suddenly, a group of geese just passing over the spaceship fell from the air like headless flies.

Soon after, the spacecraft floated silently.

的 The ion thrusters in the twelve main structure cabins emit a faint blue light, pushing the spacecraft into the sky silently and silently.

The acceleration provided by the auxiliary power system is not great. It was not until half an hour before the spacecraft slowly disappeared into the sky.

At this time, Brand came to Pang Xuelin silently and said, "Pang, if this test goes well, you should start in six months."

Xun Pang Xuelin nodded, without speaking, her heart became a little heavy.

In the past three years, Pang Xuelin has established a deep relationship with Kris and Murphy.

This time, I don't know what year, month and day will see each other again.

"Pang, I will give you half a year's vacation, and the next six months, go and accompany them."

"Thank you!"

Pang Xuelin turned to look at Brand and nodded.

Uh ...

On the way home from the test base, Murphy, who has always been lively, rarely became silent.

"Brother-in-law, are we only half a year old?"

"It's almost there." Pang Xuelin nodded and said, "In the past six months, you go home to spend more time with your father. He actually remembers you."

"I know."

Murphy turned her head to prevent Pang Xuelin from seeing her red eye circles.

After arriving home, the two became as usual again, and did not let Chris and Oliver notice anything abnormal.

In the past three years, Murphy has grown another head and has become a ten-year-old slim girl.

But still sticky to Pang Xuelin.

Who made Pang Xuelin most fond of her?

Although she is petting, her little girl is well-behaved and cute, and she has a good academic performance in school, which is very flattering.

She Pang Xuelin regarded her as the pearl of her palm, holding it in her hand to avoid falling, and holding her in her mouth to avoid becoming melted.

In the evening, after the family had eaten, Pang Xuelin tutored Murphy's schoolwork and returned to the bedroom. Kris had already taken a shower and was wiping her wet hair.

Pang Xuelin went up and scented his wife. Instead, Kris gave him a white glance and shoved the towel into his hand. "Smelly, give me a bath."

"Observe, dear."

After bathing, it is a battle as usual.

At the end of the battle, Kris lay weakly on Pang Xuelin's chest and said, "Dear, how long are you going to stay this time when you come back?"

In the past three years, as the deputy commander of the "Lazarus" project, Pang Xuelin has traveled frequently to coordinate the construction of the "Yong Ye" spacecraft. Kris has become accustomed to the time when Pang Xuelin used his home as a hotel.

Xi Pang Xuelin laughed: "I have been busy enough for the past two years. This time I applied to the bureau for a long vacation. I can stay with you for at least half a year."

Kriss's fingers were originally rounded gently on Pang Xuelin's chest, and she could not help but linger slightly when she heard the words.

"what happened?"

Pang Xuelin bowed his head in surprise.

"It's all right."

Kriss dropped her head, her eyes were like waterways: "My husband, I still want."

Uh ...

If it was n’t for the global biological extinction caused by the blight virus, and his wife and children lived quietly, such a day would be like heaven to Pang Xuelin.

现在 But now, the happier these days, Pang Xuelin feels more tormented.

He faintly felt that Kris already knew what, but Kris didn't want to say it, Pang Xuelin didn't know what to say.

The two carefully maintained the tacit understanding between the couple.

I'm a little Murphy, so happy every day.

My dad spends more and more time with her at home.

除了 In addition to picking her up and going to school every day, on weekends, she often takes her mother and grandpa to take outings, picnic, kite, and play games with her grandfather.

Sometimes my aunt will go with me.

Such a life is like dreaming in Murphy's heart.

However, no matter how happy life is, there may be a time to reach the end.

傍 That evening, Pang Xuelin finally received a call from Brand.

After hanging up the phone, Pang Xuelin looked up and looked at Kris, who was busy in the kitchen, opened her mouth, and cried, "Kris, I'm leaving tomorrow ..."

咣 Dang——

The shovel in Kris's hand fell into the pot.

Tears rolled down along Chris's pale face, and Chris wiped her tears with her hands, trying to bloom a smile: "Are you going back to work again? Then I will do ... at night , Grilled fish fillet, jam bread, corn salad ... oh, by the way, I still have a bottle of red wine in the cellar, I'll wait to get it out ... "

Kriss tried to restrain her emotions, but as she said, her tears were falling like a dyke.


Xi Pang Xuelin couldn't hold back, hurried forward and held his wife tightly in his arms.

"Woohoo ..."

紧 The tight string in Kris' heart broke suddenly, Kris couldn't control her emotion any more, and lay crying in Pang Xuelin's arms.

Wu Pang Xuelin just patted his wife's back gently, and allowed his wife's tears to soak his clothes on his chest, his eyes were reddish, and he could not say a word.

At this moment, Old Oliver, walking on the crutches, stepped downstairs step by step.

Three months ago, when Oliver came downstairs, he accidentally fell and broke his calf. He hasn't fully recovered yet and can only walk on crutches.

Looking at the couple embracing at the kitchen door, Oliver looked up and made a long sigh.

At this moment, the sound of the car engine came from the door.

Kris, who was released from emotion, drilled out of Pang Xuelin's arms, wiped the tears on her face and said, "You can also clean it up, don't be noticed by your daughter ... that girl ... that girl is the most entangled you, know If you leave, she will collapse ... "

Pang Xuelin nodded, silent.

After a while, Big Murphy and Little Murphy entered the room.


Little Murphy put down his schoolbag, rushed towards Pang Xuelin, and kissed him fiercely.


Pang Xuelin held her daughter tightly in her arms, and kissed her daughter's face affectionately. After a while, she slowly released Murphy.

"Brother-in-law, what's wrong?"

Murphy asked.

Pang Xuelin said: "I received a call from Brand. We will report back tomorrow ..."

The expression on Murphy's face froze suddenly.

Dinner is very rich, but the atmosphere is a little dignified.

连 Even Little Murphy felt a little anomaly.

"Dad, Mom, what's wrong with you? Are you arguing?"

Pang Xuelin was about to answer, and Oliver on the side said, "Little Murphy, your dad is going back to work tomorrow. It may take a month or two to travel. Your mother is not happy."

嘻 "Hee hee, doesn't Dad travel a lot? I'm used to it."

Little Murphy laughed.

Oliver also said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Kris, look at you, you are too childish, not even Murphy. Pang's business trip is not one or two times, and he will be back soon. .Come, let's toast and wish our family a happy reunion soon. "


After eating, Oliver said, "Pang, come to the study with Murphy. I have something to tell you."

Pang Xuelin and Murphy stared at each other, and they followed Oliver upstairs.

When he came to the study, Oliver said, "Pang, you and Murphy will come back, and you won't know what year or month. How difficult is the space journey, and no one knows what's behind Saturn's wormhole. Old Oliver has nothing to talk about in this life. What I am most proud of is that there are two excellent granddaughters. Kris is very calm and steadfast, Murphy is lively and cute, and she has excellent talents. I can pay for both my granddaughters. It's in your hands, and Murphy will follow you in the future. When you take care of her, it is best ... to arrange a safer task for her. If she also follows, the old man will be in **** in the future. , I want to settle accounts with you! "


Murphy's eye circles were red, and she couldn't help crying.

Pang Xuelin said: "Father, rest assured, even if I die, I won't let Murphy do anything wrong."

Old Oliver nodded and said, "Okay, surly, come to Grandpa, our grandchildren haven't talked for a long time. Pang, go with Chris."

"Father, I'll go first."

When Pang Xuelin came out of the study, she saw Kris in Murphy's room and helped her with her homework.

Pang Xuelin followed, and the family of three talked until the young Murphy went to bed, and the couple quietly exited from her daughter's room.

When I returned to the bedroom, Pang Xuelin had just closed the door, and Kris was holding her waist tightly behind her.

Pang Xuelin turned around, and Kris had kissed ~ www.readwn.com ~ For a long time, the two men separated breathlessly.

Kriss said: "My dear, hug me into the bathroom, do not sleep at night."

Uh ...

六 At six in the morning.

Pang Xuelin opened her eyes, and Kris was holding her arm tightly, and she slept heavily.

Kriss persisted until four o'clock in the morning, and Pang Xuelin was sober.

Outside the house, the sound of a car engine came.

He Pang Xuelin knew that this was the person who had come to meet himself and Murphy.

Pang Xuelin gently pulled her arm out of Kris's arms, quietly got out of bed, changed her clothes, then opened the bedroom door and looked back at Kris, who was still asleep, and then closed the door quietly.

What Pang Xuelin didn't know was that when the door was closed, a line of tears rolled down from the corner of Kris's eyes.

Then, Pang Xuelin quietly came to her daughter's room again. Little Murphy was still asleep, holding a huge teddy bear with a light smile on the corner of her mouth.

Xuan Pang Xuelin's heart was filled with an unprecedented tenderness. He stepped forward slowly, bent down and pecked at his daughter's face, then quietly exited her daughter's room.

When I reached downstairs, Murphy was well-groomed and waiting, Oliver was preparing breakfast for him and Murphy.

After eating breakfast, the two walked out of the house accompanied by Oliver.

Murphy stepped forward and hugged Oliver for a long time before getting on the car.

Pang Xuelin also hugged with Oliver and said, "The space agency will put you and Chris in the future. You must be alive and we will be back soon."

Oliver said, "I'll wait!"

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