The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 354: Eternal issue

The convoy gradually moved away from the middle of the cornfield. Murphy couldn't help turning back frequently, until the old Oliver's figure completely disappeared at the end of the road, and then he turned his eyes to the front again.

From now on, they can only keep going forward, and there is no way back.

Twenty-two days later, forty-eight anti-gravity shuttles were lifted off by one hundred astronauts and entered geosynchronous orbit, converging with the "Yongye" spacecraft that had been completely completed on the synchronous orbit.

The role of these shuttles is not only to send astronauts into space, but also to perform landing missions in future planetary exploration.

In order to adapt to different planetary environments, the surface of the shuttle has a certain streamlined structure, which can fly normally in the atmospheric environment at up to ten standard atmospheric pressures, and can also be used as a submersible in the deep sea, low temperature methane lake and other environments. sneak.

Of course, such sneaking can only last one to two hours, after all, the structural strength of the shuttle machine is relatively limited.

In the following month, the Yongye spacecraft did not set sail directly, but carried out the whole ship maintenance and various supplies.

The total mass of the Yongyong Night is more than 30,000 tons, and the overall structure is equivalent to a cylindrical Hall thruster on two circular strings.

The large circle is located in front of the spacecraft and has twelve main cabins, which are respectively a command cabin, four plant cabins, a hibernation cabin, a computer cabin, a living cabin, an entertainment cabin, an astronomical observation cabin, and an electromechanical cabin. And a communication module.

The command module, as the name suggests, is the core of the command and control of the Yongye spacecraft. All operation instructions for this spacecraft will be issued by the command module.

Pang Xuelin's station is in the command cabin. There are different units such as the captain's room, the steering room, the radio room, the equipment room, the navigation room, and the weapon control room. Each unit is responsible for one or two astronauts, of course. Most of the operations are performed independently by artificial intelligence. The astronaut's task is mainly to monitor the operation of artificial intelligence.

The plant cabin is the core of the entire life cycle system of the spacecraft. On the one hand, they provide Pang Xuelin with fresh vegetables and fruits and other food, and on the other hand, they adjust the oxygen and carbon dioxide balance in the spacecraft.

Four plant cabins, each plant requires four people to take care.

算 This is the core department of the spacecraft, and the overall environment of the plant cabin needs to be properly fine-tuned every so often.

The hibernation cabin is the place for the crew to hibernate.

Distant interstellar exploration takes a long time, but the materials that can be carried in the spacecraft are limited. In order to allow the spacecraft to operate for a longer time, it is best to put the crew into hibernation during the voyage.

Computer cabin, which is equipped with a trillion-gigabyte supercomputer array and artificial intelligence TAS. In addition to controlling the operation of various nodes and departments of the spacecraft, it will also provide decision support for future exploration activities.

The living cabin is naturally needless to say, it is a place for daily life of the crew.

The living cabin has more than one hundred rooms, which is equivalent to each crew member having his own independent living space. In addition, there is a small infirmary and operating room in the living cabin, equipped with four medical staff, two multi-function therapeutic instruments and a large number of medical supplies, which is sufficient to ensure the health and safety of the crew.

There are restaurants, bars, cinemas, gyms, swimming pools, game rooms and other living and entertainment facilities in the entertainment cabin, which can provide various adjustments for the crew's boring space life.

As for the electromechanical and communication compartments, let alone, it is one of the important core departments in the spacecraft.

In particular, the communication cabin, in addition to being equipped with traditional deep space radio communication facilities, also has the ability to use gravitational waves to pass through the wormhole to communicate with the earth. However, the current means of gravitational wave communication are quite primitive, and the transmission rate is net radio One percent.

As for the last astronomical observation module, a large radio telescope and optical telescope are installed outside the cabin.

Plutonium can provide a variety of support for deep space exploration of spacecraft.

The power capsule of the puppet spacecraft is located in a small ring behind the spacecraft. Six molten salt nuclear reactors form a ring-shaped power capsule, which is connected to the Hall thruster in the center of the shaft.

The shell of the plutonium molten salt nuclear reactor adopts high-strength alloy armor, which can resist the impact of meteorite with a mass of less than one kilogram and a relative speed of less than three kilometers per second.

In addition, some weapon systems, such as electromagnetic cannons, laser cannons, and particle beam cannons, are also installed in the spacecraft.

武器 The main function of these weapons is to remove obstacles such as asteroids and meteorites near the spacecraft. If you really encounter the level of interstellar civilization of the Shrimp civilization, it is no different from the sword and spear.

As the captain of the "Yong Ye" spaceship, Pang Xuelin has a lot of work to do.

For example, formulate mission plans, improve various flight logs, and complete the entire ship running-in.

Compared to these rookie astronauts in the ship, Pang Xuelin has much more experience in space flight.

In addition to his position as captain, he also has to make guest appearances as mechanical engineer, flight load expert, psychologist, etc., to help the ship and crew complete various preparations before sailing.

One month later, the "Yongye" spacecraft, which successively completed various supplies and maintenance of the entire ship, officially started sailing.

With the instruction from the ground, the Hall thruster in the center of the spacecraft successfully ignited, and the blue particle beam was ejected to the rear. The huge hull started to slowly start to overcome the obstacle caused by the gravity of the earth.

In Captain's room, Pang Xuelin was communicating with his wife and daughter for the last time in real time.

"Kriss, little Murphy, when I come back, I love you."

In the video call, Kris squeezed her red lips, cried in tears, kept yelling at Dad's little Murphy, and nodded heavily.

"My dear, Murphy and I will always be waiting for you, waiting for you to go home."

Ended the video call, Pang Xuelin stood at the porthole and looked at the blue earth suspended in deep space like a sapphire, and sighed.

Ding 咚 ——

At this moment, the door of the captain's room was opened, and Murphy came in.

"Brother-in-law, you can almost go to hibernation."

Murphy also just finished a video call with Oliver, her eyes reddish.

Xun Pang Xuelin nodded. He replaced the uniforms in the spacecraft, and was wearing only a T-shirt and shorts. Murphy led the team to the hibernation cabin.

Originally, according to Pang Xuelin's idea, the hibernation warehouse should preferably be designed in a decentralized manner like the wandering earth world. Each cabin has certain hibernation protection measures.

Later, during the construction process, engineers found that this would significantly increase energy consumption and hull structure complexity and manufacturing costs.

Therefore, after fierce discussions, they still designed a large hibernation warehouse on the side of the living area according to the conventional design.

The hibernation warehouse can protect the hibernation of up to two hundred people at the same time.

Earth to Saturn's perigee is 1.28 billion kilometers, and the apogee reaches 1.58 billion kilometers.

If you are in the dark forest world, at this distance, the spacecraft can arrive in a week.

However, the technology development level of the interstellar crossing the world is far from the level of the dark forest world. Although the main power system of the Yongye spacecraft can provide a million cows of thrust for the spacecraft, compared with the hull of more than 30,000 tons, Some cups of water are paid.

Therefore, the Yongye spacecraft needs to accelerate for up to half a year, then shut down the engine, taxi for one year, then turn the bow, restart the engine, and slow down.

To this end, Pang Xuelin specially arranged the duty tasks during the flight.

During normal flight missions, three-quarters of the crew, that is, seventy-five people will go to hibernation, and the remaining twenty-five people will stay awake according to ~ and execute in the spacecraft. On duty.

For the next two years on the Saturn voyage, they will rotate every six months, and each person will perform a half-year duty mission.

Pang Xuelin and Murphy's flight mission was scheduled for the final phase.

内 Inside the hibernation cabin.

The hatch door closed slowly under the control of artificial intelligence Tass.

"Dear Captain Pang Xuelin, your hibernation time is one year and six months, and the spacecraft will wake you up in February 2050 AD."

With a snoring noise, a white mist spread from the hibernation warehouse, Pang Xuelin slowly closed his eyes and went into deep sleep.

Uh ...

February 2050, the Gregorian calendar.

The space is as dark as ink.

After more than an hour of cosmic journey, the sun photon waved on the silver-yellow ship of Yongye.

Pang Xuelin was in his captain's room and had just finished watching the video message that Chris and Murphy had given him.

Because of the communication channel, Kris and Murphy can only send a video message of about five minutes to Pang Xuelin every month.

"My dear, Murphy has done very well in school. She has completed her ninth grade maths course by herself and is preparing to teach her high school course by herself ..."

"Husband, I dreamed of you again yesterday. I dreamed of the scene when you rescued me and Murphy from the refugee camp."

"My husband, I believe you will find a new home for us ..."

"Husband, I love you, I will always wait for you, waiting for you to go home, our family reunite."

Uh ...

"Dad, although you lied to me, I still can't hate it, I miss you."

"Professor Brand praised me today and said I was a genius."

爸爸 "Dad, I want to study aerospace in the future. The teacher in the school said that the Space City plan is about to start, and everyone will live in space in the future ..."

"Dad, I love you, my mother and I miss you ..."

Uh ...

"Kriss, you have worked hard these years, and I love you. I am still on my way to Mars, and we have walked three quarters of the way. I will be online for the next six months. Murphy, you Dad's pride, I am lucky to have a daughter like you ... "

After replying to his wife and daughter, Pang Xuelin ended the video recording.

After more than an hour, this video will appear at the Lazarus Command Command Center on Earth.

I waited for Chris and Murphy, at least a few days later.

This is a biography of Hongyan from the space age.

Next, Pang Xuelin changed into a gym suit and came to the gym to exercise.

He didn't come here to exercise for the purpose of exercising, but just to spend boring time.

After all, after experiencing genetic modification, he has surpassed the peak of human beings in terms of physical fitness and comprehensive ability in all aspects.

I just surprised Pang Xuelin when he came to the gym and saw Murphy sweating on the treadmill.

姐 "Brother-in-law, come here to exercise too?"

Murphy looked at Pang Xuelin in amazement.

She has never seen Pang Xuelin take the initiative to come to the gym, but every time she performs a physical test, Pang Xuelin is always among the best.

Xi Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Come here for a while and lie down for a year and a half, the bones will rust."

During the voyage, the life in the Yongye spacecraft was relatively boring. Except for completing the daily routine logbook and various equipment inspections, most of the time life was very flat.

The only time that Pang Xuelin was expecting was a monthly video call with his wife and daughter.

Although there is a time delay, such communication makes Pang Xuelin's heart suspicious.

The past half a year passed.

Huge Saturn is already looking beyond the porthole of the spacecraft.

In the past few years, in order to ensure the smooth progress of the Lazarus program, NASA has carried out several unmanned detection projects.

Although the main target of the detection is a huge wormhole that is more than 100 kilometers in diameter from five million kilometers away from Saturn ~ ~ NASA has even verified the use of wormholes after passing an unmanned detector through the wormhole. The possibility of gravitational wave communication.

But when human probes pass by Saturn, they will detect Saturn to a certain extent.

So, to some extent, Saturn is considered to be the deepest planet in the solar system.

The beautiful ring of Saturn surrounds this gas giant planet. Through the radio telescope, Pang Xuelin can even hear the wonderful sound from the inside of Saturn after being demodulated by electromagnetic waves.

That is a faint cry that started to the universe billions of years ago when the solar system was formed.

I was just Pang Xuelin. They were destined to rush through the vicinity of this giant planet.

Upon reaching Saturn, all the 100 crew members of the Yongye were awakened.

Then after another week of sailing, the huge wormhole was finally in sight.

Compared to the wormhole that Pang Xuelin experienced in the world in the ninth district, the wormhole in front of it is at least a hundred times larger, and its diameter is more than two hundred kilometers. Through the naked eye, you can see the sun's rays passing through the space it is in A certain degree of bending has occurred.

Its location is empty, and even gravity does not produce any abnormalities, but everyone can perceive his existence.

This is like a big mouth from a prehistoric monster, devouring everything in the vast void.

The wormhole in the movie is considered to be the handwriting of future high-dimensional human civilization.

They can shuttle freely in the space and time dimensions, which is the largest behind-the-scenes boss in the world.

Pang Xuelin didn't know if the wormhole in front of him was really as described in the movie.

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