The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 371: Tengyun Engineering

To celebrate the initial success of the flying blade material response black box operation, Pang Xuelin and Xu Xincheng invited all members of the project team to have a great dinner together at night.

After dinner, Pang Xuelin left Wan Yi and exchanged for nearly two hours on the next experimental plan before he ended his work today.

On the way back, Zuo Yiqiu, who was sitting in the co-driver's seat, frequently turned back, as if watching Pang Xuelin.

"Xiao Zuo, what's wrong?"

Pang Xuelin discovered Zuo Yiqiu's anomaly.

"No ... nothing."

Zuo Yiqiu said quickly.

Zuo Yiqiu has been an assistant to Pang Xuelin for less than a month. Most of his understanding of Pang Xuelin originated from media reports and internal information.

Although I know that Pang Xuelin is a very good mathematician and materials scientist, I don't have a clear understanding of how powerful Pang Xuelin is.

Until today, I followed Pang Xuelin to the Flying Blade Materials Project Team and got to know the specific goals and difficulty of this project. Then I began to marvel at Pang Xuelin's talent.

The flying blade material project originated in August last year, and it is exactly the first anniversary of this time. During this period, Pang Xuelin researched the flying blade material, and at the same time, he also developed the Jinlong battery and completed the proof of Polignac's conjecture.

Is this the power of a super genius?

Compared with Pang Xuelin, Zuo Yiqiu feels that he has been alive in the past twenty years.

Pang Xuelin smiled, naturally he did not know Zuo Yiqiu's thoughts, but leaned on the back seat.

When Zhou Chen drove back to the Riverside Villa, it was almost eleven o'clock in the evening.

There was a black cricket in the villa. In the afternoon, Pang Xuelin called Yao Bingxia and said that he would not go home for dinner at night. He estimates that Yao Bingxia and Qi Xin are now asleep.

Pang Xuelin asked Zuo Yiqiu and Zhou Chen to go back to rest, but he quietly returned to the room.

Pang Xuelin didn't turn on the light either, went directly to the bathroom and took a shower, then touched the black bed, and felt a warm body lying under the velvet quilt.

When Pang Xuelin lifted the quilt, she felt the girl's arms around her neck like a snake and gave her a sweet kiss.

"Brother Kobayashi!"

"Xiaoxia ?!"

Pang Xuelin was a little surprised.

Soon, a big battle started quickly. One hour later, Yao Bingxia was lying weakly on Pang Xuelin, his fingers circled in his chest.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Do n’t you and Qi Xin say last night that they want to align with me for a while, why did you come here today?"

Yao Bingxia said: "Brother Xiaolin, I will be back to Beijing in two days."

"Why? Why are you going back so soon?"

Pang Xuelin froze slightly.

Yao Bingxia gave him a white look: "I'm going to start school soon."

"So Qi Xin gave you the night time?"

Yao Bingxia nodded and said, "Brother Xiaolin, after I'm gone, you can't touch the flowers anymore. I will let sister Qi Xin look at you ... if you have time, you must come to Beijing to see me."

Feeling the kind of nostalgia for himself in Yao Bingxia's tone, Pang Xuelin held the girl a little distressed.

Yao Bingxia seemed to feel something, and looked up a little shyly, "Brother Xiaolin, do you still want?"

Hesitating a bit, Yao Bingxia bit her red lips and said, "Would you like to find sister Xin next door."

"Stupid girl, what do you want!"

Pang Xuelin said: "Hurry to sleep."

"Hee hee!"

Yao Bingxia was obviously very satisfied with Pang Xuelin's attitude and hugged Pang Xuelin for a few moments before he fell asleep in his arms.

Two days later, Yao Bingxia tearfully bid farewell to Pang Xuelin and returned to Beijing.

Qi Xin naturally stayed. After the incident in the United States, she did not plan to return to Princeton. Instead, she chose to return to Jiangda University of Economics to complete her master's degree studies. Jiangda University would naturally not set any obstacles.

For the next month or so, Pang Xuelin focused his energy on the carbon nanomaterials research center.

The flying blade material from the hands of MOSS reflects the black box control program, which is unexpectedly perfect.

In addition to a mechanical failure caused by an artificial cause, the reaction black box maintained good stability and reliability throughout the preparation process.

The yield of flying blade materials is even higher than that of the Nano Materials Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences led by Wang Miao in the three-body world.

Therefore, one month later, when a full sixty meters long (written in the previous chapter, one hour and ten centimeters, running twenty hours a day, at least two meters can be produced) appeared in front of everyone, Almost blinded everyone's eyes.

It should be known that in academic circles, the best thing for ultra-long carbon nanotube fiber materials is a team from Tsinghua University. They have been able to prepare single-wall carbon nanotubes with decimeter length by chemical vapor focusing.

But at present they can only be prepared in the laboratory, and there is no way for mass production. Another more important problem is that they can only prepare single decimeter carbon nanotubes, not like Pang Xuelin. In this way, high density macro preparation is performed.

The diameter of a single carbon nanotube is only about five nanometers. If there is no macro preparation, then there is no way to show it macroscopically, and naturally it is not possible to use it in reality.

And Pang Xuelin what they came up with this time was a tube bundle consisting of 10,000 60-meter ultra-long single-walled carbon nanotubes, and the technical difficulty between the two was just as natural.

"Professor Pang, the test results show that the single-walled carbon nanotube fibers we manufacture have Young's modulus up to 1TPa, tensile strength up to 100GPa, specific strength up to 62.5GPa / (g / cm3), and comprehensive performance exceeding T1000 carbon fiber More than 10 times. Compared with that, the specific strength of steel wire rope is 0.05 ~ 0.33GPa / (g / cm3), carbon fiber is 0.5 ~ 3.5GPa / (g / cm3), and polymer fiber is 0.28 ~ 4.14GPa / (g / cm3), it can be said that this is the most powerful material in the world. "

Wan Yi stood beside Pang Xuelin, feeling a bit like dreaming.

Last year, when Pang Xuelin announced to them that they were going to make such materials, Wanyi would still be skeptical.

After all, this kind of leap-forward progress is already a bit like black technology.

And now, watching this incredible product realized in his own hands, the sense of accomplishment and pride is incomparable to doing anything.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly. Such data seemed completely reasonable to him. Compared with what he would do next, flying blade material was just a starting point.

After pondering for a moment, Pang Xuelin turned his head and said to Wan Yi: "Professor Wan, you can write a report as soon as possible and calculate the funding for the black box upgrade after the output has increased tenfold. In addition, the paper can also be prepared. We publish as co-corresponding authors. "

"it is good!"

Wan Yi nodded and agreed.


Back home that night, Pang Xuelin wrote a technical report on the application prospects of flying blade materials, which left Zuo Yiqiu polished and submitted.

What Pang Xuelin didn't expect was that on the third day after the report was submitted, Xu Xincheng took two strange middle-aged men to find him, and one of them was still wearing the uniform of a general.

"Academician Pang, let me introduce you. This is General Tao Yongchang, Chief Commander of Tengyun Engineering. This is the chief scientist of Tengyun Engineering. Academician Guo Wenbin from Aerospace Science and Industry Group."

"General Tao, Academician Guo, how are you!"

"Hello Professor Pang!"

"Professor Pang, nice to meet you!"

Pang Xuelin shook hands with Tao Yongchang and Guo Wenbin.

At this time, Xu Xincheng laughed and said, "General Tao, Academician Guo, if you have any needs to talk to Academician Pang directly, I won't bother."

Then, Xu Xincheng left Pang Xuelin's office directly.

Pang Xuelin hesitated for a moment. Although he didn't know what kind of plan the Tengyun project was, Pang Xuelin was still very clear about what the aerospace science and engineering did.

In China, there are two state-owned enterprises in the aerospace industry, one is the Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and the other is the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation.

Among them, the aerospace science and technology group company is mainly responsible for the Long March rockets, the Shenzhou spacecraft and the Tiangong space station.

The main products of Aerospace Science and Industry are Dongfeng series missiles, long sword series cruise missiles, red flag series air defense missiles, and fast boat series solid rockets.

There is a joke on the Internet that aerospace science and technology are responsible for sending people to heaven, and aerospace science and technology are responsible for sending people to heaven.

Although Pang Xuelin is not clear about the details of the Tengyun project, a lieutenant general from the military serves as the commander of the project, and an academician of the aerospace science and engineering as the chief scientist of the project, plus Xu Xincheng's attitude of avoiding suspicion, Suffice to say that this project is not ordinary.

"General Tao, Academician Guo, please."

Pang Xuelin invited them to sit down on the sofa in the reception room next to his office. Soon, Zuo Yiqiu served three cups of steaming green tea, then closed the door with a wink and exited the reception room.

At this time, Guo Wenbin took out a document from the briefcase and took the lead in saying: "Professor Pang, you must have guessed, we are here today, mainly for flying blade materials. This is our Tengyun project Fact sheet, take a look first. "

Pang Xuelin did not directly receive the documents, but asked: "Academician Guo, there should be a certain level of confidentiality for this project. Is it appropriate to show me directly?"

Guo Wenbin and Tao Yongchang glanced at each other and laughed: "Professor Pang, this project has been authorized, you can access any information and documents about this project at any time, even if you are willing to join the Tengyun project, my chief The position of scientist is at your disposal at any time. "

"This is not necessary."

Pang Xuelin took the document and read it.

Soon, the expression on his face gradually became serious.

The Tengyun project is actually an air-space aircraft project led by the military. The main goal of this project is to establish a space launch system consisting of a reusable carrier and a small space shuttle by 2030. .

The reusable carrier carries the space shuttle to form a combined system. During the take-off phase, the turbofan engine with the best low-speed performance is used to provide power. After rising to an altitude of 12,000 kilometers, it is adapted to high-speed flight in the atmosphere. A super-combustion ram engine sends the carrier and the space shuttle to 25,000 kilometers of adjacent space, and at a speed close to Mach 3, the carrier separates from the space shuttle, and the space shuttle rocket engine starts and sends it into low-Earth orbit The carrier returned to the take-off base by gliding and its own power.

According to the plan, the system can send a 50-ton load, including the space shuttle, into low-Earth orbit at one time, and the space shuttle's warehouse can carry a load of about 10 tons.

After reading the documents in hand, Pang Xuelin groaned for a long time and raised his head, "Academician Guo, do you mean, want to apply flying blade material to this project?"

Guo Wenbin nodded: "Professor Pang, just yesterday, I saw the article about flying blade material that you wrote to the central government. To be honest, if someone else wrote it, I don't really believe it, but since this material comes from I believe you wo n’t say much about your writing. According to the relevant data of the flying blade material you provided in the article, I am sure that this material can definitely show its strength in the Tengyun project. Whether it is used for the main body structure The load-bearing parts are still combined with resin materials to make thermal insulation, or they are used in turbofan engines, stamping engines and even rocket engines. I think this material has great potential to be tapped. "

Instead of directly responding to Guo Wenbin's proposal, Pang Xuelin stood up and went to the window to think.

Guo Wenbin and Tao Yongchang looked at each other with some confusion.

Tao Yongchang couldn't help but say, "Professor Pang, is there any problem in this?"

Pang Xuelin turned around and smiled, "There is indeed a problem."

"what is the problem?"

Guo Wenbin said.

Pang Xuelin smiled: "I think the indicators of Tengyun's aerospace aircraft have been set a little low?"


Guo Wenbin and Tao Yongchang looked at each other, some did not understand Pang Xuelin's meaning.

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Wait a minute, I have another project plan here for you."

Then, he returned directly to the office, connected to the MOSS quantum computer through a notebook, and printed out the overall design plan of the electromagnetic space launch system formulated by MOSS.

Twenty minutes later, Pang Xuelin took a stack of thick documents and put them in front of Guo Wenbin and Tao Yongchang.

"Academician Guo ~ ~ General Tao, have a look."

Pang Xuelin has obtained a complete set of technical data for the space electromagnetic launch system and aerospace aircraft project from the three-body world and has been stored in the quantum computer of MOSS.

During this time, he has been asking MOSS to formulate an electromagnetic launch system and aerospace aircraft project design scheme based on this set of information and the current scientific and technological strength and industrial development level of China.

He originally planned to wait for the completion of the first phase of the Qiantang Lab project, and then hand it out to the senior management for discussion.

What Pang Xuelin didn't expect was that the military and aerospace science and engineering personnel would come to you because of the aerospace aircraft project.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin decided to take out his plan in advance.

Instead of wasting time and resources on a low-efficiency and high-cost space launch project such as Tengyun Engineering, it would be better to pull the military and space science and engineering into the electromagnetic space launch system project, but to gain for this project More assistants.

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