The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 372: Assign a task

At this point, I don't know how time flies.

By the time Guo Wenbin and Tao Yongchang browsed through this material, more than two hours had passed.

Guo Wenbin looked up and looked at Pang Xuelin solemnly: "Professor Pang, are you sure you can get this electromagnetic space launch system out?"

As an aerospace dynamics expert, Guo Wenbin would have been thrown into the other person's face if he had put the project plan in front of him for another person.

Although electromagnetic aerospace launch systems look beautiful in theory, most of them only exist in the fantasy of science fiction writers.

When it comes to engineering practice, there will be a bunch of problems to be solved.

This is like a steam catapult on an American aircraft carrier. The principle is very simple, but before the Chinese electromagnetic catapult came out, how many people thought it was a super-black technology that only American talents mastered.

In particular, the requirements of piston sealing and machining accuracy of the ejection track are enough to make all countries in the world except the United States look forward to it.

Not to mention the electromagnetic space launch system. The various technical difficulties involved in this, even if China is given another 20 years, it may not be able to solve it.

However, the person who brought this plan to himself today was Pang Xuelin, and Guo Wenbin was hesitant.

In the past two years, this young man has created too many miracles.

Not to mention the achievements in the field of mathematics that are enough to enter the annals of history, a lithium-air battery is enough to establish Pang Xuelin's position in the Chinese scientific community.

Not to mention Pang Xuelin's achievements in the field of carbon nanomaterials.

Industrial manufacture of ultra-high-purity electronic-grade single-walled carbon nanotubes, industrial manufacture of large-size single-layer graphene projects, and just-successful flying blade material projects.

Each project, in the academic world, can be called a miracle, but this young man has all come up with it.

Therefore, for a time, even Guo Wenbin was not sure if Pang Xuelin was really able to complete this project.

Pang Xuelin smiled lightly and said, "Certainly eighty or ninety percent."

Guo Wenbin was silent.

As a matter of fact, Guo Wenbin was quite shocked when I first looked at this material.

The design scheme presented in this document, each technical difficulty listed, is extremely detailed.

Although Guo Wenbin knows little about the electromagnetic ejection system.

But for aerospace vehicles, he is the top expert in this field.

Regarding the design of the aerospace vehicle presented in this report by Pang Xuelin, although it involves many advanced technologies that have not yet achieved breakthroughs in reality, the overall design and layout of the aerospace aircraft is faint compared to Tengyun The design of the aerial spacecraft for the project is even more than one.

The design of such a large-scale system engineering is not something that ordinary people can come up with.

He didn't even understand how Pang Xuelin did it.

After a moment of groaning, Guo Wenbin said, "Professor Pang, can this project plan be taken back to me for research?"

Pang Xuelin smiled: "Yes, in addition, I will submit the same report to the senior management at the same time."

Pang Xuelin was not worried about leaks at all. Even if his plan was originally taken to the United States, NASA would not be able to create such an air-space plane in 20 years.

Without his own participation, this plan is equivalent to a pile of waste paper.

Guo Wenbin nodded and said to Tao Yongchang, "General Tao, let's go."

Tao Yongchang said for a moment, and said, "Did we not look at the flying blade material?"

Guo Wenbin smiled bitterly: "I believe Professor Pang's level, and more importantly, if the superior really agrees with Professor Pang's plan, our Tengyun project may not need to continue."

Pang Xuelin smiled and did not participate in the dialogue between Guo Wenbin and Tao Yongchang, but just sent them away indifferently.

After returning to the office, Pang Xuelin handed an encrypted PDF file of the electromagnetic space launch system and the space plane plan to Zuo Yiqiu, and she transferred it to the leadership.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin was preparing to deal with the accumulated mail, and the knock on the office door rang again.

"Come in."

Pang Xuelin said loudly.

The offices were pushed away and Ai, Halk, and Sophie walked in.

"Master, here we are ..."

Ai Ai took the lead.

Halke and Sophie also called Master Pang Xuelin.

The name of the master was brought by Ai Ai. According to her, in China, teachers and masters are not the same thing. In the traditional sense, masters and apprentices are relatives. The relationship is much closer than the relationship between teachers and students.

So she insisted on calling Pang Xuelin a master, and Halke and Sophie also learned how she shouted.

Pang Xuelin doesn't matter. These three people are the three disciples he chose in the field of mathematics. The five math problems he gave the three of them last semester. As a result, they were beyond Pang Xuelin's expectations. Completed, it can be regarded as Pang Xuelin's first wave of tests.

"Ai Ai, Halk, Sophie, hello."

Pang Xuelin laughed.

The new semester begins. He has already made appointments with his three disciples by mail the previous two days. He met in the office today and fixed his study plan for this semester.

Ai Ai said: "Master, you were unconscious for so long last time, are you okay?"

When Pang Xuelin was in a coma, it was the summer vacation. After learning about the news, Ai Ai also wrote a message to Pang Xuelin via WeChat. Pang Xuelin woke up a few words and did not elaborate.

Pang Xuelin laughed: "Nothing, I'm in great health now. By the way, at the end of last semester, I arranged some paper lists for you. Did you all read it during the summer vacation?"

Sophie said: "Master, we have finished watching."

Pang Xuelin laughed: "That's good, just in the new semester, I have prepared a few gifts for you."

As Pang Xuelin said, he took out three printed white papers from the drawer and gave them to the three.

"Ai Ai, this is yours, Halk, yours, and Sophie, this is yours."

"Master, is this?"

Pang Xuelin smiled: "To be honest, the questions I gave you last semester are a thorough investigation of your mathematical level. Overall, they are quite satisfactory. And you have basically completed the basic stage of study. Next, you need to get in touch with some of the most cutting-edge research. What I have listed for you today is what you need to study in the future. These problems are currently considered as hot research areas in the mathematical world, and many of them have not yet been resolved. I do n’t I hope you can solve these problems completely, but I hope that by studying these problems, you can complete a high-level doctoral dissertation before graduation ... The high level I said is at the level of four major journals. No, I ’m sorry, you ca n’t graduate from me. Of course, if you are interested, you can challenge some of the more difficult and well-known problems yourself. I do n’t stop ... ”

Ai Ai, Halke, and Sophie could not help looking at each other.

Ai Ai glanced at her blank paper and frowned, "Master, my field of study is the Dirac operator in the expression of 酉?"

Pang Xuelin nodded and laughed: "The Dirac operator is a first-order differential operator. It was introduced in 1928 by the famous physicist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Dirac as the square root of the Laplacian operator. Using this operator, Dirac explained the spin of electrons and predicted the existence of positrons, which laid the foundation for relativistic quantum mechanics. At present, Dirac operators of various backgrounds are widely used in many physics Bifurcation and generalization to differential manifolds are very important research objects in mathematics "

Pang Xuelinton paused and continued: "The Dirac inequality derived from the Dirac representation derived by Dirac operators is also a powerful tool for the classification of dilattice representations. For connected real semisimple Lie groups G, Wogan uses universal envelope algebra and Clifford algebra. A completely algebraic Dirac operator and Dirac cohomology of (g, K) module X are defined. An important invariant represented by Lie group is its infinitesimal feature. Wogan's conjecture is a semi-simple Lie The irreducible (g, K) module X of group G has a non-zero Dirac cohomology, then the infinitesimal characteristic of X is completely determined by its Dirac cohomology. This conjecture has been proved by Huang Jinsong and Pandzic. In fact, the above result It can be generalized to the more general homogeneous space G / H, and similar conclusions have been made on the homodimension of cubicDirac defined by Kostant. "

"Wogen's conjecture on Dirac's cohomology characterizes a deep algebraic property of the Dirac operator, which further characterizes the infinitesimal characteristics of representations, which provides a new tool for the study of martingale representations. For example, it can be derived from this For more elaborate Dirac inequality, the geometric structure of irreducible unitary representation can also be simplified. At the same time, Dirac cohomology is closely related to Lie algebra cohomology. In many cases, Dirac cohomology can simplify the calculation of Lie algebra cohomology. "At present, the application of Dirac's cohomology is becoming increasingly widespread, even beyond the scope of the semi-simple Liqun group."

"We know that every coadjoint orbit of a Lie group has an invariant symplectic structure, and the orbital method is very effective for studying the representation of a nilpotent Lie group. In addition, the Weyl algebra in symplectic space is the same as the Dirac operator definition above. Cillford algebras using inner product spaces have strong similarities. Therefore, in this field, we can ask the following questions, such as if there is an invariant symplectic structure on the homogeneous space G / H, can we also give An algebraic definition of the Syndicac operator? Is it possible to use the Syndicac operator to construct a unitary representation of a real semisimple Lie group? Is there a connection between the Syndicac operator and the coadjoint orbit? Currently in the mathematical world, these The research of the problem is still in its infancy, Ai Ai, in the next two years, I hope you can achieve something in this field. "

Ai Ai nodded bitterly. When Pang Xuelin assigned them homework last semester, she felt that the difficulty was acceptable, and with a little effort, it was still solvable in one semester.

Unexpectedly, this semester, Pang Xuelin came up and gave them a big move.

She doesn't have much research on Dirac's operators at all. If she wants to understand these problems, she will probably have to spend more than a week, let alone solve these problems mentioned by Pang Xuelin.

Fortunately, Pang Xuelin only asked them to write a high-level dissertation by studying this issue, but he did not force them to solve these problems.

After speaking of Ai Ai's mission, Pang Xuelin turned his eyes to Halke and smiled, "Halke, Cherlin-Zilber guesses, should you know?"

Halke nodded wryly, saying, "Master, this conjecture is a conjecture about infinite simple group classification proposed by Boris Zilber 30 years ago: that is, a Morley with a finite ω-stable simple group must be some An algebraic group over a closed field of algebras. This conjecture is a very important question at the junction of model theory research and algebraic group research. "

Pang Xuelin smiled with satisfaction: "Very well, the Cherlin-Zilber conjecture has been proposed for 30 years, and the research work on the ω-stable group made by the mathematical community around this conjecture has made very outstanding progress. This kind of research not only applies model theory Many new ideas and methods, but also from the field of finite group theory research, especially many ideas on the classification of finite simple group work. For this conjectural research, I recommend you to read a co-authored by Borovik and Nesin A monograph on the Cherlin-Zilber conjecture, I believe you will find useful material from this book. In addition, although this conjecture has not yet been resolved, a similar Cherlin conjecture about o-minimal structures has been Proven by Peterzil, and Starchenko, I suggest you take a look at their proof paper, maybe it will be inspirational. "

Halke said: "Master, I'll go and check this information immediately."

In the end, Pang Xuelin turned his attention to Sophie: "Sophie, Naganda would leave it to you."

Sophie pursed her head and nodded.

Ai Ai went to Sophie's side curiously, looked at the text on her white paper, and couldn't help but read it in a low voice ~ ~ is the point on C ^ 2 in general position, m1, ..., mn is a set of natural numbers. If there is a d-degree curve C, for each 1≤i≤n, the multiple of C at Pi is not less than mi, then d ^ 2≥m1 ^ 2 + ... + mn ^ 2. "

"Master, Sophie's proposition is too simple, right?"

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Do you think it is simple? Or you and Sophie?"

Ai Ai quickly waved his hand and sneered: "No, I think my Dirac operator is also good."

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "In algebraic geometry, the plane algebra curve is the simplest and most specific algebraic cluster. However, there are still some well-known problems in this field that have not been solved. Nagda's conjecture is one of them. Conjecture is a very small number of problems in the field of algebraic geometry that can be understood by college students, but it is very difficult. Historically, this conjecture has played a very important role in solving the 14th question of Hilbert. In deeper algebraic geometry, In cutting-edge research, the solution of many problems also depends on the solution of Nagata's conjecture. Sophie, I hope that you can make progress in this field before you graduate. "

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