The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 395: Escape the day of birth

Ten minutes later, Pang Xuelin and Xiaodongbei met at the gate of the supervision area.

Pang Xuelin added an M2 Browning heavy machine gun, and a bullet chain containing a 12.7 mm machine gun bullet was carried on his shoulder, and there were two boxes of ammunition on his back.

This was removed from an armored vehicle parked in front of the town guard's station.

Xiaodongbei looked dumbfounded. He first saw someone carrying a heavy machine gun on his body like this.

After two months of eschatological life, he is no longer a medical student who knows nothing. This US military-style M2 Browning 12.7 mm large-caliber heavy machine gun alone has a net weight of 38 kg and fires a large caliber of 12.7 × 99 mm. Ammunition is generally used for fire positions set up by infantry or as a fire output weapon on tanks and armored vehicles.

Under normal circumstances, mobile infantry must use two or four people to form an infantry squad, and then carry a 20 kg tripod to set up on a fixed position.

It was the first time that Xiaodongbei had seen him carry a heavy weight like Pang Xuelin.

"Big brother, where are we going now?"

"Let's go up the fence first!"

Despite the sounds and various odors received through his ears, Pang Xuelin has established a rough image of a zombies besieging the town of Irvine in his brain.

But he still needs to see the situation in person to work out a reasonable evacuation route.

Soon, the two boarded the fence.

There was a mess around the fence, and the sound of gunfire like blasting beans kept ringing.

Some members of the town guards chose to stay in place to stop, while others have already become deserters in advance.

Little Northeast on the side couldn't help breathing down.

Although the town guards were desperately shooting with guns and zombies were falling down, thousands of zombies were still coming towards the wall. The nearest one was less than ten meters away. .

Even if the fence is seven or eight meters high, once the zombies are close to the roots of the wall, they will soon pile up, forming a tide of corpses and eroding the defense line of the wall.

As long as one point is breached, a chain effect will soon form, eventually leading to the collapse of the entire line of defense.

What's more terrible is that the entire town of Irvine has been surrounded by zombies. If you want to escape from the town of Irvine, you can only use heavy equipment such as tanks and armored vehicles to directly break through the zombies' offensive front.

"Pang ... Big Brother, what shall we do?"

Xiaodongbei looked at Pang Xuelin and said with a sad face.

At this time, several people who looked like town guard officers shouted aloud, and the town guard members quickly got up from their respective battle positions and ran towards the gate of Irvine town.

"We follow too!"

Pang Xuelin Road.

When I arrived at the gate, Pang Xuelin discovered that the square near the gate was crowded with people who were about to flee. At the gate, four M1A2 Abrams main battle tanks started, and the middle part was four modified heavy-duty tanks. Trucks and buses. Behind are seven or eight Stryker armored vehicles and various modified civilian vehicles. Pang Xuelin's Ford f550 armored vehicle is also inside, but the driver is not Alice.

Town guard members pulled a cordon around the convoy, and everyone aimed a gun at those civilians who were trying to rush into the car.

Except for a few of the civilians who have guns, most of them are defenseless, watching the town guards and high-level gangs inside the cordon daring to say nothing.

"You can't leave us alone."

"To go together, to stay together."

"If you leave us, it will be a big deal for everyone to die together ..."


Several leaders among the civilians shouted loudly, and the crowd was noisy again.

At this moment, only the few popping guns were heard, and the few civilians who were happiest were suddenly having a few more blood holes in their heads.

The crowd took a few steps back and calmed down.

At this time, I saw a fat man crawling out of a tank and standing on the top of the tank, he shouted, "For the sake of being human, I won't fight you now, wait for our town guard to use the tank and The armored vehicle is driving ahead. If you are not afraid of death, you can follow the team behind to break through. Of course, you can also find a hidden place in the town to hide. But if anyone **** dare to step on the cordon, there will be only one word in the end. ,dead!"

Fat man's voice fell, everyone was trembling.

The fat man was obviously very satisfied with this situation, and said loudly: "All members of the town guards board the car and prepare to break through!"

Soon, members of the heavily armed town guards near the cordon boarded the convoy.

And those angry civilians stood one by one on the edge of the cordon and did not dare to cross the thunder pool halfway.

At this time, Pang Xuelin suddenly smelled a familiar fragrance coming from behind him.

He turned around and saw Alice appearing beside him.

"What shall we do?"

With a M16 rifle and a double-edged sword, Alice returned to the classic dress in the movie.

Xiaodongbei curiously looked at Alice, and wondered when Pang Xuelin knew such a **** and charming beauty again.

Pang Xuelin said: "We will follow the team out of the city. I will rush in front and you will protect him."

Pang Xuelin pointed to the little Northeast around him.

"it is good!"

Alice nodded.

The rumbling, with a loud noise, the sturdy gate of Irvine slowly opened.


The leading tank burst into a fiery flame, firing directly at the zombies ahead.

Subsequently, the tank started to rumble, and the first tank took the lead out of the gate of Irvine town. Then, the three tanks behind it also followed the fish.

The four tanks lined up side by side and pushed across towards the zombies.

Following these four tanks are four modified large trucks and passenger cars. The windows of these cars have iron fences and a lot of firing holes have been opened inside. Of the zombies fired on a large scale.

In the end, the Stryker armored vehicle fleet and some modified civilian armored vehicles also left Irvine.

At the same time, the unarmed civilians rushed towards the prison when the door opened.

For them, following the team to fight and fight, the probability of survival is almost zero, it is better to hide in the town of Irvine and look for that vitality.

There were also a handful of people with guns who followed the convoy and killed them.

Pang Xuelin said, "Come with me, Alice, take care of Xiaodongbei, and I'll take back the Ford F550."

"it is good!"

Alice nodded aside.

Xiaodongbei quickly followed Pang Xuelin.

Out of Irvine, there was a thick smell of blood and rancidity. Zombie carrion and bones crushed by tanks were everywhere on the ground.

Da da da da da ...

While running, Pang Xuelin fired heavy machine guns at the zombies around him.

The 12.7 mm bullet was so powerful that it hit the body of a zombie, and it could directly blast a large hole in the bowl.

Sometimes sweeping the waist can even break the zombie directly into two sections.

However, Pang Xuelin didn't need to do this, he almost hit the zombie's head with almost every shot.

With one shot, the head of the zombie exploded instantly.

In just ten seconds of work, Pang Xuelin was cleaned up by the forty or fifty zombies surrounding him.

Next, Pang Xuelin stepped up and rushed towards his Ford F550.

The tank was not opening fast, and the F550 was less than fifty meters from Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin changed from three steps to two steps and immediately leaned into the front passenger seat of the F550. The first officer was in the position of a town guard soldier who opened the window and shot a gun at the zombies outside.

Pang Xuelin grabbed his wrist, pulled him out of the car, and threw him into the zombies.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin pulled out a pistol and fired at the driver in the driver's seat.

Bang bang ...

Pang Xuelin flashed into the car, kicked the driver off the driver's seat, and then fired several shots at the two soldiers on the back of the car.

Soon, there was no living person in the car.

All this happened like an electric light flint. In less than ten seconds, the Ford F550 was snatched back by Pang Xuelin.

Followed by Pang Xuelin and sprinted Xiaodongbei and Alice finally caught up.

Pang Xuelin said loudly: "Alice, come and drive, Xiaodongbei, you leave the body in the car."

"it is good."

Alice and Xiaodongbei got in the car directly.

The roof of the Ford F550 just had a sunroof for one person to drill out. Pang Xuelin stood in the car, drilled his upper body, set up a machine gun, and fired at the zombies that were gradually surrounding him.

The car quickly started, and under the control of Alice, it rushed forward along the ground's broken bones and flesh.

With those tanks to help open the way, Pang Xuelin didn't need to waste bullets.

The sound of his guns became sparse, but with each shot, Pang Xuelin was able to blast off a zombie's head.

Seeing that the front four tanks were about to rush out of the zombies, right here, the front tanks stopped suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, Pang Xuelin heard a terrified exclaiming sound ahead.

I saw on the battlefield more than twenty crawlers who were flexible and powerful.

Although the tank's armor is heavy, these creepers seem to know the weakness of the tank.

It was able to climb up to the roof of the tank, and then directly open the locked tank door with brute force. Soon, these four tanks were drowned by the zombies.

Without the tank acting as a meat shield in the front, the modified buses, vans, and armored vehicles in the back are not the opponents of the creepers at all.

The creeper's claws can even tear the armor of the armored vehicle directly.

So a massacre began.

But within a short time, the massacre has not yet spread to the rear Ford F550.

"It turned out to be a creeper!" Pang Xuelin looked strange and said to Alice: "Alice, get around them. We rush out."

Alice squeezed her red lips tightly, nodded and said nothing. .

The engine of the Ford F550 growled again. Bypassed the vehicle in front.

Several creepers found Pang Xuelin's movements and growled towards them.

Da da da……

The dexterity and speed of the creepers did not escape Pang Xuelin's shooting at all.

After a series of gunshots, the creepers were successively knocked out of their heads by 12.7 mm machine gun shells.

The next few creepers seemed to be aware of Pang Xuelin's intractability, stopped his footsteps and stopped chasing.

When Alice saw this, she stepped on the throttle directly.

Pang Xuelin also pointed his muzzle forward, and the zombies blocking the road were swept away.

In less than a minute, the Ford F550 completely broke out of the encirclement.

Behind them, both Irvine and the convoy trying to escape, have been completely drowned by the zombies.

Pang Xuelin was relieved and released the machine gun barrel.

This time, he broke through almost 400 rounds of heavy machine gun bullets, and the entire machine gun barrel has been hot by Pang Xuelin.

However, Pang Xuelin's palm was not burned by the barrel.

Pang Xuelin is not surprised. He has discovered this phenomenon long ago. Gene agents seem to greatly enhance the environmental adaptability of his somatic cells. He can easily endure the high and low temperatures.

And with the increase in the number of battles, Pang Xuelin has found that his ability in various aspects seems to be slowly rising.

Pang Xuelin returned to the car, leaving his heavy machine gun aside. To Xiaodongbei Road, which was still excited, shocked, and mixed with various emotions: "Little Tohoku, check the supplies in the car."

"Okay, Big Brother."

Xiaodongbei nodded quickly.

Seeing such a big scene today, Pang Xuelin's status in his mind has risen to the height of an immortal.

Pang Xuelin didn't care about Xiaodongbei's reaction ~ ~ but came to sit in the front passenger seat.

"Where are we going?"

Alice asked.

Pang Xuelin said, "Go to the gas station before, I remember there was water and a generator there, maybe I could get food supplements."

Alice nodded, no longer speaking, and Pang Xuelin was not interested in speaking.

He was thinking about the siege of today but behind the scenes.

When he just came out of the underground base and learned that the zombies were besieging the town of Irvine, Pang Xuelin suspected that these zombies had been deliberately brought in.

After seeing those creepers just now, he was more certain of the guess in his mind.

As for who is behind the scenes, needless to say, it must be Spencer who has been hiding behind the scenes.

Pang Xuelin suspected that Spencer might have guessed that Muscourt and William Birkin had colluded.

This time, by her own hand and Alice's hand, just killed a base under Muscou and William Birkin.

However, this is not important. What really makes Pang Xuelin under pressure is that the umbrella company has the ability to manipulate zombies, which makes Pang Xuelin feel a bit scary.

In this era, being able to manipulate zombies to attack others wantonly is invincible.

Even if you have your own base and defensive forces in Kempten, Utah, it may be difficult to stop the zombies from attacking.

In the future between himself and Spencer, I am afraid that it will take a long time to be indifferent.

Pang Xuelin looked at Alice beside her, her brows could not help but tighten her eyes.

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