The Science Fiction World of Xueba

Chapter 396: Kempten Base

Zombie siege was already in the evening.

Waiting for Pang Xuelin, they rushed out of the encirclement of the zombies in Irvine. When it arrived at the gas station, it was eight o'clock in the evening.

There was no light at the gas station.

Fortunately, the night has not caused any trouble for Alice or Pang Xuelin. Pang Xuelin can clearly see a few black figures hovering in the gas station.

"Little Northeast, you stay in the car first, Alice and I go and clean up the zombies first."

Pang Xuelin took the pistol and got out of the car with Alice.

The two moved quickly and entered the gas station silently.

Soon, gunfire rang, and the zombies inside the gas station were swept away by Pang Xuelin and Alice.

Several of the zombies looked familiar, the black bosses and his men who were responsible for guarding the gas station that Pang Xuelin had seen the other day.

Later, Pang Xuelin found the location of the generator in the gas station. After a while, the entire gas station became bright.

After throwing the dead zombies out of the gas station, Pang Xuelin began to count the rooms inside the gas station.

Naturally, there is no need to say anything about fuel. In this gas station, the gasoline and diesel reserves exceed 5,000 gallons.

In addition, a lot of food is stored in the gas station, as well as various weapons and ammunition.

What surprised Pang Xuelin the most was that the gas station even had an underground machine well, which could be used to directly bathe and wash cars.

The next two days, the three stayed at the gas station for rest. During the day, Pang Xuelin and Alice went out to clean up the zombies near the gas station again.

Pang Xuelin even took time to look back at Irvine.

The entire town of Irvine has been completely occupied by zombies, and there are no living people in it.

On the third night of the gas station's rest, Pang Xuelin and Alice finished eating Xiaodongbei's dinner and said, "Xiaodongbei, Alice, we're almost here, it's time to go."

"Big brother, are you going to the base you said?"

Little Northeast curiously, Pang Xuelin nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, we are going to Kempten base in Utah."

Alice was just eating quietly without speaking.

Pang Xuelin has learned Alice's temper these days. Since she doesn't speak, it means acquiescence.

In the early morning of the next day, the three men loaded the materials needed for the journey.

Before setting off, Xiaodongbei again flushed the Ford F550, which was already cleaned, with tap water.

Subsequently, Pang Xuelin started the car and went to Kempten Town according to the route previously planned.

Although Pang Xuelin was swaying outside during this time, he kept in touch with Jill and Claire through satellite phones.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin knew the progress of the construction of Kempten Town.

At present, more than 9,000 people have been gathered in the town of Kempten, of which more than 2,000 have military backgrounds. In addition, there are more than 1,000 various professional and technical personnel, including scientists, engineers, doctors, and so on.

Most of the rest are the families of these people, and a small part are the refugees Claire and Jill collected.

The umbrella company also complied with the previous agreement and gave strong support to the Kempten base.

They not only provided a large amount of food, oil, weapons and various construction materials to the Kempten base.

Various instruments were even provided to restart the underground laboratory at Kempten Base.

Pang Xuelin was not surprised by this behavior of the umbrella company.

Since entering the biochemical crisis world for two months, he has realized how badly the gene optimizer that systematically rewards himself.

With the research level of the umbrella company in the field of life sciences, it is bound to detect the abnormality of genes in its own body.

Therefore, it is impossible for Spencer to turn his back on his own initiative.

Even Pang Xuelin himself had the idea to study the gene optimizer.

After all, this super medicament, which has not observed any side effects for a while, but improves all aspects of the body, is really amazing.


Colorado and Utah are adjacent. From Irvine to Kempten base, the distance is only five or six hundred kilometers.

If you change to the old days and walk on the highway, you can arrive in half a day.

But now it is almost impossible, let alone wandering zombies, those abandoned vehicles on the high speed alone are enough to give Pang Xuelin a headache.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin had to detour from time to time, sometimes simply driving through the wilderness.

Fortunately, the off-road performance of the Ford F550 is quite good, and Pang Xuelin also has a variety of accessories. Therefore, after three days, Pang Xuelin finally saw the Kempten base on the plain below the ridge of Vasak and Youying Tower.

Compared to Irvine, the Kempten base is heavily guarded. Pang Xuelin was stopped by a group of heavily armed soldiers five kilometers away from the base.

Fortunately, Claire and Gil received the news and ran out to meet them.

The moment he saw Pang Xuelin, Jill couldn't help but exclaim.

"Professor Pang, how did you become like this?"

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "What has I become like, has it changed a lot compared to before?"

Jill looked weird and shook his head. "No, it hasn't changed much."

When she first met Pang Xuelin, although Pang Xuelin was strong in combat, she was gentle and temperamental, full of scholarly atmosphere.

Today, Pang Xuelin feels more like a tough guy.

Pang Xuelin smiled and did not continue to engage in too much entanglement on this topic. He said, "Claire and Jill, let me introduce you. This is Alice and this is Fan Zhiyuan, all my companions I met on the road.


Jill glanced over Alice, and with the intuition of a warrior, she felt that the woman was not as simple as it seemed.

Then, everyone introduced themselves one after another.

Alice's self-introduction is short, she just said her name

It's Xiaodongbei, I stumbled for a long time.

After the party embarrassed, they boarded the train to the Kempten base.

Xiao Dongbei looked strangely at Pang Xuelin.

He thought that Pang Xuelin only knew someone from the Kempten base, but did not expect that this huge base belonged to Pang Xuelin himself.

Also, what does Claire mean when they call Pang Xuelin as Professor Pang?

Is this the big brother that he recognizes as an academic big man in the industry?

Pang Xuelin didn't care about Xiaodongbei's eyes. He was watching the scenes inside Kempten Base along the way.

The Kempten base covers a large area of ​​more than two square kilometers.

The defensive wall around the base is still under construction. Fortunately, there are few people near the base. There are not many human settlements within 50 kilometers.

After the outbreak of the T virus, most people in the town of Kempten near the base moved to the base.

In addition, it is located near the Rocky Mountains, and the terrain is complex, and it is difficult for zombies to migrate here on a large scale. Therefore, Kempten Base need not worry about security issues in a short time.

The reason for building a defensive wall is more for future consideration.

After entering the base, Pang Xuelin found that the pavement inside the base was basically hardened, and various underground pipelines had also been laid.

At present, most people live in that simple mobile board house. If you want to change your new home, you must wait until the defense wall is completed before you can release your labor to build a new home.

Of course, at the very center of the base is a Kempten manor.

The manor house has more than thirty rooms, and the villa is currently arranged for the top scholars and their families.

Even Claire Gil, they lived in that simple mobile board room.

Originally, Claire was planning to arrange Pang Xuelin and Alice to live in the villa, but was rejected by Pang Xuelin.

Pang Xuelin, they found a vacant board room near Gil and Claire, and moved in.

Wait until everything is settled. Pang Xuelin asked Jill and Claire to convene a management meeting at the current base. Be formally know each other.

The Kempten base is divided into three major systems, namely the civil administration system, the military system and the scientific research system.

The civil affairs system is mainly responsible for various construction activities in the base, land reclamation and seeding, and so on.

Because of the reasons behind the umbrella company's support, all living materials at the Kempten base were transported from the outside. Therefore, there was no economic activity in the base for the time being, and everyone was eating a big pot of rice.

Of course, with the exception of children under the age of 14 and seniors over the age of 80, everyone else must participate in the old director.

The military system is responsible for the security of the entire base.

At present, the total number of base guards exceeds 2,000, and it is equipped with helicopters, drones, tanks, armored vehicles, rocket launchers, mortars, and various rifles, machine guns and other weapons.

According to Claire, during the outbreak of the T virus, they robbed a US military arsenal and, with the help of the umbrella company, transported most of the arms inside.

In order to ensure that the entire base is not threatened by zombies, in addition to deploying various guard posts within 20 kilometers around the base, Jill and Claire will send drones daily to conduct round-the-clock investigations in the surrounding area.

Once a zombies broke into the base within a 30 km radius, they would send troops to clean up the zombies.

As long as they do not encounter zombies such as creepers, ordinary zombies pose little threat to the army.

After having a general understanding of the base as a whole, Pang Xuelin, under the leadership of Jill and Claire, entered the underground laboratory through the internal elevator in the basement of the manor.

Compared to the hive laboratory that Pang Xuelin had stayed with and the underground laboratory in Irvine, the underground laboratory at the Kempten base is much smaller.

Perhaps this is why the umbrella company later abandoned it for storage.

At present, the chief scientist of the laboratory is the former deputy director of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, led by Nobel Prize winner Professor Spruce.

Although Pang Xuelin does not know much about academic research in the field of life sciences, he has also heard of the name of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, also known as Cold Spring Laboratory, is a non-profit private scientific research and education center located in Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island, New York, USA.

In the field of life sciences, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is known as the sacred place of life sciences in the world and the "cradle of molecular biology", and it is one of the most influential research institutions in the world.

The founder of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory is James Dewey Watson. This big man is one of the discoverers of the DNA double helix diagram. He is known as the father of DNA, the Nobel Prize winner, and also the "International Human Genome Project "Advocates and implementers.

In the real world, James Watson was deprived of various honorary titles by Cold Spring Harbor Lab because of frequent racial IQ differences, and the two were completely broken.

After Pang Xuelin entered the laboratory, he soon saw Spruce, who had been waiting for a long time, and several scholars who have notable names in the life sciences community.

Spruce was not tall and looked a bit skinny, in his fifties, with gray hair and a pair of glasses.

"Professor Pang, my name is Spruce, and thank you very much for your acceptance."

Seeing Pang Xuelin, Spruce took the lead and shook hands with Pang Xuelin.

Two months ago, Pang Xuelin sent Gil to contact some big names in the life sciences.

Most people dismissed Gill's warning, and only when Spruce noticed something wrong ~ ~ contacted Gill for the first time.

Then he and his family were lucky enough to be received at the Kempten base.

In the past two months, the T virus has spread and developed around the world. Spruce has been countless lucky.

Pang Xuelin shook hands with Spruce and smiled. "It should."

Next, Spruce turned slightly, pointing to a man in his forties who stood beside him and introduced: "Professor Pang, this is Professor Berkeley of Hopkins University, and Professor Berkeley is a Virologists, currently in our laboratory, research on T virus is mainly led by Professor Berkeley. "

"Hello Professor Berkeley."

Pang Xuelin shook hands with Professor Berkeley.

"Hello Professor Pang."

Berkeley also seemed to be a taciturn character, and nodded to Pang Xuelin, and stopped talking.

Next, Pang Xuelin met with several other big brothers under the introduction of Spruce.

Professor George Robert, a molecular biologist from Stanford University, and professor Huang Yu, a geneticist from the University of Pennsylvania.

It is worth mentioning that Huang Yu is also a Chinese, and is regarded as the second fellow of Pang Xuelin in this world.

Next, Pang Xuelin, led by Spruce and Berkeley, visited the underground laboratory.

There are five floors in the underground laboratory, which are placed in an inverted cone. The first floor area is the largest, reaching 800 square meters, the second floor is 700, and the third floor is 600. Almost every floor area is reduced. One hundred square meters, there are only three hundred square meters left on the last floor.

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