The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 108: Rebirth, 佬 佬 爱 (1)

Because the accident happened to be at the hospital door, Lu Xiuwen was quickly sent to the operating room for rescue.

Ye Hao stood outside the operating room and held a dusty bank card on his hand. This was when Lu Xiuwen was hit by a collision, and he was picked up.

[Ye Ye: Uncle also prepared me money, for fear that I was too bad for him. 】

[888: Perfect, everything is the same as you planned. You can go down this step and say that you believe in his love. According to my prediction of human feelings, he is likely to be happy and give you black. Value. 】

[Ye Ye: It seems that it is impossible to die, cough. 】

[888: Can't die, the protagonist's life is harder, but luck is not good to meet you. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

[Ye Ye: People condemn the conscientious conscience to do so seriously to do the task of blackening the value, you do not encourage me even if you forget it, but also bury me all day, grievance jpg]

[888: Please be sure to recognize a few points: First of all, if you don't die when you leave, you don't need to come back and re-eliminate the blackening value. We are already happy to disband; secondly, you are doing the task to understand your own experience. Value, I don't have much to do with you, don't kidnap me; in the end, I don't care if you have a good job, because I have money, and I don't lack your experience. I need a reliable host. Don't ask me for something, I will thank you. 】

[Ye Ye: Dear, you don't love me. QAQ] The last one is too hitting people. He made a heart attack on the poor man who was penniless and lost 99999.

Ye Hao’s expression was so painful that it was the first time that he had regretted his own thoughts on the water in his mind. He felt that he might really need to regret the product.

[Ye Ye: Brother... Since you are so rich, would you like to borrow me? 】

[888: Raise your hand and touch your face. 】

[Ye Wei:? 】

[888: Look at how big the face is and how thick the skin is. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

Ye Hao looked down at the bank card in his hand. He knew that there must be a huge amount of money in it. It is enough for him to spend a lot of money in this world, but what more is it? It is better to give him 1 experience value, after all, it is just a world that will not stay.


Because Lu Xiuwen had an accident, his assistants and other people quickly rushed over, and the operating room lights were on for a long time.

These people are not familiar with Ye Hao, although they may know him, but at this moment no one has the mood to take care of Ye Hao, leaving him alone, Ye Hao is sitting alone outside the ward to make a look.

Just when Ye Hao was too late to fall asleep, someone suddenly sat next to him and handed him a hot lunch box and said, "Gu Shao, have you not eaten dinner yet?"

Ye Hao holds a fragrant lunch box, and the moving eyes are moist. Turning his head and seeing it is the driver Li Shu, a few people around Lu Xiuwen who are familiar with him.

Li Shu often went to Lujia and also helped Lu Xiuwen to pick him up. He is a relatively close elder. He has known Ye Hao for many years.

Sure enough, mature people care about him.

Probably the reason for being hungry, even if it is just an ordinary lunch, Ye Hao also looks hungry, but even more tragic is... He feels that he should not have enough to eat now. After all, Lu Xiuwen is still in the operating room. Is it a mood to eat?

At the thought of this, the tears did not stop or come down.

Li Shu saw Ye Hao’s eyes watching the box silently, but he didn’t eat it. He couldn’t help but sigh: “Gu Shao... Lu will be fine, don’t blame yourself.”

Ye Hao’s throat swallowed and whispered: “It’s all because of me... my uncle...”

Li Shu’s eyes are also a bit stunned. He is not sure whether Lu Xiuwen can get through the storm, but Ye Hao is also his big child. The most important thing is that if Ye Hao is not good, Lu Xiuwen is dead and not at ease. Again, blaming this child does not help, after all, Ye Hao does not want this.

He paused, and he reached out and patted Ye Hao’s shoulder and said, "If you are really worried about Lu, don’t do such stupid things in the future."

Ye Hao sucked his nose and seemed very sad.

Li Shu looked at Ye Hao like this, could not help but sigh, hesitated for a while, finally said: "Some words, I said may not be appropriate, after all, is an outsider..."

Ye Hao looked up at him and said hoarsely: "I have always treated you like a family. If you have anything, you can say it."

Li Shu nodded. "Well, then I will say it. I have been with Lu Zong for many years. He liked your mother's business that year. I really know a lot of people, but there are all kinds of sayings outside, but they I don't know the truth, I don't want to be too exaggerated. I will talk about my personal opinion. It should be fairly objective. Lu always liked Miss Gu, but he just liked it. He didn't like it when he was young. One or two people? It’s just that some things are past. They are not together. Miss Gu also has her own lover and family. Lu always has no idea for her. Gu Shao... You can understand me. Do you mean?"

Li Shu looked at Ye Hao and continued to slow down: "For Lu Zong, Miss Gu is like a loved one. It is because of this feeling that he is allowed to adopt you, but his love for you and Miss Gu. It’s not the same. Lu is no longer young. He hasn’t been around for so many years. He has been waiting for you to grow up. We all look in the eyes... I don’t know you, but even if you don’t know what he is for you. Kind of love, his sincere concern and care for you over the years is not a fake, true or false... you should still feel it when you think about it."

Ye Hao’s hands were tight and his face was a little white. He couldn’t listen to these words before. He always felt that Lu Xiuwen said that he was cheating on him. His heart was dominated by the truth of the sudden anger.

But why is he so painful to struggle... Probably, as Li Shu said, is it true that a person is really good to him, and he feels it... but the person who is good to him has deceived him.

Because of this, it is such a contradiction.

Li Shu suddenly paused and sighed. "Sometimes I love someone too much, and I make mistakes because of impulsiveness. Some of Lu’s actions are indeed inappropriate. Some are too radical. It is normal for you to forgive him. You can leave him. ...but you don't have to question his mind for you."

After he said this, he left without much pause. Lu Xiuwen had something to do and everyone was very busy. No one had time to stay here with Ye Hao.

Ye Hao was sitting there with a box of rice. It wasn't long before the lunch was cold, and he had no desire to eat.

[Ye Wei: I haven't noticed before, and Li Shu, who is so arrogant, can open his mouth so that he can say it. There are not many reasons but it is simple and practical...]

[888: Others mean a few big words. 】

[Ye Ye: cough and cough. 】

Lu Xiuwen was still rescued, and everyone else had a sigh of relief. Only Ye Hao’s heart was counted, but there was no accident. He mixed up so many worlds, and he didn’t have any points. The Raiders goal is very hard, and the protagonist's aura is full.

Well, the only thing that is not so good is that it is the goal of the world of love and strategy. Even if he does not come, there will probably be others to Raider them.

There is nothing difference between death and death.

This is their destiny. Who can do it right? Anyway, Ye Hao feels that he can't, and he doesn't have this ambition.


Lu Xiuwen stayed in the intensive care unit for a few days and finally got out of danger, but the person has not yet woken up.

Ye Hao did not go, he said that he would wait for Lu Xiuwen to wake up, Li Shu arranged for him to live in a place to go with him.

Lu Xiuwen was very heavy and comatose for a long time.

He is a person who has already died once. It was also a car accident. He thought that if he was still dead this time, probably God would not give him another chance to be born again. This made him somewhat regretful, but it seems to be somewhat relieved. Because rebirth does not make sense to him.

His life is like a strange circle. No matter how you go, how many times to go, the result is the same, nothing can be changed.

But in the end, I can’t let go of Ye Hao... The child is still too simple. If he is alive, he can still take care of him in secret. If he dies, he will really only be able to work hard in this society. No one can help him. .

Lu Xiuwen thought of this, and felt that it was not so good to die so easily. It was a little weak to escape, so he opened his eyes.

The light in front of me is a bit dazzling, it should be during the day, and the weather is good and bright.

Lu Xiuwen moved a little, and the caretaker who took care of him immediately found out, "Would you wake up?"

The doctors came over very quickly, and seriously checked and consulted Lu Xiuwen. It is a good thing to wake up. This is a complete relaxation of the heart, and the rest only needs to slowly recuperate.

Lu Xiuwen's expression was calm from beginning to end. He smiled and said thank you to the doctors. Then everyone left and the ward was quiet.

He looked out the window, the cold side looked a bit silent, and his face was pale and weak. After a while, he took his mobile phone and was ready to ask about Ye Hao’s recent situation. He had something wrong at the time, and Ye Hao had another person. Going away... I don't know how.

It’s just that he stared at the phone and didn’t move for a while.

Lu Xiuwen’s mouth raised a self-deprecating arc. He thought that since Ye Hao left alone, it should be really put down. It seems that he really hates him, hates the point where you live and die, and your own concern is actually a lot of self-love. ... just a matter of feelings, not to let go, you can let go.

Lu Xiuwen closed his eyes and finally decided to ask again tomorrow. He was very tired. It shouldn't matter if he had a temporary rest for a while ^ and Ye Hao should be fine, otherwise someone would tell him about the situation.

Besides, Ye Hao probably does not care about his concern.

Lu Xiuwen was lying on the hospital bed. It was probably a serious injury. The person looked a little tired. After a while, he was sleepy. At this moment, he suddenly heard a clear and full of unexpected sounds at the door: "Uncle, you, wake up. Already?"

Lu Xiuwen suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the youth who appeared at the door. At this moment, he felt that he was afraid that he would not dream again.

Why has he not gone yet?

Ye Hao had just gone out for a trip. I didn’t expect to wake up after Lu Xiuwen. Lu Xiuwen’s injury to him was always very painful and self-blame. He was resentful to Lu Xiuwen to him... but it’s harder to When I was in pain, I only wanted to end my life. I didn't think about killing Lu Xiuwen.

After all, this is taking care of him for more than ten years. The person he cares the most, when Lu Xiuwen was in a coma in bed, when he was still alive and dead, he realized his own mind. He actually didn't want to leave him.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao, his eyes were complicated and unexpected, but there were not many surprises, because he felt that Ye Hao would not forgive him. It was probably just a little unbearable to stay. He is a good boy.

Ye Haochong stood in front of Lu Xiuwen, his eyes were slightly red, and his voice choked: "I almost thought that I would never see you again."

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao’s expression, his face could not help but be gentle, his voice was low and dumb and laughed: “You look like this, I don’t want to be reluctant to me.”

He just teased himself, and it was self-deprecating. It was also to make Ye Hao feel at ease. He did not intend to bind him with this matter, but did not think that Ye Hao’s answer was beyond his expectations.

Ye Hao looked at him with his lip and said, "Yes, I can't bear you."

The smile on Lu Xiuwen's face slowly solidified, his eyes became dark and deep, and there were various emotions suppressed, but he did not want to be too passionate. He nodded for a long time and slowly said: "I know, I am fine, you can rest assured."

Ye Hao raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. He broke into a smile and said, "Uncle, do you want to drink water? I will go down to you." He said that he poured a glass of water and blew it, lest he would be hot, and so on. It was almost handed to Lu Xiuwen’s hand.

Lu Xiuwen was injured in one hand. Only one hand could move. He took the cup in the hand of Ye Hao and touched the fingertips of Ye Hao and said, "Thank you."

Ye Hao looked at Lu Xiuwen with concern and thought and asked: "Are you hungry? Want to eat? I will buy it for you."

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Haozhong’s concerned look, and his lips couldn’t help but curl up. He felt that he was really an easy person to meet, and he could watch this person care about him and take care of him, even if it was just a little charity. I also feel that I am so sweet, he said: "No, I am not hungry."

Ye Hao’s sighs, some of them are at a loss, and they don’t seem to know what they can do. Finally, they reach out to help Lu Xiuwen’s quilt. He used to care for him. He didn’t quite know how to take care of others. Some are unnatural and my face is red.

But now that my uncle is a patient, I should take care of him by myself, isn't it? He is trying to save himself...

Lu Xiuwen sighed softly. He put down the glass in his hand and looked at Ye Hao’s eyes and said, "I said, you can go."

Ye Hao’s face was slightly white, and his lips did not speak.

In this unbearable silence, Ye Hao suddenly raised his head and decided to look at Lu Xiuwen’s eyes and said, "Will you lie to me again?"

Lu Xiuwen shook his head and he would not lie to him again.

Ye Hao’s pause, his face flushed, seemed to be awkward and uncomfortable, and seemed to use a lot of courage. He whispered over his head: “Then you said that you love me, just love me... Are you true?"

Lu Xiuwen nodded. "It is true."

Ye Hao said: "Then I believe in you."

Lu Xiuwen's eyes are condensed, his expression becomes serious, and even if he is still in the disease, it seems to have an oppressive momentum.

Ye Hao is shy and timid. In the past, he always had some squatting, but this moment seemed to have all the courage, gambling on all the chips, and firmly said: "I think, believe you once."

Because I don't want to leave you, you love me the most, and my favorite person.

If I am not willing to leave you, why can't you believe me again? I believe that you will not let me down again this time... This time I will not be a fool who knows nothing, I want to stand by your side seriously and love you equally.

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Hao and saw his seriousness, his desperation and courage.

Just when he thought that he had no hope anymore, this person stayed and gave him hope, as if he had a life and a bright future.

If you are willing to give me a chance.

I will live my life and will not disappoint you.

[叮, Lu Xiuwen blackening value -4, current blackening value 1]

Lu Xiuwen raised his right hand and gently placed it on the top of Ye Hao's head. His eyes were mild and deep. He smiled and said, "Well, you can believe me."

Although there is still an incredible feeling, but this person is standing in front of him...


Ye Hao stayed, but he didn't stay in the hospital every day. Instead, he went back to school to go to school during the day, and went to the hospital after school. It turned out to be a home and his days returned to normal.

Both of them did not mention the unpleasant things of the past, and the haze seemed to have passed.

Ye Hao no longer contradicts the driver's bodyguards who pick him up. Of course, he has lived the life of the young master. After experiencing the previous ups and downs, he has seen a lot of things, and he doesn't care so much about being looked at. Returning to the hospital in the evening, I will tell Lu Xiuwen about the interesting things in the school.

Lu Xiuwen always listened with a smile, and occasionally gave him some advice. In his opinion, Ye Hao’s things are all young children’s troubles. Young is just like this.

"Hu Lei finally talked about his girlfriend. He invited me to dinner today." Ye Hao came back late this day, did not accompany Lu Xiuwen to eat, a very tired look to sit on the sofa, the whole portrait is a boneless The cat stuck in it.

Lu Xiuwen smiled and said: "Have you helped?"

Ye Hao proudly raised his chin, black and shiny: "You don't know how popular I am at school. Gao Fushuai said that it is me. It is said that the title of this year's school grass will be given to me. Every day is around me. All kinds of fans, Hu Lei and one of them looked at each other. It didn't take long to become a pair, so I thanked me for coming this month."

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes are full of smiles, and he punches his lips. “That should be thank you.”

Ye Hao leaned on the sofa for a while, saw the fruit on the table, walked over and peeled off an orange, and threw a petal into his mouth, but the expression solidified for a moment.

Because he was facing Lu Xiuwen, Lu Xiuwen did not see his expression.

Ye Hao took a deep breath and squeezed the peeled oranges to the bed of Lu Xiuwen’s bed. He said with diligence: "Open your mouth, I will feed you."

Lu Xiuwen is particularly obedient and opens his mouth.

Ye Xiaoxiao put a piece of orange into the mouth of Lu Xiuwen and said, "It's delicious."

Lu Xiuwen bites, his mouth is sour, his expression is slightly changed.

Ye Hao issued a happily laughter. It seemed that he was not enough to die. He bowed his head and kissed Lu Xiuwen’s lips. His eyes bent and shook the orange in his hand: "Do you want to eat?"

Lu Xiuwen's eyes were dark, and suddenly he reached out and pressed Ye Hao in his arms, bowed his head and kissed his lips, and opened his teeth.

Ye Hao didn't expect to be caught, but Lu Xiuwen was hurt. He didn't dare to move. In the end, he could only be kissed by Lu Xiuwen.

Lu Xiuwen's eyes are drooping and he smiles.

Can this trick be tricked into him? I also sent it to my own stupidity, but... the taste in Ye Haokou was very sweet, and he didn’t feel sour at all.

Ye Hao was red-faced by Lu Xiuwen’s face, and his head was full of yellow waste. He thought about this man’s scene like him. He stretched out and pushed Lu Xiuwen to run away.

Lu Xiuwen gave a low smile and looked at Ye Hao’s back, his eyes soft.

He thought that he should not have any regrets any more. It was not meaningless to regenerate once.

Some things, if you try your best to stay, you can't stay, but when you give up, it comes back. Maybe life is so unpredictable and uncontrollable.

Love is more, can not be forced.


Ye Hao has been accompanying Lu Xiuwen to the hospital and the two returned home.

Lu Xiuwen’s gentleness to Ye Hao’s past is just that he has never mentioned any demands. He loves him, but he seems restrained and gives Ye Hao absolute freedom and trust.

As long as this person is willing to stay with him for a day, he will do his best to love him and give him equal respect.

If he wants to go... then let him go, as long as he can look at him well.

When Ye Hao came home, it seemed to have some emotions. The days that made him desperate and sad were not completely erased from his heart, but he told himself why you should use suspicion and the few times of bullying to deny the dozens. Happy year, and this person is doing my best to you?

Since I can't bear this person, why can't I open my heart again and believe it once?

Also give yourself a chance...

His heart told him that Lu Xiuwen might have done something to hide him from him in order to get him, but he did not regard him as a substitute for anyone. He loved him.

Because if you don't really love someone, you won't be so unwilling to take care of yourself.

The care of the past ten years, is not a complete scammer can do it... If it is really misunderstood? What is the reason for this?

Ye Hao spit out a sigh of relief. He felt that since he had made a choice, he must be rational and mature. Don’t let his uncle think that he is a purely impulsive child. If he can’t grow up, then it’s a deception to be deceived.

In fact, both of them still have scars in their hearts, but they don't show them. They try to think about each other. It seems that the atmosphere is very harmonious.

After eating dinner, Lu Xiuwen first went back to the room to rest. He had not been too tired after he was discharged from the hospital.

However, when Lu Xiuwen was preparing to rest, he looked at the empty position at the bedside and his eyes were dim.

Ye Hao did not come, but Lu Xiuwen did not intend to go out to call Ye Hao, or advise him to come over, he thought that Ye Hao may not be ready to completely reconcile with him.

Lu Xiuwen raised his hand and turned off the light. Just lying down, he heard the door being pushed open. The warm yellow light of the corridor came in. Ye Hao stood at the door, wearing a large pajamas and yawning. "How can you sleep so early?" ?"

Lu Xiuwen looked at him, and his eyes appeared darker in the dark. "You are here."

You know, what does it mean to come over, right?

Ye Hao seems to naturally return to his room, directly into the quilt, because it is cold, he leaned back inside, Lu Xiuwen's body is very warm, as if to dispel the chill, he actually likes to cuddle with him To make him love and addicted, he feels that peace of mind can be relied upon.

Lu Xiuwen turned around and held his long arm in his arms. He held up his lips and raised his lips. "I was a little sleepy, but I am not sleepy now."


Ye Hao woke up the next day, still held by Lu Xiuwen, his face was red, his uncle just left the hospital, but there seems to be no decline in physical strength.

He looked at Lu Xiuwen and didn't seem to wake up. He bent his fingertip and gently scratched Lu Xiuwen's chin.

Then it was overwhelmed again.

The two completely restored the normal couple's life. Ye Hao didn't care what others thought about him. He didn't want to doubt Lu Xiuwen's thoughts because of other people's finger pointing and rumors. Love is between them, and others. No matter, since you decide to believe this person, you will not be easily encouraged by others.

Soon the semester is over, and it’s almost time for the New Year.

Lu Xiuwen and Ye Hao have only a few relatives who are not very close and have a bad relationship. So it can be said that only each other is the closest relative. In the past, they used to spend the New Year together. Although the cold list was adjusted a little, it is not alone.

If the hearts of the people are separated from each other, many people are just in the stranger, and they are not comfortable. If they are loved ones, even if there is only one person, it is enough.

Ye Hao had a vacation and had nothing to do. From time to time, he went to Lu Xiuwen’s company for a stroll, and his name was raided to see if he was carrying his tricks again. Lu Xiuwen just laughed and said nothing.

On this day, Lu Xiuwen suddenly said to Ye Wei: "We will go to a place later."

Ye Hao asked if he didn't ask. He was playing games in his office. He had been waiting for Lu Xiuwen to get off work. He got on the bus and Lu Xiuwen went out. He didn't care very much. He waited for the car to stop at the gate of the cemetery. Complex look.

Lu Xiuwen's expression was steady and solemn. He took Ye Hao's hand step by step to the tomb of Gu Xueya.

He said: "Sister Ya, I have never dared to tell you before, I fell in love with your son, he is the only person I want to spend a lifetime together."

"I don't know if you will blame me, but I can guarantee that I will love him forever and protect him."

Lu Xiuwen did not say much, his mind can not be expressed in simple words, and the words appear pale, only time can prove everything.

He will use his life time to prove his love.

[叮, Lu Xiuwen blackening value -1, current blackening value 0]

Ye Hao stood silently beside him, looked at the man's firm and calm side face, and lowered his eyes and said nothing.


On the way back, Ye Hao appeared to be a little absent-minded, playing games and killing many times.

[888: You are gone. 】

[Ye Ye: I am going to die again, I am so scared...]

[888: It’s not the first time I’m dead, I’m afraid of something. 】

[Ye Wei: Brother, this is what you said, so you will give me a painful shield? Don't play the game by then, QAQ]


[Ye Wei: I believe that you must not be the kind of cruel and ruthless system. I can see the great soul of your love under the indifferent appearance. Please cover me! (づ ̄3 ̄)づ】

[888:......] Go to hell!

Lu Xiuwen faintly noticed that Ye Hao’s mood seemed to be somewhat low. He thought that he was thinking of his parents and was thinking about how to swear.

In fact, he was preparing to propose to Ye Hao during the New Year. There were some bad comments outside, saying that Ye Hao was raised by him. Together with Gu Xueya’s affairs, some rumors were more difficult to listen to. Lu Xiuwen I was very angry.

He wants to marry Ye Haoguang, and tells them about their relationship. Although the secret rumors cannot be eliminated, there are always people with dark hearts, but at least he wants everyone to understand that he really loves this person, not what Toys, not substitutes, are things that can be discarded casually.

This is the only person he wants to spend his life together.

Recently, they get along very well. Lu Xiuwen thinks that Ye Hao will accept that this child has grown a lot recently, is sensible and considerate, and makes Lu Xiuwen very happy. He is confident that their feelings will not be easily rumored. shake.

And he will not make mistakes once again.

Ye Hao did not act anyway, as usual, lived a stable life.

[888: You are quite leisurely this time, and you will die in a few days. You have not seen any preparations for you. 】

[Ye Wei: There is nothing to prepare. The life of this old wife and his wife can't find a chance. If it is not necessary, will the system not give away the accidental death spree for free? Everything else in the main system of the cockroach is going to die, it is to kill money. 】

[888: Hey... It’s not bad for you, at least it’s free to host your body for free. 】

[Ye Ye: It seems to be yeah...]

[888: So, it’s not so embarrassing. 888 will never tell Ye Hao that he thinks that the main system is the most ruthless, the most ruthless and the most ruthless, but in order to swear, it is difficult to admit that the main system has some human touch.

[Ye Wei: Ah, this is the first time I have enjoyed the treatment of accidental death, very curious! Looking forward to ing]

In order to pretend to be loaded, he never told 888 that it was a bit horrified to wait for an accidental death every day. It felt like he was living in a horror film like Death.

Hu Lei is also a native. His relationship has developed very smoothly. He has returned home with his girlfriend to see his parents in the Chinese New Year. He and Ye Hao have always maintained good friendship. The good buddies have nothing to do to eat and eat.

Ye Hao had a meal with several people this day, and waved goodbye with a smile.

Because I need to cross the road to go home to take a taxi, Ye Hao walks along the road. Today, the wind is quite big. I haven’t walked to the zebra crossing. Suddenly, I blew it. People almost ran away, waiting for him to stand up and look up. I saw a huge billboard falling from the sky!

[Ye Ye: I am lying, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah]


Lu Xiuwen is preparing to propose to Ye Hao today. In order to give Ye Hao a surprise, he did not reveal any flaws in advance. As usual, he asked Ye Hao and his classmates to go out for a party.

The home was dressed up and the photos of the two of them were hanging on the wall, which was very warm.

Lu Xiuwen sat on the sofa and took out the ring in the flannel box. This is what he secretly customized. It is engraved with the names of the two of them. Lu Xiuwen refers to the lettering of the inner ring of the ring, and the eyes are gentle. It contains the expectation.

He wants Ye Hao to come back later, and he has always been calm and has a bit of nervousness.

Just waited until late, Ye Hao did not come back.

Lu Xiuwen began to worry a little, but he did not follow Ye Hao again. He was not sure about his whereabouts and had to call and ask, but the accident was that Ye Hao’s phone was not answered.

Lu Xiuwen stood up and squeezed the finger of the mobile phone to force the whitishness. He licked his lips tightly, and his heart should be fine... just didn’t answer the phone, it might be too noisy on the road, it’s normal... Don't think too much about yourself, there are so many accidents.

There can be so many accidents.

However, Lu Xiuwen could not rest assured. He immediately called Hu Lei and asked about Ye Hao’s situation. What surprised Lu Xiuwen was that Hu Lei said that Ye Hao was separated from him two hours ago.

Lu Xiuwen hangs up and touches a trace of uneasy color in his eyes. No, he still doesn't trust. He continues to call Ye Hao and immediately orders people to go to Ye Hao.

Just as he couldn't sit still, Ye Hao's phone was finally picked up. There was a strange male voice inside: "Hello, you have been making this call. Are you a family member?"

Lu Xiuwen’s voice shook slightly: “Who are you?”

The other party said: "I am a policeman. If you are his relative, please come to XXX Hospital now."


Lu Xiuwen did not wait for the driver to come over and rushed out in person. This road was a lot of fines, but he didn't care. He rushed into the hospital and went to the morgue.

I saw the man he had been waiting for and didn't wait.

The young man was lying quietly on a cold metal bed, covered with white cloth, his chest seemed to sag into it, and there was blood in his forehead. He closed his eyes and did not move.

Lu Xiuwen walked over step by step and reached out to touch his cold face.

He felt that he was afraid of a nightmare.

In this nightmare, he was born again... Then he tried to possess this person in the wrong way, he lost him, but this nightmare is not over yet, like deliberately fooling him, letting him survive. I have this person again, they finally lived together in a loving life...

The dream was full of twists and turns, which made him feel guilty. When he was naive to think that this was a sweet dream, he screamed...

Everything is broken again.

But why didn't he wake up, why should he wake up in this dream?

"Small, Xiaoran..." Lu Xiuwen whispered a few low voices.

But no one answered him.

Lu Xiuwen gently wiped the blood on the forehead of the young man with his sleeves, gently sorted out his hair, and finally bowed his head, and fell in love with the cold kiss, no longer the temperature of the lips.

"Small ......"

I said, I want to protect you for a lifetime. I didn't do it. I didn't do it in the last world... I didn't do it in this world.

Why is it not me who died, why can't I keep you.

If the fate is doomed, why should I let me live again, it is better to die like that, when you live in a corner you don't know.

It’s better to let me die like that...

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes were so sad that he took out the ring in the box and slowly put it on the fingers of the youth.

This is what I prepared for you, but I have not had time to give it to you.

I don't know if you like it or not.


A blink of an eye is a dozen years.

Lu Xiuwen returned home. After so many years, the family has never lived in another person. Only he is alone, and he seems to have some empty and cold at home.

At the age of forty, Lu Xiuwen had already had white hair. He felt that the house was too dark, he turned the lights on, and then walked up to the room on the second floor of Ye Hao.

This room is cleaned every week, it has been clean and tidy, but no matter how carefully it is preserved, it can't hide the breath of no one to live... Lu Xiuwen walked over and sat at the desk and opened the drawer, which was inside him. Various gifts for Ye Hao.

The discarded diamond necklace was also placed here by him.

This home is full of traces that Ye Hao once left. Lu Xiuwen seems to be able to see the child, the former figure, and the smile he smiles wherever he goes.

Finally he was a little tired, went back to the room to rest, he raised his hand and looked at the ring in his hand, his eyes blinking for a moment.

Every day before he closes his eyes, he thinks the same thing. If he opens his eyes, he will wake up and find that it is just a dream.

But he has never been

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