When Ye Ming returned to the office, Shen Ye was organizing the documents. He raised his head when he heard the shuffling of paper and stared in the direction of movement with a cold face, and a pair of narrow black eyes. Looking at him with an indescribable meaning in his eyes, after a long time, Shen Ye smiled, “Where were you?”

Ye Ming avoided his eyes awkwardly, and said, “Nowhere.”



Shen Ye didn’t question further, instead, he nodded and said, “I have a video conference tonight. You can go home first, no need to wait. ”

Ye Ming was stunned. He was still wondering how to meet Zheng Sen secretly. It was a good opportunity since Shen Ye had a meeting tonight.  He lowered his head and said, “Okay, I got it.” 

Shen Ye stopped paying attention to him. He was busy with work, making it impossible for him to keep watching Ye Ming.


Ye Ming was sitting in the office next to him, a little absent-minded. He called the company’s WeChat group, and sure enough, there was a last-minute meeting notice for a late-night video conference for the company’s first half of the year’s conclusion and the plan for the rest of the year. Shen Ye wasn’t lying.

Ye Ming secretly sent Zheng Sen a message, agreeing on a time and a place to meet later at night, and then waited for Shen Ye to leave first.

Sure enough, Shen Ye came out not long after. He paused when he passed by Ye Ming, suddenly turning and walking towards him.


Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye’s face, and for some reason, there was a bad premonition in his heart, and he always felt that Shen Ye doesn’t know what’s going on, but there’s no way… How could he know who he was?

He had always been careful, never revealing any flaws.

Shen Ye’s fingers hanging beside him curved slightly, this seemingly subtle movement contained all the forbearance and restraint. He looked at Ye Ming’s face, and there seemed to be love and hatred intertwined beneath the gaze, but it could also be indifference.

Ten years ago, my love couldn’t keep you. Ten years later, I still couldn’t keep you even after forcing you.  

When you meet Zheng Sen, you will have a chance to meet him. Whatever you do, you will have a chance…but the one that fails, in the end, will definitely be you, because this time I’ll ruin all your plans and let you experience the powerlessness I once felt. 

Just when you thought you succeeded, I’ll crush everything!

Shen Ye reached out his hand and gently touched Ye Ming’s lip. He raised the corner of his mouth, “Come back early tonight.”

After speaking, he turned and left. 

Ye Ming watched as Shen Ye’s silhouette calmly disappear through the door. The palpitating illusion he felt just now slowly dissipated. He clenched his hands. When it was almost time, he made sure that Shen Ye’s meeting had already begun before getting up and leaving the company.

Ye Ming took a taxi to an obscure teahouse, this place was where Zheng Sen chose to meet up. In order to show his sincerity and trust to Zheng Sen, Ye Ming let Zheng Sen choose a meeting place. He knew that his sudden mention of Han Xu would have made Zheng Sen suspicious of him.

When Ye Ming walked into the teahouse, the waiter at the door said respectfully, “Excuse me, Mr Tao? Mr Zheng is waiting for you on the second floor.”

“I see.” Ye Ming nodded. He went up to the second floor like the waiter had informed him, entering the room with the corresponding door number. 

Zheng Sen was dressed in casual clothes and was making tea. The steam made his mature and handsome face appear much gentler. But the sharp gaze directed at Ye Ming was still intriguing as before.  He politely raised his hand, “Please sit. ”

Ye Ming was neither shy nor was suppressed by Zheng Sen’s aura. He naturally sat down in front of him and poured himself a cup of tea, looking melancholy.


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Come to think of it, they’ve known each other for more than ten years already. Even after ten years, they still have the same tacit understanding

Ktf kjs Itfcu Vfc ibbxfv ja tlw abvjs kjr mbwqifafis vloofgfca ogbw yfobgf… Pcrafjv, tf kjr kjglfg. Pa kjr bynlber atja tlr kbgvr kfgf atf bcfr atja wjvf tlw rerqlmlber, jcv tf kjr gluta ab offi rerqlmlber… Coafg afc sfjgr, rbwfbcf ilxf Ljc We jrxfv tlw obg tfiq. Rba ab wfcalbc rjlv qfgrbc jirb tjr jc jwylueber gfijalbcrtlq klat Vtfc Tf, la’r cba gfjiis tlr ojeia obg offilcu atlr kjs. 

If he couldn’t get enough evidence to prove himself today, getting Zheng Sen to help him would be nothing but a dream.

At this moment, Ye Ming once again felt a trace of helplessness and guilt. Just a few days ago, he was unwilling to involve Zheng Sen in his personal revenge, but now he had no choice but to turn to him for help, and he couldn’t help feeling guilty.

However, this hesitation quickly turned into a decision. Zheng Sen is now the only one who can help him, besides, Zheng Sen could always choose not to help him…

Ye Ming raised his head to look at Zheng Sen, and said slowly, “There is news about Han Xu.” 

Zheng Sen squeezed the teacup slightly, but his expression was just as motionless as a mountain. His voice was low, “Why don’t you tell me first, how did you know about Han Xu? Do you know him? Have you met him before?”

Ye Ming smiled and said, “Not only do I know him, but I’m also aware that you know him and care about him.”

Zheng Sen raised his eyebrows, and the most taboo thing he can do in negotiating was to let people know his cards. He said blandly, “Since you mentioned Han Xu, you must also know the relationship between Han Xu and me. He was indeed my good friend at that time, but he has been missing for ten years. How can you be sure that I will still be willing to help him?”

Ye Ming took a sip of tea, looking at him with a gentle gaze, “You’re even willing to help me now, how would you not be willing to help him??” 

Zheng Sen choked slightly. It was just a simple sentence, but it blocked his route of retreat. He offered to help Ye Ming first, which really puts himself in a passive position… He studied Ye Ming’s face carefully. When he first met, he thought that Ye Ming was the little white rabbit Shen Ye kept. But he was wrong, he had underestimated him…

Since both of them are smart people, there is no need to hide anymore.

Zheng Sen flashed a self-deprecating smile, looked at Ye Ming and said, “You’re not wrong. I am willing to help him, and I still care about his news, but how do I know what you are saying is true, and how do I know what your motive is? After all, I don’t have a very good relationship with Shen Ye. We’ve always been competitors…”

“I remember, you used to have such a terrible relationship.” Ye Ming sighed softly. 

Zheng Sen looked at Ye Ming’s expression and listened to the way he spoke. He didn’t know why his heartbeat skipped a beat. This tone and actions… It was almost like Han Xu was sitting in front of him. Why did he have such an illusion again and again?

Zheng Sen fixedly looked at Ye Ming, a trace of uncertainty and confusion flashed across his eyes, but it quickly disappeared, and his voice fell silent, “Wouldn’t you know about it…”

Ye Ming was filled with emotions in his eyes. Ten years had passed in a blink of an eye, though it has been just a moment for him, the world had changed too much. But at this moment, sitting face to face with Zheng Sen, the feeling of familiarity and closeness was still there. This person… still hasn’t forgotten about him. 

It’s as if he still exists in this world. In this world, he had enemies, but he still had friends, making it seem somewhat less despairing. 

Ye Ming gave a chuckle. He stared at the person in front of him and slowly said, “I also know that Han Xu died ten years ago.”

Zheng Sen stood up abruptly, and the teacup in his hand fell on the table. The tea dripped down along the edge of the table, making a soft dripping sound, like the second hand of a clock moving with time, breaking the stagnant space.


Zheng Sen stared dead at Ye Ming, speaking through clenched teeth, “What did you say?”

“Han Xu died ten years ago.” Ye Ming’s tone was calm, repeating it again as if what he had said was just a trivial matter. 

Zheng Sen suddenly reached out and grabbed Ye Ming’s collar. His face was livid and ferocious. He shouted, losing all his previous calmness, “Is this the news you wanted to tell me about him? You came just to tell me that he’s already dead?”

He won’t believe it! He’ll never believe it!

“Yes, I’m sorry,” Ye Ming said.

Zheng Sen’s voice turned cold, “Do you think I’ll believe you just because you said it? What evidence do you have to prove that he’s dead?” 

Ye Ming finally revealed a trace of sadness on his face, though it also seemed like a self-deprecating kind of helplessness. He chuckled softly, “Of course I know, otherwise, how could everything have turned out like this… I still remember the last call you made ten years ago, you were still on a business trip in City C. That’s why you had enough time to come back to meet me. There are some things that you have to do yourself. I should have met you one last time because if it failed, I probably wouldn’t be able to come back.”

Zheng Sen’s face turned pale, revealing a dumbfounded expression. He loosened his hand and staggered back, “That’s not possible…”

“You said that the scenery over there is nice, we should go there for a holiday when we have time. You also said that you bought a souvenir and would give it to me when you came back.” Ye Ming stared fixedly at him and said slowly, “But you couldn’t keep that promise……”

Zheng Sen’s heart was shocked. He looked at the young face in front of him, but then it was  Han Xu that constantly appeared before him. He had never told anyone about that phone call, let alone the details. 

At that time, he didn’t take that phone call seriously. It was just an ordinary phone call. Who would have thought that that would be the last phone call between him and Han Xu?

Only Han Xu knew about this matter.

“If… you really are him…” Zheng Sen said with much difficulty, gritting his teeth, “Then, how did you become like this?”

Ye Ming shook his head, “I don’t know. I was killed, and when I woke up, I was already in Tao Xu’s body. Ten years have passed.” 

Zheng Sen’s eyes were red, “Who killed you?!”

Ye Ming almost blurted out Shen Dayao’s name. But when he opened his mouth, that name wasn’t brought up, instead calmly stating, “This is where I need your help. Help me find that person.”

He still remembers the person who had killed him, one of Shen Dayao’s insignificant subordinates. Later, when he had investigated him again, he could no longer find anything about him. As long as he could find this person and figure out what exactly had happened, then he’d naturally be able to prove that Shen Dayao was the one that orchestrated everything. There was no reason for him to accuse Shen Dayao right now… Besides, this matter should be handled personally. He only needed Zheng Sen to help him find this person. He didn’t want Zheng Sen to end up fighting the Shen family because of him.

“He’s called Liu Pingde. Ten years ago, he was about thirty years old. Now he should be about forty years old. He used to work as a security guard in the Shen Group. That’s all the information I have on him.” Ye Ming said, “But when I was looking for him after my rebirth, I found out that he had already left Shen Group. I hope you can help me find him.” 

Zheng Sen didn’t know that Ye Ming had thought through all these things. He just assumed that he wanted to find the person who killed him and nodded, “I will definitely help you find him!”

Ye Ming showed a grateful expression and said seriously, “Thank you.”


After receiving so much information at once, Zheng Sen was naturally a bit overwhelmed. He felt both hurt and surprised. Hurt because he didn’t even know that Ye Ming was killed ten years ago and surprised because he was able to come back… Then he remembered seeing Ye Ming and Shen Ye together at the cocktail party and his expression suddenly became complicated.

He hesitated before deciding to ask, “You and Shen Ye… What’s up with the two of you now?” 

Ye Ming’s eyes darkened when he thought about Shen Ye, stating frankly, “He doesn’t know my real identity yet. He just thought that I looked similar to Han Xu, so he threatened my family, forcing me to stay by his side.”

Zheng Sen flew into a rage! It was exactly what he thought it was, he shouted angrily, “That bastard! Come with me, and I’ll never let him take you away again!”

Ye Ming gave a bitter smile. He shook his head and said, “Thank you, but there’s no need. All you have to do is take care of Tao Xu’s family and I can stop paying attention to him. After all, I have been using Tao Xu’s body… It’s not good to drag his family down, I owe him this much at least.”

Zheng Sen said without hesitation, “I will protect them, don’t worry. Shen Ye can’t cover the sky with me around.” 

The worries weighing Ye Ming down dissipated, he smiled, “Thank god I have you.”

Zheng Sen stared deeply at Ye Ming. Now that he thought about it, it’s already been ten years, there were many things he wished to say now that he saw this person again, but in the end, he couldn’t find anything appropriate to say. If there were still seemingly endless feelings in his heart, could Ye Ming accept him this time?

Does he still have a chance?

Zheng Sen hesitated for a long time before finally asking a question that had plagued him for ten years, “Back then… Why did you shoot Shen Ye?” 

The smile on Ye Ming’s face froze, an expression of pain on his face.

Zheng Sen regretted it. He realized that he might have asked the wrong question, “Forget about it. If you don’t want to talk about it, then forget it.”

Ye Ming let out a breath of relief and smiled, “It’s not that I can’t talk about it, but now isn’t the right time. I’ll tell you when the time comes, okay?”

Zheng Sen nodded and smiled, “Okay.” 

Seeing that Zheng Sen trusted him so much, even when something like that happened, helping him with no questions asked, his heart warmed. Maybe they would be able to make it till the end if it were Zheng Sen. After all, there was no hatred between them… it’s too bad that things like feelings can’t be forced.

“I’ll go now. Contact me if you have anything, you already know my phone number.” Ye Ming flashed him a smile.

Zheng Sen was a little reluctant to let Ye Ming leave, not to mention leaving him with Shen Ye. But he knew that Ye Ming had his own plans, so it wasn’t good to force it on him. He was only able to say, “Then I’ll send you out.”

Zheng Sen walked out of the teahouse with Ye Ming. When they arrived at the door, he looked at Ye Ming deeply, eyes tender, “You have to protect yourself. If Shen Ye found out about your identity, you must tell me.” 

Ye Ming looked at him with a smile and nodded, “Okay.”

Zheng Sen looked at the person in front of him with some greed and was reluctant to give up. When he saw that Ye Ming was about to leave, he suddenly said, “It’s been such a long time, can you give me a hug?”


Ye Ming was slightly startled. At this moment, Zheng Sen suddenly spread his arms and hugged him. His breath fell on the side of Ye Ming’s neck, his voice was gentle and low, “I’m glad you thought of finding me when you came back.”

There was an unnatural blush on Ye Ming’s face. 

He had rejected him resolutely last time, but after more than ten years, this person still treated him with the same kindness and even helped him without asking for anything in return… He didn’t know how to repay him.

Zheng Sen wasn’t unreasonable. He let out a chuckle, slowly let go of his arm, and said, “You should go now. Stay safe.”

Ye Ming avoided his eyes, flustered, and hurriedly left. His silhouette kind of looked like he was fleeing from panic, while Zheng Sen just stared at his back, a gentle smile on his face.

A black car was parked not far away. 

Shen Ye’s hands clenched the steering wheel, knuckles turning white because of how much strength he was using. His eyes were bloodshot, the hatred and jealousy he felt seemed to have distorted his vision. Although he knew that Ye Ming wouldn’t go home directly, even going as far as to secretly contact Zheng Sen, but seeing this scene in person still stung his heart deeply.

He watched the two of them gently facing each other, smiling at each other. Seeing Zheng Sen hugging Ye Ming, and Ye Ming revealing an embarrassed expression, looking as beautiful as a real couple caused hatred to overwhelm his heart.

Since the both of you are so good together. Since you want to find Zheng Sen even if you are dead. Since you care so much about him… Why lower yourself and pretend to be in love with me?

Oh, I almost forgot. The reason why you pretended like this, is just to have a chance to hurt me. 

Shen Ye’s hands trembled, bloodthirst boiling in his chest. He wanted to run over those two people without caring about anything! It would be great if they all died! This way, there will be no need to bear the pain alone anymore.

But as he stared at Ye Ming’s back, watching him slowly disappear, he never stepped on the accelerator, all the way till the end.

Shen Ye let out a deep breath, with a cold look of self-deprecation, finally starting the car, slowly driving away.

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