that Shen Ye was watching your performance just now.】



【 Ye Ming: Ah, I didn’t think that Zheng Sen would hug me back there. My good brother is now very angry……】

【 888: You know then good.】 

【 Ye Ming: Fortunately, it doesn’t matter, he will soon know the truth. O(∩_∩)O~ 】


【 888: ……】

【 888: Why go through all those troubles? You could have just told him the truth just now. Being so dramatic even after knowing that he was eavesdropping on your phone.】

【 Ye Ming: But wouldn’t that be too unfair to Zheng Sen? After all, asking him for help is already very selfish of me. This person over here feelz too embarrassed to keep it from him.】


【 888: Oh? Since when did you care about this?】

【 Ye Ming: ……】

【 Ye Ming: Well, my persona of keeping every word in my heart even if there’s something can’t collapse. How would my good little brother know that I endured humiliation and bore a heavy burden otherwise? If I refuse to tell him anything. Of course, I can’t tell others casually either, right? Otherwise, he’ll be jealous again. Zheng Sen and I are really innocent. He might misunderstand!】

【 888: ……】 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktf yjla tjr yffc atgbkc. Qlat Itfcu Vfc jcv Vtfc Tf jylilalfr, jr ibcu jr atfs tjnf atf miefr, atfs klii delmxis olcv bea fnfgsatlcu atja tjqqfcfv lc atja sfjg.

Tf Zlcu vlvc’a qijc ab ub yjmx ab Vtfc Tf’r qijmf. Lf abbx j ajzl ab rmtbbi jcv abbx atf lwqbgajca atlcur ilxf vbmewfcar jcv mjgvr atja tf tjv qea lc tlr vbgwlabgs.


【 888: You’re preparing to run away?】

【 Ye Ming: Of course, I already asked Zheng Sen to take care of Tao Xu’s family. What other reason is there to stay with Shen Ye ~ 】

【 888: …… 】

It seems that no one can stop this spicy chicken from dying. 


Ye Ming packed up his things. He planned to seek shelter in nearby cities for a while and then wait for Zheng Sen’s news before proceeding to the next step.


By now, the sky was completely dark. Ye Ming came to the side of the road to wait for his car, but before it even came, he saw a black car park in front of him. Shen Ye opened the door and smiled at Ye Ming, though his voice was cold, “Didn’t I tell you to go home first?”

Ye Ming’s face changed drastically. At this time, Shen Ye should still be in the meeting, but not only did he not attend, but he also followed him! At this moment, an unprecedented sense of danger enveloped him, and Ye Ming turned and ran! 

But Shen Ye was faster, he strode over and grabbed Ye Ming’s waist, holding him in his embrace then stuffing him directly into the car.

Ye Ming struggled desperately. A large hand covering his mouth as he attempted to call out. He widened his eyes, staring dead at Shen Ye, making whimpering sounds. Shen Ye’s cold gaze fell on him, and he ordered, “Drive.”

The driver in front didn’t look back once, starting the car immediately.

This time, Shen Ye did not take Ye Ming back to the old dormitory, but to a suburban villa. The car was parked at the entrance, as Shen Ye dragged Ye Ming into the villa. Only then did he loosened his grip, smiling faintly, “How disobedient.” 

Ye Ming glared at him. His chest heaved and he rushed out of here!

But Shen Ye caught Ye Ming’s wrist and slammed him onto the carpet. He looked at him condescendingly, and eyes cold as winter, “Where do you think you’re going?”

Ye Ming’s face paled in pain. He looked at Shen Ye’s appearance, knowing that he must have found out about Zheng Sen. In that case, there was no point in pretending. Fortunately, he shouldn’t know who he was yet. As long as he didn’t know his true identity, then he still has the chance to leave.

Ye Ming snorted, “It’s none of your business. You and I never had a relationship in the first place.” 

The corner of Shen Ye’s mouth twitched, he said jokingly, “Why are you suddenly being stubborn? Unless you don’t care about Zhou Jiaping? Or do you not care about your parents and siblings anymore?”

Ye Ming said indifferently, “Up to you, but I’m definitely leaving this place today.”

He shouldn’t have been involved with Shen Ye in the first place. As long as he didn’t worry about the future, why should he have to bear with Shen Ye’s threats? He should have been decisive from the start.

Shen Ye looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, looked at his determined gaze, yet his heart was full of violence. Heh… It’s because of Zheng Sen right? Because Zheng Sen was here, you’re not afraid anymore and want to leave… 

You were the one that had deliberately tried attracting my attention before, staying by my side. But now you don’t want to anymore. You met Zheng Sen, and now you can’t even be bothered to pretend that you care? 

Where do you want to go after leaving me? To Zheng Sen? Do you think that he can help you?

Shen Ye pressed Ye Ming into the sofa, chuckling, “What? Because other men are backing you up, you’re not afraid anymore?”

Looking at Shen Ye’s handsome, but emotionless face, Ye Ming remembered his entanglement and humiliation during this period. All the anger and sadness he had suppressed for a long time poured out of his heart. Why… Why did they become like this…? 

Ye Ming clenched his fist, suddenly punching Shen Ye in the face, “Let me go!”

Shen Ye didn’t think Ye Ming would suddenly start punching him. His face getting punched sideways and the taste of blood in his mouth. This bit of blood was his last straw, causing his sanity to collapse completely, only hatred remaining in his heart.


All Shen Ye could see was red. Full of violence and bloodthirst, the corners of his lips curled up in a cold arc. He grabbed Ye Ming’s wrist, suddenly pulling him up!

Ye Ming struggled desperately, but Tao Xu’s body was too weak. In the end, he was dragged into a room by Shen Ye forcefully, pressed onto a chair and with a click, his hands were handcuffed behind him. 

With his hands trapped in place, Ye Ming couldn’t move one bit, shouting angrily, “What are you doing? Are you going to trap me in here? You’re crazy!”

“I can, can’t I?” Shen Ye looped behind Ye Ming, eyes dark as an abyss. He stroked his neck tenderly, feeling the urge to bite his throat, to die together with him.

It was him, he was the person that tricked him for twenty years, made him love him, and then took everything away with just a bullet, sending him down to hell.

Now he’s finally back… 

I had the patience to play along with you, but you shouldn’t have provoked me like that. Since you are so cruel, since you want to leave me, I have no choice.

Unless it’s by my side, don’t even think about going anywhere.

“You’ve been back for so long, and you didn’t even say hello…” Shen Ye said in a depressed tone, bitterness hiding beneath, falling onto Ye Ming’s ears, “That makes me so sad…”

Hearing Shen Ye’s tone of voice, Ye Ming felt an ominous feeling sweep through his body. This time, it was stronger than ever, making his blood freeze. 

He felt a tingling pain on his lips, and then the taste of blood. It turns out that Shen Ye had kissed him and bit his lips. The gloomy, pitch-black eyes were very close to him, reflecting his slightly pale face.

Ye Ming’s pupils contracted, and their breaths intertwined.

A voice as if coming from the abyss of hell, striking his heart one word after another.

“Ge, I missed you…” 

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