The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 132: Brother's revenge story

Indulge in watching Ye Hao, the dark eyes are the hate of the bones, his thumb rubbed through the lips of the leafhopper, mixed The kiss of alcohol is covered, it seems that this person must be chewed and swallowed!

Do you know how much I hate you and how much I miss you.

You don't know... probably don't bother to know.

The strength of the sinking is very large, Ye Hao’s wrist is squeaky, and the painful face is white. He is stunned by the stunned eyes, and he knows that he is full of hateful madness. Drunk, desperately struggling to escape.

But how can Shen Yu allow Ye Hao to escape? He slammed the leaves back, and the cold voice was in the ear of Ye Hao. "Do you want to leave me again?"

His eyes fell on the pale and delicate face of Ye Hao, and the deep eagerness of his eyes appeared. He had thought about this person for ten years. In this decade, he could only rely on memories to forget the appearance of this person. ... This time, you are dead, you can only die by my side.


At the beginning, Ye Hao was still struggling to resist. He knew that Shen Qian was drunk, and the drunken indulgence obviously regarded him as a former self, but the power of indulging was too great, Ye Hao could not get rid of him, but the more he struggled. Inciting the more fierce torture, in the end, simply gave up the resistance.

His lips twitched a self-deprecating arc, this time... Shen Yu is not treating himself as a substitute, but just treating him as him.

I now know how much you hate me.

But I don’t feel surprised. You should have hated me so much...

Ye Hao slightly looked up and looked at the indulgent eyes. In those eyes, in addition to drunkenness, hatred, unwillingness, and the pain that could not be concealed...

You are so painful.

"I'm sorry..." Ye Hao's eyes were a little empty, a muttering, almost inaudible voice.

Sorry, actually I know it will be like this.


The sinking moved a little, and he slowly opened his eyes. After a while, he gradually recovered his clarity and reached out to his forehead. Because of the hangover, he still had a headache.

Yesterday, Shen Dayao came to the company. They once again dissipated because of Han Xu’s affairs. This is a restricted area that cannot be mentioned between their father and son. When they are not in a good mood, they drink a lot of stuffy wine, and they don’t know how they end up. Stumbled back, and then... he dreamed of Han Xu.

Shen Yu recalled here, his eyes flashed a trace of confusion, he seems to dream of Han Xu is also very painful ... and said sorry to him.

However, how could Han Xu say sorry to him?

Shen Yu will not forget the ruthlessness of Han Xu at that time. He can hurt him like that. How can he have a heart? This decade... Shen Yu, even in a dream, has never seen such a Han Xu. In his memory, the one that repeats is the one that is constantly overlapping. Han Xu’s cool smile, cold words ......

It is like being trapped in a nightmare that repeats the cycle and can't wake up.

He even regrets that Han Xu will regret this extravagant hope, but this time... Han Xu in his dreams is not like this.

Sinking and tearing his mouth, he has already been so sad to this point, still dreaming that the person will regret turning back? If he regrets, he will be back soon...

Sinking and sitting on the bed, he was ready to wash it, but he didn't want the arm to touch something warm. He turned a little and turned his head, only to find the person lying next to him.

The youth are all traces of green, purple and purple, and the corners of their mouths are still somewhat broken. There are some bloodstains under them. Obviously, they suffered from abuse last night. They still can't wake up until now.

The face of the sinking was solidified for a moment, and he suddenly remembered it. After he was drunk, he regarded this person as Han Xu, and then...

Sinking is not a person who is easy to be soft-hearted, but at this moment, looking at Ye Hao’s miserable appearance, it is rare to have a hint of embarrassment in his heart. He mistakenly regarded Ye Hao as Han Xu, and it was definitely too much last night, but Ye Hao...not Han Xu, he was only an innocent person.

Because of his selfishness, but has always hurt another innocent person, this cognition once again made Shen Shen realize that he should not go on like this.

But... He looked down at Ye Hao’s face, and his eyes were still struggling, and he finally sighed deeply.


Ye Hao fell asleep, and when he woke up, it was almost noon. He moved his body and it was rare and refreshing. Although it was still uncomfortable, it should have been cleaned.

[Ye Wei: I can't think of it, when is your brother so considerate? Didn't you care about me before? 】

[888: He used to be considerate of your behavior, and was eaten by dogs with your conscience? 】

[Ye Ye: Cough, Keke, Cough... I mean, after all, he doesn’t know my identity now, and it’s not the same as before...]

[Ye Ye: Let me say where I have no conscience. QAQ]

[888: I thought you were treating your conscience, hehehe. 】

[Ye Ye: You are awkward, I am very sad? If I don't, can I complete the task? Can the experience value be thawed? I just have to be a 555...]

[888: You have nothing to say to 555, he is not your system, you complain that he can't hear. 】

[Ye Wei: ...]

Ye Hao was hungry and screaming. When she got up, she was ready to go out and eat it. Suddenly she smelled the aroma in the kitchen and suddenly felt more hungry!

Shen Yan heard the movement coming out of the kitchen. His sleeves were randomly pulled to the elbow position. The shirt collar was open, and the sharp and cold face looked over. The sharp eyebrows were raised and said, "Get up and eat." ”

Ye Hao stood there, a slight glimpse, it seemed very unexpected that he would cook for him.

The porridge was indulged, and the sound came out. His voice still had no temperature, like the command, "Come and sit."

Ye Hao was silent for a moment, sat down at the table, looking at the complex eyes.

The face of the sinking swiftly passed a trace of unnatural look. He was actually somewhat uncomfortable. After all, he had not taken care of Ye Hao before, let alone cooking for him, but when he thought about his behavior last night, In the end, there are some unbearable things. If he is determined to leave this person with his own side... then maybe he should be better for him. After all, Ye Hao does not owe him anything.

Ye Hao retracted his eyes and silently ate the porridge. He suddenly remembered it. At that time, he was still with Shen Shen. Once he was sick, he also took care of him... Shen Shen’s cooking is actually Not good, he rarely cooks, but that time Ye Hao was very happy to eat, because it is not just the meal, but the heart of this person...

He cherished the time when they used to be together.

In the next ten years, the indulgence of craftsmanship has not made much progress, so it has to do the same level. He lives alone, can he really take care of himself?

Ye Hao suddenly realized that he had never thought about this problem before. He only had hate in his heart. He abandoned the betrayal of this person. Apart from revenge, he could hardly see anything else, or maybe...not he forgot, but He didn't dare to think too much.

I am afraid that I will think more, and it will be even more difficult for me to face this person. It is better to pretend that I am not able to live without it.

Shen Yan looked at Ye Hao. The young man looked down and could only see his smooth forehead and the nose of Xiu Ting. He was like Han Xu, but it was not like it.

After sinking, I saw Ye Hao finally finished eating out, took out a card and a key in front of Ye Hao, faintly said: "This is for your house and money, you can put your parents also Come over and let your father go to a better hospital."

Ye Hao brows slightly wrinkled: "You have given me money."

Shen Yan’s eyes sank, and he licked his lips and said, “This is what you deserve.”

Ye Hao heard a word, then revealed a self-deprecating smile, and also... not only did he accompany him to sleep, but also occasionally responded to indulging madness. This work is really not easy, so it seems... Shen Shen is a Very generous boss.

Unfortunately, I don't want to get this salary.

However, Ye Hao was silent for a long time, but in the end he still took the keys and cards and said, "Okay."

He has taken up the body of Tao Xu, and is forced to do such a shameless thing. What qualifications are so reluctant? It's better to get as much benefit as possible, so that when you die, you can at least let Tao Xu's family live well.

Indulging in Ye Hao did not have a firm rejection, and he was relieved to breathe a sigh of relief, but the dull and depressed emotions in his heart did not dissipate half a point.

He knows that he still can't do this. He left this person, but he was only drinking and quenching thirst. In the end, he was more painful, but he could not stop, and he could not help himself.


After a few days of rest, Ye Hao returned to work again. Shen Yan was not drunk again. It was not too gentle to treat Ye Hao, but it was not indifferent.

[Ye Wei: Ah, time flies so fast, I have been back for nearly three months in a blink of an eye. 】

[888: Yes, but your identity has not been exposed yet, and the blackening value has not dropped. 】

[Ye Wei: It’s not that I don’t want to be exposed. It’s mainly because it’s too obvious. I’m going to hide my identity for revenge. I’m familiar with Shen’s, and if it’s still easy to reveal the flaws, let’s find it, it’s mentally retarded. ? 】


[Ye Wei: I am also very difficult. It is necessary for him to inadvertently feel that I am very similar to Han Xu, and that he cannot associate him with doubts at once and doubts about me. It is really a test of my acting skills. ! 】

[888: It’s really a good thing for you to not be an actor. 】

[Ye Ye: Hahahahahaha, you are right! I feel that after going through the training of these worlds, I will return to the real world. It is estimated that I will enter the entertainment industry. Hahahahahaha! 】

[888:......] This spicy chicken probably doesn't understand what irony is.

[Ye Ye: After all, after so long, I have finally arrived! It’s time for me and my brother’s feelings to go further! 】


Another day passed.

In the evening, I fell in love with Ye Hao, and went home, holding him down on the bed.

Ye Hao’s expression was a little indifferent. He looked up and looked at where he was. Although he was always passive in bed, he didn’t react. He could only suppress it when he couldn’t help it, but today’s Ye Hao... Extraordinary absent-mindedness.

Shen Hao has stopped halfway. No man will be so interested in such a person. His brows are slightly wrinkled and he said, "What are you thinking?"

Ye Hao lowered his eyes and his voice was low and dumb: "Nothing."

Indulging in fact has become accustomed to Ye Hao’s attitude and is not angry. He finds that he is more and more concerned about this person, and occasionally he is willing to pet him.

So this time Shen did not leave directly, but in Ye Hao’s ear: "Is there really nothing? You can say anything if you have any ideas."

As long as I don't try to leave, I can meet any of your requirements.

Ye Hao’s expression changed slightly. He turned his head slightly, didn’t look at the indulgent eyes, and slowly said: “I want to take a day off tomorrow.”

Shen Yan asked: "What is it?"

Ye Hao said: "Some of the formalities for graduation need to be handled. I have to go back to school."

Shen Yan decided to look at Ye Hao's side face and said after a while: "Good."

After he finished this sentence, he got up and left, leaving Ye Hao alone.

The next day, Shen Hao did not wait for Ye Hao together. Instead, one person left first, and a pair of Ye Hao’s attitude of free movement, but in fact Shen did not go to the company, but stopped at halfway.

He found that he was used to having Ye Hao around, and when Ye Hao brought it back to school yesterday, his eccentric rejection of his feelings made him unhappy.

Why did Ye Hao suddenly go back to school, is there really a formality to apply? Or...he is he wanting to see someone else? For example, Zhou Jiaping?

Shen Yan does not think that what happened to Ye Hao and Zhou Jiaping. After all, he is already his own person, and he has always been very sensible. He should take advantage of it and almost never do anything to provoke him to provoke him... That time outside.

But as long as I think of Ye Hao going to school, I might go to see someone he really likes in my heart. Shen Wei suddenly found that he could not be indifferent and his eyes were heavy.

He was silent for a long time, suddenly turned the direction of the front of the car and headed to Ye Hao School.

What surprised Suan was that he had been waiting at the school for a long time, and he did not wait until Ye Hao, and his face was slowly cooled down.

Ye Hao didn't come to school at all, or he had something to look at him.

Ye Hao’s obedience and obedience since this time, and the clean background, almost forgotten Shen, he is likely to try to escape from hiding him... And now, Ye Hao is cheating him.

The mouth of the sinking mouth showed a cold arc, took out his mobile phone and dialed his assistant's phone. After he had ordered it, he waited patiently.

Not long after, Ye Hao’s whereabouts were clearly sent to the indulgent mobile phone.


Ye Hao didn't go back to school. It was just an excuse to deceive him. He actually came to another place.

In a blink of an eye, I have been dead for so many years.

Ye Hao will not forget that on the day eleven years ago, he and Shen Shen were in the hotel. He fired a shot at the chest of his most loved one. He was ready to go to Shen Da Yao’s showdown revenge, but he was first killed. Lost, in the end, the chess is bad.

In the past eleven years, he did not know how his body was handled. He may have rotted in a corner that no one knows. He did not give up the investigation, but he was struggling and there was no progress. There is no money and no power, and there is no resource to use.

He doesn't know where he is, but at least he knows where his parents are...

I have been dead for so many years, I am afraid that even those who visit them, no one remembers them.

Ye Hao came to the cemetery and walked through the winding path, and came to a tombstone. There was no care here. There was no weeding or no flowers. It was cold and clear, and the wind blew the cluttered dead branches. It is a corner that has been forgotten.

Just like him.

Ye Hao slowly squatted on the ground, rubbing the dust in front of the tombstone with his hand, looking up at the name on the tablet, his eyes gradually becoming red and sour, his lips moving, his eyes showing a sad look: "Mother and Dad, you still Do you recognize me? I am Han Xu."

"I'm sorry... I am coming back now."

"Actually, I always wanted to come over..."

But I am scared, I am very self-blaming, I feel that I can't face you.

Not only did I not avenge you, but I fell in love with the son of the enemy.

Will you blame me?

I am very useless, I want to help you revenge, but I was killed by the enemy.

I thought that I was dead, I went to reunite with you, but I didn't want to live again. Maybe I will come back to see you soon... But before this, someone must pay blood and blood!

This time I will not let you down.

The face of the sinking condensate came here, and I found the trace of Ye Hao, but before I even came to the front, I just heard the words of Ye Hao, and my footsteps slammed, and my eyes showed an unbelievable look!

For a moment, it seems that some terrible power has suspended the time of the whole world!

Shen Yan decided to look in that direction, his eyes began to heat up, his vision began to blur, and countless repressed complex emotions seemed to break through the chest and tear everything!

The thin figure, far away from it, reveals a soft and gentle side...

It seems as if Han Xu once again appeared in front of him.

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