Ye Ming only felt a chill around him, as if he was inside an ice-cold place.

Shen Ye gazed into Ye Ming’s eyes, his black eyes full of crazy paranoia. He gently kissed the blood at the corner of Ye Ming’s mouth, using his thumb to caress his face. The blood stained his lips red. He had a flirtatious expression on his face, saying with an eerie yet gentle voice, “Why aren’t you speaking anymore, ge?”



Ye Ming’s lips trembled, his throat blocked, unable to speak a word. Shen Ye really found out…

He found out about his identity and even pretended to not know. Ye Ming shuddered at his deceit. This person… was so different from when he knew him. 

After a long time, Ye Ming let out a pained voice, “When did you… When did you find out?”


Shen Ye chuckled, “Is that important?”

Ye Ming closed his eyes, a wry smile appeared on his lips. It was indeed not important anymore… He shouldn’t have hoped that Shen Ye wouldn’t find out about his identity. He shouldn’t have hesitated. If he had made up his mind to leave Shen Ye earlier… it might not have reached this point.

Was the only reason he was hesitating because he was threatened? Probably not… Perhaps deep down in his heart, he had wished he could stay by this person’s side too. Even if it was just as a replacement, it would be fine too. But he was wrong, and it was about time he woke up from this dream.


All because he hesitated for a second, he had fallen into this situation.

Ye Ming forced out a smile, ceasing his struggle. Instead, he looked at Shen Ye with a complicated gaze, asking quietly, “Since you already knew about it, what will you do about me?”

Shen Ye’s expression froze for a moment, taking this time to kiss Ye Ming’s eyes, smiling, “I’ll have to think about it properly.”

He pried open Ye Ming’s collar with his fingers, caressing his neck, eyes lowered and movement gentle. Yet it seemed as if he would suddenly burst out and snap his neck at any time, as if it were a ferocious beast kissing its prey… 

“Before this, I couldn’t wait to kill you, but since you’ve already died once… Wouldn’t it be too cheap to kill you immediately?” Shen Ye smiled blandly, “By the way… How did you die?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tf Zlcu mibrfv tlr fsfr, rtbklcu cb lcafcalbc ab jcrkfg ja jii.

Vtfc Tf’r fsfr aegcfv mbivfg, tjagfv fgbvlcu tlr fnfgs ybcf.

You would rather ask Zheng Sen for help than to reveal a few words in front of me… So you’ve never loved me, right? But it’s fine if you don’t say it, I’ll figure it out anyway! 

Ycf kffx ijafg.

Vtfc Tf kjr rlaalcu lc tlr boolmf ktlif atf nlmf qgfrlvfca kjr vfajlilcu atf gfmfca rlaejalbc bo atf mbwqjcs ab tlw. Aera jr tlr jrrlrajca xcbmxfv bc atf vbbg, Vtfc Tf gjlrfv tlr tjcv ab lcafggeqa atf nlmf qgfrlvfca’r kbgvr, rjslcu klat j vffq nblmf, “Tbe rtbeiv tfjv bea olgra, kf’ii vlrmerr atlr cfza alwf.”

Shen Ye rarely interrupted work for other things, so the vice president was rather shocked. But since he said that, he thought that it must have been something important, thus he got up and left.

The assistant walked in, reporting to Shen Ye in a respectful tone, “President Shen, I’ve found news about the person you asked me to investigate. He went abroad eight years ago.” 

Shen Ye nodded his head. All the information Ye Ming had told Zheng Sen about Liu Pingde had fallen onto Shen Ye’s ears. Shen Ye didn’t understand why Liu Pingde wanted to kill Ye Ming, but it’ll be easy to find out. Just find the person before Zheng Sen does.

As long as he finds this person first, he’ll know everything he wants to know. At the same time, he can destroy Ye Ming and Zheng Sen’s plans and gaining the upper hand.


“Keep looking, find him for me at all costs.” Shen Ye’s eyes darkened, “I allow you to use all my connections. If you need my help, just tell me.”

The assistant nodded, saying with a serious tone, “Understood, I’m on it.” 

Seeing that it was getting late, Shen Ye got up and left.

The assistant had grown accustomed to Shen Ye’s recent changes. President Shen came to work later and later, going home earlier and earlier. If it weren’t for him still being somewhat responsible, not delaying business or doing anything absurd. He would have turned back to who he was before, a king who only indulges in a woman’s beauty.

Shen Ye didn’t care what the others thought of him at all. As he stood in the elevator, closing his eyes, all he could think about was Ye Ming. He already possessed this person, trapping him by his side, leaving him nowhere to go… Yet while he used to be worried about not having this man, he was now worried that he would lose him. He felt that the moment he got careless, he’ll disappear again.

Shen Ye took a deep breath, revealing an expression of self-deprecation. He got off the elevator and walked towards his car. He was halfway to his car when he stopped, finding that Zheng Sen was waiting there, looking at him with a furious expression. 

After Zheng Sen parted with Ye Ming on that day, he immediately began investigating Liu Pingde’s trail. This man had served the Shen family ten years ago, but he seemed to have removed traces of himself afterwards. He did not contact anyone he knew. It was a bit difficult to investigate in a short amount of time.

It took several days for Zheng Sen to learn that Liu Pingde had already gone abroad. He was just about to tell Ye Ming this news when he noticed that Ye Ming’s phone couldn’t be reached.

It was just like ten years ago, disappearing off the face of the earth, Zheng Sen couldn’t bring himself to sit still.

What if Shen Ye discovered Ye Ming’s identity, is Ye Ming in danger? 

Zheng Sen couldn’t get in touch with Ye Ming no matter what. All he knows is that he last appeared at school, no one else had seen him since then. In the end, he couldn’t stay put. Besides Shen Ye, who else will hurt Ye Ming? It must be Shen Ye!

Zheng Sen glared at Shen Ye stubbornly. He had come in a hurry, losing some of his previous composure, and he said coldly, “President Shen, where is Tao Xu?”

Looking at Zheng Sen’s attitude, coming here for just Ye Ming, Shen Ye sneered in his heart. The corners of his lips tilted up, taunting, “I should be asking President Zheng that instead. Ever since he met you, he disappeared. You didn’t do something to him, did you? You must be working pretty hard to steal my person.”

Zheng Sen’s face paled in anger when he heard these words. This bastard, he clearly hadn’t done anything to Ye Ming. Besides Shen Ye, who else would be crazy enough to hurt Ye Ming! He even dared to act shamelessly like this. Zheng Sen strode over, glaring at Shen Ye, warning him with a cold voice, “He is not Han Xu, don’t do anything ridiculous!” 

He’s not Han Xu? Whether or not he is… Wouldn’t you know the best? This was what he admitted to you personally after all… Shen Ye’s jealousy and hatred were becoming so strong that they could hardly be suppressed. But his expression had only become calmer.

“Since you already know that he isn’t, what will I do to him?” Shen Ye spoke slowly, his eyebrows slightly raised, tone ruthless.

Zheng Sen saw Shen Ye’s indifference and fearless appearance and exploded, grabbing Shen Ye’s collar. “Don’t say these pointless words in front of me. What did you do to him and where is he?”

Shen Ye glanced at Zheng Sen’s hand, the jealousy in his heart pouncing on him as if it were a poisonous snake. He wore a smile of ridicule, looking at Zheng Sen meaningfully, “You’re this nervous about what he’s doing? He’s nothing but a worthless plaything. The way you’re behaving… really makes me think that he is Han Xu.” 

Zheng Sen’s expression froze for a moment. He didn’t really think things through because of Ye Ming’s disappearance, but if Shen Ye still doesn’t know about his identity, would he still be able to figure it out from this slip-up?

But he can’t just retreat like this, or Ye Ming might be in more danger.


The moment Zheng Sen spaced out, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. Shen Ye had hit him hard in the stomach, punching him away! Then he leisurely redid his collar, his eyes cold and sharp, like two bloodthirsty beasts. The smile on his face turned dangerous, “President Zheng, don’t accuse people without evidence next time. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Zheng Sen clutched his abdomen, glaring at Shen Ye bitterly. If he had the evidence to find Ye Ming, would he still be wasting his time with Shen Ye here? He would’ve just gone and saved him! Damn it! 

Shen Ye took a step forward, glancing sideways at Zheng Sen, scorning him, “The next time President Zheng wants to meet up with me, make an appointment first. We can’t be considered close after all.”

Zheng Sen’s face was livid with anger. He held back his anger, wanting nothing more than to beat Shen Ye to death, but there was no point in doing that. On the contrary, it would only drag Ye Ming down instead. He took a deep breath, reluctantly suppressing his anger and warning coldly, “Han Xu’s already dead. Don’t hurt innocent people!”

“Is that so?” Shen Ye tilted his head, laughing suddenly, “You sure know a lot. How come I didn’t know that he’s already dead?”

Zheng Sen thought for a moment before saying, “If he didn’t die, why did he not come back after so long.” 

Shen Ye became even more contemptuous, thinking about the time when Ye Ming secretly met up with Zheng Sen. You’re all just lying to me in the end… He stared fixedly into Zheng Sen’s eyes. His voice seemingly came from the depths of hell, yet at the same time indifferent, without a care in the world, echoing in the cold parking lot.

“Even if he’s dead, it would be karmic retribution.” Shen Ye stated plainly.

Zheng Sen only felt a chill rising from the soles of his feet. He’s never felt Shen Ye’s hatred more clearly than right now.

He couldn’t understand this kind of feeling. But when he put himself in Shen Ye’s shoes, he could just barely understand his suffering. But… this just made it harder for him to ignore Ye Ming’s safety. 

Shen Ye and Ye Ming were like an unsolvable knot.

Zheng Sen’s lips twitched, unable to find any more words to say. He could do nothing but watch as Shen Ye got into the car and leave. He had a hunch that he would be able to understand everything if he found the culprit. But before that, he could only hope that Ye Ming would live.

He has to find Liu Pingde as soon as possible!

The translator has something to say: Thanks for enjoying the novel so far <3. Hope you have a great day! Sorry for not replying much, but I am glad everyone is enjoying the novel. 

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