Shen Ye stiffened all over, turning his head to look at Ye Ming, a look of embarrassment flashing in his eyes. His lips trembled slightly, as if wanting to say something, but couldn’t.

He had looked forward to Ye Ming waking up, but Ye Ming waking up meant that he would lose the final qualification to stay by his side…



He loved this person so much, yet he couldn’t face him.

Zheng Sen originally wanted to beat up Shen Ye. He was very dissatisfied with Shen Ye’s behaviour of secretly hiding Ye Ming. He didn’t think that Ye Ming would suddenly wake up so he was rapidly losing interest in tangling with Shen Ye. He quickly let go of the hand holding Shen Ye and rushed over, looking at Ye Ming nervously, and said with concern, “You’re awake.” 

Ye Ming looked at both of them, frowning slowly, his expression was calm, not a single ripple of emotion in it as if he was thinking about his situation.


Zheng Sen was too surprised and didn’t notice that Ye Ming’s expression was wrong. He grabbed Ye Ming’s hand and said in a deep voice, “I’ll take you out of here!”

Ye Ming felt his hands tighten. Listening to Zheng Sen’s words, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes. He had just woken up, and his mind was blank. He couldn’t remember anything, and he didn’t know the person in front of him. How could he just go with him like this? And what is this situation?

He looked at Zheng Sen, slowly opened his lips, and made a slightly cold and hoarse voice, “Who are you? ”


These few short words caused Zheng Sen’s expression to change drastically, his movements suddenly stopped, and he looked at Ye Ming anxiously.

Shen Ye, who was standing aside, also revealed a shocked and anxious look in his eyes. He didn’t care about anything else. He strode over and looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, “What about me? Do you still recognise me?”

Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye, then at Zheng Sen, and finally shook his head slowly.

Zheng Sen and Shen Ye looked at each other, both knowing in their hearts that Ye Ming had amnesia! Although he was rescued from being shot in the brain, things like amnesia were very likely to happen. 

Just thinking that Ye Ming might suffer from these things because of Shen Ye’s father, Zheng Sen was full of anger! And he can’t rest assured to leave Ye Ming here, he coldly said to Shen Ye, “I want to take him out of the hospital.”

Today, no matter what, he will take Ye Ming away!

Shen Ye looked at the two of them. He met the unfamiliar gaze of Ye Ming and pulled up the corners of his mouth in self-mockery, the cold pain flowed through his body, and he couldn’t say anything that would make him stay.

If Ye Ming still remembered everything, he would definitely leave him. Now that he doesn’t remember, is he going to continue lying to him and forcing him? Do I selfishly keep him by my side? If he didn’t have memory loss, he would probably be more willing to be with Zheng Sen… 

He was like a despicable thief, using the stolen time to stay by this person’s side carefully, and now that time has come to an end, he had to let go.

Even if it was a dream, there will always be a day when you wake up.

Shen Ye’s hand clenched tightly. He glanced at Ye Ming with affection, then suddenly turned around and strode out without saying a word.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ye Ming stared at the back of Shen Ye’s departure in a daze. Although he didn’t remember this person, Shen Ye’s deep eyes and icy cold back still made him feel inexplicably at the bottom of his heart. It was as if someone very important in his heart had left, and it felt like he had lost something precious… But he couldn’t chase after him, because there was another voice in his heart telling him, you can’t go. 

Vfflcu Vtfc Tf ifjnlcu vfmlrlnfis, Itfcu Vfc yfilfnfv atja Vtfc Tf tjv gfjiis ifa ub. Lf ygfjatfv j rlut bo gfilfo jcv rjlv rboais, tbivlcu Tf Zlcu’r tjcv, “Pa’r bxjs lo sbe vbc’a gfwfwyfg. P’w ralii tfgf, P klii tfiq sbe.”

Ye Ming retracted his gaze, letting it fall on the face of the calm and handsome man in front of him. This person should care about him very much, right? Maybe he’s a relative, maybe he’s a friend… Otherwise, why would he treat him so well?


Lf reqqgfrrfv atf vlrjqqblcafv tfjga qjiqlajalbcr pera cbk, jcv obgmfv j rwlif, “Ktjcx sbe, yea sbe jgf?”

Zheng Sen smiled, a gentle look in his eyes. He said, “We can get to know each other again. My name is Zheng Sen, I’m your good friend. ” 

【 888: What in the world are you doing?】
【 Ye Ming: I don’t have any more ideas either… If I don’t lose my memory, with the current progress of things, Shen Ye and I are going to game over, easy bad ending. Before the blackening value is eliminated, I can’t die so easily! ~~】
【 888: ……】
【 Ye Ming: Only when I have amnesia will there be room for relaxation between us.】
【 888: I must remind you that Shen Ye has already left. He chose to retreat. You have lost your memory again. There is nothing between you.】
【 Ye Ming: Hehehe, if there’s no chance I can just make one. Don’t you remember that we can start over? It’s better than the previous situation where one of us had to die, isn’t it?】
【 888: Haha……】

With this, Ye Ming went home with Zheng Sen.

Zheng Sen was a little nervous along the way, but he didn’t show it. He took Ye Ming home and told him, “Just stay at my house, for the time being, it doesn’t matter if you can’t remember anything.”

Ye Ming was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, “Where is my home? Do I… have any family? ” 

From the moment he woke up to the present, only Zheng Sen was with him, saying that he was his friend… But he was injured and hospitalized. Why didn’t any relatives show up? Aren’t relatives the ones who should be by his side the most?

Or… does he have no relatives or home anymore? Who is he, and why did he become like this?

And… who was the man who left before?

Why did he look at him with those eyes? 

Ye Ming was full of doubts. He pursed his lips slightly and said hoarsely, “I have no intention of doubting you, but I really want to know…”

Zheng Sen looked at Ye Ming with pity. How could he tell Ye Ming, your parents died 30 years ago and that you have even been dead for ten years… You no longer have a home or relatives.

Ye Ming had endured so much tribulation and pain, now he had finally forgotten it. Did he want to place these heavy things onto him who didn’t remember anything again? To let him fall into that boundless suffering again?

Zheng Sen’s eyes darkened, he suddenly stretched out his arm and gently hugged Ye Ming, his voice was low and gentle, “You just woke up, it’s not good to think too much at once. I’ll tell you about this slowly in the future, okay?” 

Although Ye Ming didn’t remember anything, that didn’t mean that he had become stupid. How could he not understand Zheng Sen’s meaning? He seemed unwilling to tell him about these things, was it because he was afraid that he’d be sad?

Of course… It was him who was alone. No matter if he had no relatives, or because his family didn’t love him, it probably wasn’t anything worth getting happy over.

But he didn’t seem that pitiful, at least some people cared about him now, right?

Ye Ming didn’t continue asking, he paused, then said again, “Who was the person in the hospital today? Is he also my friend?” 

When Zheng Sen heard this, his eyes turned cold. He said, “He isn’t.”

Ye Ming was stunned. Shen Ye’s eyes were so complicated when he saw him so he thought that they must have had a close relationship, but they weren’t even friends? He wanted to continue asking, but Zheng Sen didn’t wish to answer this question. He changed the subject, “I prepared a room on the second floor for you. After everything today, you must be tired so rest early. The doctor also told you to rest. Things like memory shouldn’t be forced, maybe there will come a day when you remember it?”


Ye Ming was indeed a little tired today and his heart was still in a mess, so he nodded and said, “Okay, then I’ll trouble you. ”

Zheng Sen smiled again and looked at Ye Ming with gentle and warm eyes, “Tell me what’s wrong, we’ve known each other for so long. ” 

Ye Ming couldn’t help laughing. He didn’t know why. For some reason, he just felt that Zheng Sen was a credible person in his heart, he also didn’t feel repulsed by him so they were probably good friends. He was willing to trust his intuition.

Ye Ming walked to the room on the second floor. Although it was a guest room, it was also very spacious and luxuriously decorated, making it quite comfortable to live in.

【 888: ……】
【 Ye Ming: What’s wrong? ~】
【 888: You seem pretty satisfied?】
【 Ye Ming: Yes, amnesia is so good and wonderful. It’s so good to live a happy life, the feeling of being cared for is wonderful~】
【 888: ……】
【 Ye Ming: But I don’t think Comrade Zheng Sen will tell me the truth. People are always a little selfish.】
【 888: It seems that you have a clear idea of what to do. Have you prepared for the future too?】
【 Ye Ming: Rest assured! This is just a transition, I won’t let my good didi be alone for too long! After all, I love him too much!】

888 thought in his heart, you should let him go, but he knew that this was impossible, it was absolutely impossible for Ye Ming to give up this bit of experience points. 

Ye Ming lived comfortably. When he got up and went downstairs the next day, Zheng Sen had already made breakfast and was waiting for him. He smiled when he saw him coming down, “You’re awake? I just finished making breakfast. Come and eat.”

Ye Ming smiled embarrassedly. He didn’t expect Zheng Sen to be so considerate. They were all men, and even friends weren’t so attentive, making him a little uncomfortable.

It’s just that Zheng Sen’s kindness was not easy to dispel. Ye Ming could only sit down at the table. Although it was a simple breakfast, it tasted good, and Ye Ming also ate a lot.

Zheng Sen looked at the young man’s face. He was sitting quietly and peacefully in front of him at this moment. He didn’t remember Shen Ye, he didn’t remember the hatred, he didn’t remember anything… And he was the only one besides Shen Ye who knew about his existence, who was familiar with him and understood him. 

Now he was like a piece of white paper, laid flat in front of him.

Zheng Sen’s heart suddenly jumped a little faster, unspeakable thoughts of desire and greed appeared in his heart. He could easily take this person for himself now, but to do that… wouldn’t it be too despicable?

If he did that, then what was the difference between him and the previous Shen Ye?

He took a deep breath and finally cleared the thought out of his mind. He couldn’t do such a thing. He hoped that Ye Ming would truly like him and accept him, rather than taking advantage of him when he was in danger. 

It’s just that regarding Ye Ming’s true identity, it really wasn’t suitable to tell him. These days, news about Han Xu and Shen Dayao was everywhere, various rumours, speculations and remarks. He was afraid that all this information would be too much for Ye Ming with amnesia, huge pressure was also bad for his recuperation… Besides, it was hard for him to explain to Ye Ming the matter of rebirth. How could he tell Ye Ming about those complicated feelings and grudges if he didn’t know the whole truth?

Isn’t it just irresponsible and misleading of him?

Before Ye Ming remembered everything, he might as well let him live carefree as Tao Xu for a while. If he never remembers anything, it wouldn’t be that bad to just forget about the hatred… Why bother to spend his life on people like Shen Dayao? Shen Dayao has already paid the price.

These were the results of Zheng Sen thinking about it all night. He didn’t know if Ye Ming would blame him for making his own decision after remembering everything… However, he really couldn’t bear to let Ye Ming, who had not recovered from his injuries and had forgotten everything to plunge unknowingly into that bottomless abyss. 

Zheng Sen waited silently for Ye Ming to finish eating, then said to him, “Regarding your identity, I roughly sorted out some information. You can learn about it first. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

As he said that, he handed a folder to Ye Ming.


Ye Ming was thinking about how to ask Zheng Sen about himself, but he didn’t expect Zheng Sen to be so well-prepared, and he said gratefully, “Thank you.” Then he read it excitedly.

There wasn’t much information, so Ye Ming went through it quickly. 

It said that his name is Tao Xu. He was 22 years old this year and had just graduated from university. Because of a robbery incident, he was accidentally injured and had amnesia.

【 Ye Ming: Half-truths and half-falsehoods, this is pretty good. With such a simple identity, how much less trouble would I have?】
【 888: I don’t think it’ll be any less troublesome.】
【 Ye Ming: Why do you say that?】
【 888: Because you are an endless troublemaker by yourself, if there is no trouble, you create some.】
【 Ye Ming: ……】

After Ye ‘Troublemaker’ Ming finished reading the information, he closed the file and revealed a puzzled expression, asking, “How did you come to know me?”

Zheng Sen smiled and said, “I’m your senior. We met after cooperating once with each other, so we gradually became familiar.” 

Ye Ming nodded, seeming to fully accept his statement.

Zheng Sen stood up and said, “You should go and have a good rest. I’m going to the company first. If you have anything, call me, you don’t have to be polite.”

Ye Ming smiled and nodded, watching Zheng Sen leave.

After confirming with 888 that there was no surveillance at home, Ye Ming revealed his true form. He stayed at home to eat, drink and play games, having a great time! 

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