Being a rice weevil (parasite) that does nothing, sure is enjoyable. As a president, the care Zheng Sen gave Ye Ming could be considered very meticulous already. He not only personally cooked for him but also answered all the questions Ye Ming asked. He was incredibly patient.

Ye Ming thus settled down peacefully, almost never bringing Shen Ye up, as if he had completely forgotten him. 888 also rarely showed up, too lazy to pay attention to him.



Ye Ming didn’t annoy 888 at first, but after a long time, he felt a little lonely when 888 wasn’t around, so he shamelessly called 888.

【 Ye Ming: Ge, 8 Ge, what are you up to lately? 】 

【 888: Busy planning a life without you. 】


【 Ye Ming: …… 】

【 Ye Ming: We haven’t broken up yet, and yet you’re already fantasizing about the days after we broke up? Heartache.jpg 】

【 888: Why would we break up? 】


【 Ye Ming: ???】

【 888: We never had a good relationship. How would we even break up? 】

【 Ye Ming: …… 】

【 Ye Ming: You can’t erase our beautiful past just because you don’t like me now. Weren’t we okay before? Didn’t we love each other? QAQ】 

【888 was silent for a few seconds: You’re mistaken.】

【 Ye Ming: Yingyingying. You’re too cold…… 】

【 888: Haha, am I? 】

Who was the one eager to separate? Who was the one eager to complete the task? Who was the one eager to get experience points and return to the real world? He didn’t want to talk with this trash anymore. 

Ye Ming was also preparing to chat with 888 about his ideal worldview of life when he heard the door opening. He quickly adjusted his expression and put away his exaggerated expression.

Zheng Sen has been really busy at work recently. After he finally came back, he saw Ye Ming sitting in the living room reading a book. Seeing him back, Ye Ming looked up and revealed a faint smile, “You’re back.”

Zheng Sen looked at Ye Ming and listened to his trivial words, yet he suddenly felt extremely satisfied in his heart, as if…at this moment, his lover was waiting for him to go home.

It was like this empty house got an owner. 

But the satisfaction soon dissipated because he knew it was just his illusion. Although this person was right in front of him, although they lived under the same roof, they didn’t have any chance of getting along intimately at all. They really just got along as friends. Their interactions were even more polite than those of ordinary friends. He didn’t want to trouble Ye Ming, and he felt that any attempts he made would upset him.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Lf kjcafv ab qgbafma Tf Zlcu cbk.


Dea tbk mbeiv atf raeqlv, raeqlv vfrlgf jcv tbqf ja atf ybaabw bo tlr tfjga yf reqqgfrrfv mbwqifafis? Lf tjr ibnfv atlr wjc obg bnfg afc sfjgr jigfjvs.

Coafg bnfg afc sfjgr bo ecgfdelafv ibnf, cbk atja atf bqqbgaeclas lr yfobgf tlr fsfr, vbfr tf gfjiis tjnf ab mbcalcef fcveglcu la? Lbk kjr tf kliilcu ab ulnf eq klatbea agslcu? 

Zheng Sen walked over. There was a complicated look in his eyes, but he was afraid of scaring Ye Ming, so he didn’t make any abrupt moves, only saying, “Let’s go out on weekends, otherwise you’ll feel bored staying in the house. ”

Ye Ming smiled and said, “It’s actually fine. I would walk around when there’s nothing to do, but I didn’t know the road or people, so I didn’t go far and came back.”

Zheng Sen looked at him with pity and mumbled, “Don’t worry, you will get familiar with it eventually.”

“Hmm.” Ye Ming’s expression was calm and comfortable. There seemed to be no fear and anxiety. He smiled, “Let’s go with the flow.” 

Zheng Sen loved and pitied him. Even if this man lost his memory, he was still so confident, still so easy-going, gentle and affectionate. It made people want to like him. Afraid that he couldn’t control himself, he quickly covered up his awkward expression and said, “Then I’ll go up first.”

When Ye Ming saw Zheng Sen go upstairs, a light flashed in his eyes.

【 Ye Ming: Hey, it’s been a while already. Although I like this big brother, the plot should also move forward. It isn’t a solution to keep going on like this. 】

【 888: It’s only a few days, it really hasn’t been that long. 】 

【 Ye Ming: Ke ke ke… Am I not afraid that my good brother is in a hurry? With his current state, it is really possible to let me go to the others! I’m also worried. I really have no choice but to brush up on my sense of existence. How could he give me up? QAQ】

【 888: ……】 *wants to swear but must control the urges*

Ye Ming wandered downstairs for a while, then slowly went upstairs and listened to the sound of water splashing in Zheng Sen’s room. After it turned quiet, he suddenly walked over and knocked on the door.

It was silent for a moment before the door opened. 

Zheng Sen had just finished showering. He had a bath towel around his waist, revealing his strong chest and waist. His hair wasn’t dry, and water droplets flowed down his cheeks. This had a completely different sexual feeling to the meticulous attire he had on normal days. Zheng Sen asked with a low and gentle voice, “What’s the matter?”

Ye Ming’s face quickly reddened. It seemed that he didn’t expect Zheng Sen to appear like this. He had come to talk to Zheng Sen on a whim, but it didn’t look like a good time.

Although they were both men, how could he not know what Zheng Sen thinks of him after all these days of interacting? That was precisely why he always kept a distance from Zheng Sen, not wishing to cause any misunderstandings.

Ye Ming gave a dry cough and said, “Nothing. It’s not important. We can talk about it tomorrow.” 

When he turned his head, his ears were suspiciously red while he was looking oddly uneasy.

Zheng Sen looked at Ye Ming’s side profile, the person he yearned for right in front of him, and even seemed a little shy. How could he bear to let him go? He quickly reached out and grabbed Ye Ming’s wrist, saying, “I’m not busy right now. Let’s just talk now.”


Ye Ming felt the heat of Zheng Sen’s palm, and his face reddened some more. Yet, Zheng Sen just had to take another step forward, wrapping him with a slightly dominating aura. It felt different from the gentlemen’s elegance on ordinary days……

“Why aren’t you talking?” Zheng Sen lowered his head and said into Ye Ming’s ear. 

Ye Ming originally wanted to say that he didn’t want to stay at home all the time, that maybe he should go out and find something to do, but he didn’t remember what he was good at. He wanted to ask Zheng Sen to help him come up with an idea, but he was uncomfortable at the moment and wasn’t in the mood to say that.

They lived under the same roof every day, and he enjoyed Zheng Sen’s meticulous care. They obviously weren’t close, but Zheng Sen treated him better than his close relatives did…

He wasn’t an ungrateful person, and he knew in his heart that he owed a lot to Zheng Sen, but Zheng Sen didn’t say anything. He didn’t want to clarify the ambiguity between the two, but he didn’t want Zheng Sen to let go at this moment. Ye Ming’s heartbeat was a little fast, and he didn’t know what to do for a while.

Zheng Sen stared at Ye Ming’s face, the feelings in his chest surging. A voice in his heart was constantly telling him, say it, say it… You never say it and keep avoiding it, are you just afraid of being rejected again? 

But… if you never say it, how can Ye Ming understand your intentions?

You should try again.

There were two choices in front of him today, to let go of Ye Ming and let him leave, or to express his feelings… and let Ye Ming know.

Zheng Sen’s eyes darkened and finally, a ray of determination emerged. He suddenly pulled Ye Ming into his arms, his voice hoarse, “I happen to have something to tell you too. If you don’t say anything, then I’ll tell you about it first.” 

Ye Ming leaned into Zheng Sen’s arms, feeling his solid hug and temperature, and he lost his calm. There was an uncomfortable look of complication on his face.

Zheng Sen stared at him seriously and said word by word, “I like you.”

Ye Ming tightly pursed his lips, his heart beating wildly. He always felt that he should live up to Zheng Sen’s wishes. He was probably the person who treated him best in the world. When he was in his most helpless state and needed help, he helped him without asking for anything in return. But… if he wanted to agree, why couldn’t he say anything?

It was like… there was still something missing… 

He clearly trusted him so much, but why was he unwilling to accept his feelings?

Zheng Sen’s eyes were tender and affectionate. He said slowly, “You don’t have to give me the answer now, but let’s try… okay?”

Ye Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he heard those words. He hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

Zheng Sen smiled. He didn’t expect Ye Ming to fall in love with him at once, but Ye Ming was willing to give him a chance, which was great progress for him. He held the person in his arms tightly and was a little reluctant to release him, but in the end, he still let go of his hand and smiled mischievously, “See you tomorrow.” 

Ye Ming almost ran away.

Zheng Sen looked at Ye Ming’s back and sighed, recalling the feeling of holding Ye Ming just now. It looks like he’ll need to shower again.


Ye Ming went back to his room and slept comfortably, the nervousness from just now completely gone.

The next day, Zheng Sen appeared in a casual suit in front of Ye Ming as usual. He looked no different from the past, but there was an additional difference. The eyes looking at Ye Ming were less suppressed and a little hotter. 

Zheng Sen drove out with Ye Ming and asked with a smile, “Do you have any places you want to go?”

Ye Ming was always a little uncomfortable facing Zheng Sen after experiencing what happened last night. He turned his head, coughed and said, “No.”

Zheng Sen raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Then I’ll plan everything.”

A new film had just conveniently been released, so Zheng Sen took Ye Ming to see it. He held Ye Ming’s hand tightly in the dark, so much so that when they came out from the cinema, Ye Ming’s palm was sweating. 

A man who used to be such a gentleman suddenly changed after he confessed.

Ye Ming never knew that dating was a difficult thing. He rationally thought to himself that he shouldn’t refuse Zheng Sen. There was no reason to refuse Zheng Sen, but emotionally he always felt that Zheng Sen was not the person he loved the most.

His mood was contradictory and complex.

Zheng Sen sensibly noticed Ye Ming’s hesitation, but he did not give up easily. Instead, he pretended not to notice, and said to Ye Ming, “Where do you want to eat for dinner?” 

Ye Ming didn’t tell him to choose this time. In order to avoid embarrassment, he took out his mobile phone and started to search for nearby food. Finally, he chose a Chinese restaurant and said, “Let’s go and eat here.”

Zheng Sen took a look and didn’t expect Ye Ming to pick there. It was the place Ye Ming liked to go before he died. Did he still remember the restaurant even after losing his memory…?

His eyes flashed, and smiled, “Okay.”

Although the Ye Ming now was very good, if Ye Ming could recover his memory, Zheng Sen would definitely not stop it. If he occasionally went to a familiar place, maybe it would help him. 

So Zheng Sen took Ye Ming to the restaurant.

The restaurant was decorated in a serene manner, with wooden corridors and a clear pool of water. It was just like walking into an ancient and elegant mansion in the mountains… Ye Ming originally chose randomly. He picked one that looked pleasing to his eyes, but he didn’t want to come here. He felt inexplicably familiar. Not only that, but he always felt that he should have been here before.

Without even thinking about it, he went in and sat down. Even the position… it was as if this was where he used to sit.

Ye Ming spaced out for a second. At this time, Zheng Sen put the menu in front of Ye Ming. 

Ye Ming looked at it and ordered a few dishes at will.

Zheng Sen looked at the dishes that Ye Ming ordered, and suddenly said with emotion, “You used to like ordering these. ”


Ye Ming paused, raised his eyes and asked, “Have I been here before?”

Zheng Sen nodded and said with a smile, “Yes, you used to come here often, so I was a little surprised when you picked this place, thinking that you remembered something.” 

Ye Ming smiled and sighed, “Really? That’s a coincidence, actually, I don’t remember anything. ”

Zheng Sen’s eyes were gentle, and he said slowly, “It doesn’t matter. Maybe you’ll remember it slowly. This is a good sign.”

Ye Ming also smiled. He talked with Zheng Sen about the past, and his mood gradually relaxed. The meal was very relaxed and comfortable. When he was about to leave, Zheng Sen stared at Ye Ming’s side face, looked at his pale red moist lips, and suddenly said, “Wait, you got something stuck in your mouth.”

Ye Ming was startled and reached out to touch his mouth. 

But before he could react, he saw Zheng Sen’s suddenly enlarged face, lowered his head and kissed the corners of his lips lightly, like feathers passing by… Ye Ming’s face turned red. He didn’t expect Zheng Sen to suddenly do so. He quickly turned his head, but suddenly saw a pair of dark and sad eyes.

The strange man who he had met in the hospital was standing on the wooden corridor and looking at him.

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