Ye Ming wasn’t in a hurry to see Shen Ye. That would seem too planned. He lived a leisurely life, walking around as if he was looking for memories intently until he felt it was almost time. Only then did he begin to think about the way to meet Shen Ye.

After all, it was impossible to untie the knot inside Shen Ye’s heart and eliminate the blackening value by continuing like this.



Ever since Shen Ye left that day, he buried himself in work, trying to numb himself with the endless work.












Ye Ming had just gotten into an accident, and when the truth was revealed, he had little interest in handling the company’s affairs. The shock brought by the truth had almost brought him down, but he persisted in the end. He couldn’t give up on himself just because of a moment’s worth of suffering. 

These were originally things that belonged to Han Xu, even though Han Xu remembers nothing now, he still needed to watch them for him. When he remembers everything one day, or when he needs it, it will all be returned to its rightful owner.

When the assistant saw that Shen Ye was finally willing to return to the company to take charge of the overall situation, he was so moved he almost cried out loud, but Shen Ye’s attitude of wanting to take charge of the company also made him a little worried.

It’s good to work hard, but if you work too hard, you’ll die from overworking.

There was finally a day when the assistant couldn’t help saying to Shen Ye, “President Shen, if you really want to see him, you can actually go.” 

Shen Ye didn’t even raise his head, typing on the keyboard as he said blandly, “No need. ”

The assistant sighed. He hesitated for a while before saying, “I have something to tell you. He moved out of Zheng Sen’s house and now lives outside alone.”

Shen Ye’s typing suddenly stopped, his expression finally changing. He turned his head and looked at the assistant with a sharp gaze, his voice lowered. “Did you follow him? I already said this before. Don’t investigate his situation again.”

The assistant’s expression was helpless. “But can you really let it go?” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Shen Ye closed his eyes. It’s not that he doesn’t want to let it go, but he had no choice but to let it go.

Lf gfqfjafv la, “Tbe vbc’a cffv ab afii wf jybea tlw jcswbgf, jcv vbc’a obiibk tlw jcswbgf.”


Ktf jrrlrajca rtbbx tlr tfjv, aegcfv jcv kfca bea. Ktlr kjr jii tf mbeiv vb.

Dflcu atf bcis qfgrbc lc atf boolmf ofia mbiv. Vtfc Tf ifjcfv yjmx bc atf mtjlg klat tlr fsfr mibrfv. Ktf vlw iluta ofii bc tlr ojmf, jcv tlr rabcs ojmf rffwfv ab yf mbnfgfv klat j ijsfg bo ugfs alca, ibcfis ab atf fzagfwf. 

He felt laughable. He said didn’t want information on that person anymore, but just a word or two could easily affect his mind.

He couldn’t help thinking of that encounter again. It was clear that Ye Ming and Zheng Sen were in an excellent state. They seemed intimate and even kissed, so they should be together, right? Zheng Sen will definitely treat Ye Ming well. After all, he’s been secretly in love with him for so many years already.

But why would Ye Ming move out if that were the case? Is there any reason to split up when they were perfectly fine beforehand?

Or maybe Ye Ming never accepted Zheng Sen’s feelings at all? That’s why he moved out… Shen Ye’s heart suddenly started beating a little fast, but he reached out and pressed his chest, slowly calming down. 

The never-fading wound reminded him that even if Ye Ming wasn’t with Zheng Sen, what does it have to do with him?

In any case… he wouldn’t accept his feelings, either.

When Shen Ye opened his eyes again, his eyes were a patch of indifference. He looked up at the monitor and continued to process the file data in the system. If he didn’t know what else he could do, it would be enough to just do what was in front of him.

He was already sorry to his father, and could no longer be sorry to his mother. He still had a lot to do. 

Another week passed in the blink of an eye.

Shen Ye came out of the house that day. Although his mother didn’t blame him for that incident, she still held a grudge. Her family was broken because of a dead person. She loved Han Xu, but she loved her husband and son, even more, thus could not accept such a result.

For her, all this was equally unbearable.

Shen Ye was comforted, but his mother drifted further away from him day by day. 

The two ate their meals quietly and politely. When they left the house, Shen Ye felt a little depressed. Instead of taking a car, he walked out along the roadside.

He looked at the lights in the distance and walked to a place subconsciously.

This was the park by a river. From here, you could see the high-rise buildings and iconic buildings across the river. In this bustling city that never sleeps, like stars at night, he suddenly remembered that a long time ago, he and Ye Ming came here once.

He had liked Ye Ming secretly for a long time and finally mustered the courage to confess to Ye Ming that day. He was in a very uneasy mood because Ye Ming was his elder brother. Ye Ming had always treated him as a younger brother and treated him so well… He didn’t know if he would hate him because of this, and think that he was disgusting, but he couldn’t continue to suppress the love in his heart. He loves this person in this way, and the passionate emotion in his heart made him want to express his feelings. 

So he told Ye Ming that he liked him. Right here.

At that time, Ye Ming looked at him. His gentle face became more gentle in the night, and his eyes seemed to contain the most beautiful brilliance in the world. He didn’t show any dislike or disgust in his eyes, and his expression didn’t even change. He just said in a very natural tone, I like you too.


It was as if they were talking about something completely within the norm.

Shen Ye was very nervous and anxious at the time. He suspected Ye Ming might not understand what he meant and thought that this kind of love was only for his relatives and brothers. When he wanted to say something, Ye Ming suddenly kissed him. 

With that gentle kiss, all his anxiety disappeared.

He looked into his eyes, feeling happier and more at ease than he had ever been. This feeling of being connected and understanding each other made him think that there would never be a misunderstanding between them, and they would never split up.

But who knew that the changes in this world were far more bizarre than imagined?

Shen Ye propped his hands on the railing. He looked forward absent-mindedly. The chilly wind blew across his face and a chill permeated his heart. The happiest time in his life will always be ten years ago when he was 20 years old. 

From then on, there was only endless suffering.

He laughed at himself. This was probably his fate.

Shen Ye turned around, thinking that he should go, but once again he inadvertently saw the person standing in front of him without warning.

For a moment, he even thought it was his illusion, but soon he realized Ye Ming was really there… Shen Ye pursed his lips tightly. He suddenly remembered that he would have to come to these places less in the future. He didn’t want to meet him for the third time. 

Since he has decided to let go, he will not only leave this person but also disappear from this person’s world. Even in these places with common memories, he must also dig out from the bottom of his heart little by little.

Ye Ming originally just came here for a walk by accident. He stood here alone and looked at the opposite side. For some reason, his heart was empty, as if he had lost something very important. At this moment… He saw the person again.

At this moment, that person appeared in this empty and lonely world, as if he had just filled the missing blank, just like the missing piece of the puzzle, and his heartbeat sped up.

After he woke up, he had seen this person three times. Although he hardly spoke and just looked at each other, the heart palpitations that were brought to him were always unprecedented. 

He suddenly had many, many things to ask him.

But Shen Ye turned around and left as if he didn’t even mean to talk to him. Meaning, he is less than a stranger.

Ye Ming couldn’t help frowning and hurriedly chased him. After running a few steps, he finally stood in front of Shen Ye. He took a deep breath, staring into Shen Ye’s eyes, and said, “You recognise me, right?”

Shen Ye didn’t expect Ye Ming to catch up. He looked at Ye Ming with sorrow and pain in his eyes, but he was unwilling to let him notice it. He was silent for a long time before saying, “Yes.” 

Ye Ming asked again, “Then what is your relationship with me?”

He desperately wanted an answer to the doubts in his heart. He wanted to know what the sad and sorrowful emotions were, and his eyes became a little anxious.


Shen Ye’s fingers trembled, and he suddenly couldn’t answer this question.

    What is our relationship? 

    We used to be the people we loved the most, and now we are the people who are the most unlikely to be together. We are the people who hold us back the most, and the people who hurt each other the most.

    It’s a pity that I can’t tell you this.

“We have no relationship.” Shen Ye smiled faintly. He said softly and casually, “We are just acquaintances.”

You will always recognise many people in this world. I’m no different from them. 

After he said those words, he couldn’t stay any longer. He walked out in stride, passing by Ye Ming. His breath was icy, and he refused to be thousands of miles away.

Ye Ming was taken aback for a moment. He didn’t believe Shen Ye’s words. It was a rare encounter, and he would not just let Shen Ye go like this in case he would not meet him again next time. There may never be a chance to answer the doubts in his heart. He wants to figure everything out!

Ye Ming hurriedly chased after him again!

Because he ended up spacing out, Shen Ye had already walked down the stairs and gone out for a long time. Seeing that he was about to leave, Ye Ming suddenly sped up his steps. 

At this moment, two boys passed by, gossiping while looking at their mobile phones.

“Hey, have you seen the latest news? Shen Dayao was released on bail after being seriously ill.”

“Tsk tsk, is serious illness an excuse? I don’t believe he’s really sick.”

“Maybe, after all, at an old age, it’s normal to get sick when something like this happens. But I don’t think he will do much. It happened so long ago, and there was only one witness. It will come out eventually…” 

Those voices attracted Ye Ming and couldn’t help turning his head to look. But because he was distracted, he accidentally slipped on the steps!


Translator: Uh oh (・・;). I am back entirely (I hope). I had a laptop problem for nearly 3 weeks. Bless me cause my laptop is finally back

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