The Scum Shou’s Survival Guide

Chapter 139: Brother's revenge story

Sinking in the footsteps, trembled and swayed Ye Hao, and Ye Hao’s head was shot in the air, tightly closed, sticky The blood ran down his head...

No, this is not true...

not true.

Shen Yan’s eyes were stunned, and suddenly he stood up again and rushed out with Ye Hao! He wants to send Ye Wei to the hospital. Ye Hao still has breathing and can still be rescued. He can't give up if there is a hint of hope!

Shen Dayao's shoulder was cut by a knife. Just a moment ago, he looked at Ye Hao's cold and hateful eyes, fierce and neat movements, and never felt that death was so close to him.

At that moment, it was as if Han Xu came back alive to revenge with him...

So that I lost my ability to move, I almost broke the throat!

But how is this possible? Han Xu has already died, and the body is handled by him personally! And Ye Hao is just an ordinary college student, and he has no innocence, why is there such a reason to hate him?

Shen Dayao’s heart was full of doubts and shocks. Before he even thought about it, he saw that Shen’s sudden rushed over, regardless of whether he was a father or not. Suddenly angry, the gas did not hit a place, shouted: "Where are you going?"

Sinking in a footstep, and soon left without stopping.

Shen Dayao sees Shen Qian’s behavior, and the gas of the hand throws everything on the table, cold channel: "Reverse!"

The bodyguard around Shen Dayao just stunned a cold sweat. If it wasn't for him to shoot, the kid really killed Shen Da Yao. He wiped his forehead and looked at the back of Shen Yu, and felt that Shen Shao said Uncertainly will anger him, he is only a matter of doing things, it is a dilemma.


Shen Yan carefully put Ye Hao into the car, drove crazy to the hospital, and while driving, informed the hospital in advance to prepare for the rescue! Ye Hao was sent to the hospital soon.

Seeing that Ye Hao was pushed into the operating room, he stood in the air.

For a long time, he looked down at the blood on his body. These are the blood of Ye Hao... Although Ye Hao is still not dead at the moment, Shen Shen knows how hopeful the head can be rescued.

Why, things will become like this?

Ten years ago, his father killed his favorite person, he knew nothing, and ten years later, he still had to see his father killing his lover once.

This time, he didn't even have the chance to deceive himself. He could only look at Ye Hao and fell in front of him.

This is his fault. He should be prepared early. He should be prevented earlier. He would not have to let things develop to this point... but because of his weakness and escape, he eventually made things irreversible.

He can't hurt his father who loves him the most. He can't take revenge for his lover. He is a useless coward. He chose to give up in the face of difficult choices.

He hopes that the person who died is him...

Shen Shen stood there, the people around him came and went, bustling, he was out of place, uneasy, nowhere to go.

I don't know how long I stood there. He suddenly heard someone calling his name and pulling him into the room next to him. He closed the door, and the world around him gradually drifted away from him and calmed down again.

The other party has probably shouted a lot of voices, tone, anger, disappointment.

Shen Yan slowly turned his head and saw Shen Dayao standing in front of him.

Although Shen Da Yao was a step late, he came to the hospital. The wound on his shoulder was not heavy, but he also needed to wrap it. If he handled it a little, it would be fine, so he came over and looked for sinking.

I saw that I was standing there.

Shen Dayao’s heart was furious, and he almost died when he was in danger. But his son abandoned him for an insignificant outsider, a person similar to Han Xu, so he left with others, and his heart was flat!

Ten years later, he thought that everything could be turned into dust, but Han Xu did not scatter in the end!

Shen Da Yao thought of this, lifted his heavy fan and slammed it!

The sinking face was hit by the side, the clear and hot pain, let his consciousness return to his mind a little bit, he looked at the man standing in front of him, the gloomy face, this is his father...

And this person, he has always respected the admired person, in fact, is a liar, the murderer...

The pain in the chest is like a big hand holding his heart. He stands there motionless. The bottom is the color of endless sadness. He asks: "Why do you want to do it to him?"

Shen Dayao glared at him and his voice was low: "That is because he wants to kill me."

He thought that he should say this sentence. Shen Yan should be able to understand the reasons for his shot. He probably didn’t know the cause and effect, but the accident was that the expression of Shen Da Yao was very calm and there was no unexpected expression. It seems that all this is as early as he expected.

The voice of the sinking voice was low and dumb, and the dark eyes looked at Shen Dayao and asked: "Why should he kill you?"

Shen Dayao jumped and frowned. "How do I know that I just let him come over and propose to send him abroad? Even if he doesn't want to, he doesn't have to take such a risk. you know what? Why do he want to do this? ?"

The corner of the mouth smacked a self-deprecating arc. For a long time, he shook his head.

Shen Dayao stared at Shen Yu. He always felt that his son should know what it was. Ye Hao wanted to kill him. There should be a reason. Shen Shen knew but did not want to tell him... This made his heart sink and it seemed that something was happening. Gradually losing control.

And he knows nothing.

"In any case, it is his first hand, I am just defense." Shen Dayao said coldly: "If you want to be my son, just keep your mind clear, don't rebel against me for such a person!"

Shen Yan heard that his face was white and white, and he laughed but did not speak.

When Shen Da Yao did not understand his own children, he saw that he was like this. He knew that he was ironed to protect Ye Xie. When he thought of Ye Hao’s eyes to kill him, the deepest fear and uneasiness in his heart finally emerged. No longer the calm, suddenly angry and angry, he raised his hand and slaps a slap in the face, the chest of the gas undulating a few times, hateful: "Do you think I don't know what you are for? You still can't let go of Han Xu! Han Xu has already left and will not come back! He betrayed you, have you forgotten it! Now you have to repeat the same mistakes?!"

He was angry and angered to the extreme, and finally he could not speak.

I said a hundred times that Han Xu didn't love him, it was a liar! But Shen Yan can't listen!

The sinking lips shook a little. He didn't hide, let Shen Dayao hit his face, but decided to look at Shen Dayao's face.

Why are you so angry, I still care about Han Xu? Actually because you are afraid...? You are afraid that he will come back for revenge. He is afraid that one day your lies will be exposed. You have done something conscience, night and night, and fear of retribution... I didn't understand it before, but now I understand.

Your current eyes are not just anger, but more of fear.

Sinking on the side of the hand, clenched into a fist, he slowly opened his lips, making a hoarse and low voice: "Father, Han Xu has always been good... Why did he suddenly betray me?"

Shen Dayao glanced, and then coldly said: "What is he for, are you not very clear?"

Ten years ago, I decided to ask the reasons.

Shen Yan opened his mouth and slowly said: "Even if he doesn't, continue to lie to me, you can also get Shen Jia... Why bother... I think he may be dead."

Shen Dayao’s face suddenly changed for a moment, and his eyes flicked through a trace of uneasiness. Shen Yu had never said that Han Xu had died for so many years. Even if Han Xu did not return for ten years, Shen Yi also determined that Han Xu was still alive. No matter how much pain and hate, I firmly believe that Han Xu is alive.

It is himself and others, and occasionally mentioning that Han Xu has already died, Shen Yan will change his face. This is a counter-scale that he can't touch. No one can say that Han Xu is dead.

This is why Shen Da Yao has always been unable to let go of his heart.

This time, it was Shen Yu’s first initiative to say that Han Xu may have died.

For the first time, Han Xu may never return.

If it is normal at any time, Shen Da Yao will be happy when he hears this sentence. Although he can't tell the truth of Shen Yu, Shen Yan is finally willing to recognize the reality and is no longer paranoid waiting for Han Xu, which is very happy for him.

But this moment... Shen Da Yao felt that his heart was cold.

I don’t mention it, but I don’t mention it later. What happened, let him suddenly figure it out?

Shen Dayao was determined to look at Shen Yan’s eyes, his tone slowed down a bit, and slowly said: "Why do you think so?"

Although Shen Dayao’s expression was very subtle, it still fell into the eyes of indulging, making the pain of his eyes even worse. He pinched his fingers, but resisted the painful heart he wanted to ask, but coveted "I just think... if he is not dead, how can he not come back..."

Shen Dayao looked at the deep sadness and painful color of Shen Yan’s eyes. He listened to his words and was really angry. He made such a hurtful situation for such a betrayal of those who hurt him!

It was probably that he thought more, maybe Shen Shen was simply stimulated.

He snorted: "I see death is good!"

Shen Yu looked at the cool color in Shen Da Yao's eyes. There was no luck at all. The bottom of my heart was a self-deprecating emotion. How can he deceive himself and how to continue to escape?

All the truth is already in sight, and the results of the investigation have come out. His father... has been deceiving him and concealing him. He is the chief culprit of all this.

Even until this moment, he is still lying to him.

Shen Yan felt very cold, as if there was a chill from the bottom of his foot into the heart, freezing his internal organs and limbs.

"Let's go back first, I will go to see Tao Xu." Shen Yan's expression slowly returned to calm, but his eyes seemed to be indifferent, innocent, silent, and he even smiled. "Although he is If you do it first, can't you just do it right? If anything, wait until he wakes up and talks."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left.

He walked forward step by step. In fact, he did not have the confidence that Ye Hao could wake up. He was ready to accept the bad news, but he knew in his heart... He had to give Ye Hao a fair, he could not see it, look again. He died so weakly.

He can't do it anymore.

Shen Da Yao looked at the back of Shen Yu’s departure. He wanted to reach out and grab it, but he did not know why he couldn’t take the step. He had the feeling for the first time that he had to lose this son.

Despite the fact that Han Xu had been arguing with him many times because of Han Xu’s affairs, he even knew that his son was still his. He knew what was right and what was wrong. Although he could not let Han Xu, he The same is hating Han Xu...

He just hasn't been able to go out yet.

It may only be time.

But this time, Shen Dayao felt that he was hating him, even though he looked calm... but he took a step further.

They are all breaking with him.

When Han Xu’s betrayal left, Han Xu’s death did not allow Shen Yu to break with him. Ten years later, a substitute made his son leave him!


Sinking back to the outside of the surgery, sitting there has never left.

Time passed slowly, and after a dozen hours, the lights in the operating room were finally extinguished.

The doctor came out from the inside. He saw that Shen Shen was waiting for some accidents outside, but he still said: "The patient has been rescued, but he has not yet woken up, and there is no danger to his life."

When Shen Hao heard this sentence, his eyes blinked for a moment, and it seemed that he had made the worst plan, so that he suddenly got such amazing news, and some could not bear the general.

His lips trembled: "Thank you..."

The doctor said with a smile, he was a little surprised. He didn't know what the relationship between him and Shen Shen was. He could make him worry so much. It seems that he should be a very important person.

Shen Yan stood up from the chair, only felt dizzy in front of him, shook a little, and finally got up.

Ye Hao has been transferred to the ward. His head is covered with white gauze, his eyes are closed, but there is still a weak breath, indicating that he is still alive...

Sinking wants to be close to him, and suddenly he is a bit timid and afraid to get close.

He thought he was strong and could face any difficulties. He had faced the betrayal of his favorite person... I thought there would be nothing more to kill him in this world, but he underestimated it.

Overestimated yourself.

The cruelty and coldness of this world, the impermanence of the world is far beyond his imagination.

Finally, Shen Wei still walked over. He gently touched Ye Hao’s cheek, kissed his lips with a kiss, and gently covered his palms on his hands. Ye Hao’s fingers were a little cold, and he wanted to sink. Help him warm up.

He thought that if Ye Hao woke up, he would probably not let him touch him. He should hate him more...

"You must be very disappointed with me, now I know all this..." Shen Yu’s eyes are full of pain and sadness, and the voice is dull. "I know so late..."

Sorry, I didn't protect you.

And I should have protected you.

[叮, sinking blackening value -5, current blackening value of 10]

When Shen did not go home, he fell asleep at Ye Hao's side, and finally was awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone.

Calling his assistant was to tell him that Han Xu’s body had been found and asked him how to deal with it.

Shen Yan looked at the leafhopper on the hospital bed, looked at the mobile phone again, finally stood up, gently looked at the sleeping Ye Hao, said: "I have to go out to do something, come back later, don't worry... I Will do well."

Said to get up and left the hospital.


Shen Hao sat in the car for several hours, came to another city, and finally came to a village.

The assistant went to a private house with Shen Shen. When he saw Shen Shen’s appearance, he always felt that Shen Shen had suffered a lot of blows. He thought about the scene he was going to see and hesitated for a moment and said: Shen, in fact, you don't have to come in person, you need to deal with it."

Shen Yan shook his head, he had to face it personally, and... he could not continue to escape.

If someone must make a choice to bear this pain, he hopes to be himself, to make this decision by himself... instead of escaping from the weak choice.

Sinking into the private house, there is a black bag inside, what seems to be in the bag.

When I walked over, I revealed the body in the bag... No, strictly speaking, it was just a pile of bones filled with dirt. I couldn’t see who it was... There were no completely rotten clothes and other items next to it.

Looking at these... Who knows who this is?

But Shen Shen knows... This is what he has been searching for for ten years.

He hated him for blaming him, being dominated by blind hatred, ignoring the truth, but not knowing the person he hated... it was like this, never coming back.

His full hatred has become a joke.

At this moment, the person who died and resurrected in his heart, once again died of life and death, still lying in the hospital did not wake up.

All this is because of his father.

Indulge in pain and close your eyes. After a long, long time, when you open it again, there is only one indifference in the bottom of the bottom, and it seems to be a barren land, without any vitality.

He said in a word: "Take this bone and Liu Pingde to the police."

The assistant was finally shocked: "Shen Zong! You can't do this!"

In the case of this decade ago, if no one said that no one has found out, no one will continue to check it out. It is also dead and there is no evidence. But if you give the evidence to the police, it is equivalent to handing over Shen Dayao. This is to betray his father!

And it’s really going to happen. Everything is involved, and the whole company will be hit hard.

Is this crazy? Shouldn't normal people rush to destroy the dead?

Shen Yan turned his eyes and looked at him with calm and indifferent eyes: "I can."

He had never made a choice before. He felt that this choice was too painful and too difficult, so he would rather die on his own and would not like to make this choice by himself. But he can't continue this way.

Even if Ye Hao hates him, even if Ye Hao is not rare at all...

You can't turn a blind eye and become an accomplice.

Silence, why isn’t it another kind of help?

The assistant turned anxiously. He had been indulging for a few years and had been working for Shen, but he really didn't dare to do it today. This is the first time he did not immediately obey the command of indulging.

Sinking but faintly said: "Go, this is what I let you do, no one will find you trouble, you have been in the company for many years... I will not treat you badly."

The assistant saw Shen Jin’s attitude, fearing that he had not made up his mind and finally sighed deeply.


After Shen Hao ordered it, he returned to the hospital.

Ye Hao is still in a coma, although he is temporarily out of danger, but as long as he does not wake up, there may still be an accident, and the doctor admits that he does not know when Ye Hao can wake up, after all, the head shot, although the rescue is timely, Fortunately, I saved a life, but it hurts the brain... It’s possible to wake up again.

Sinking seems to accept very calm, no longer showing the panic, the lost look, but gradually restore the calm and capable of the past.

He lives in the hospital every day, except for things that must be done, he will never leave.

On this day, Shen Shen was sitting on Ye Hao’s bed as usual, saying, “Wake up early, is it good? Your hatred has not been reported, you will not be willing...”

He said that his eyes were tender and indifferent, painful and sad. "As long as you wake up... I promise you everything, okay..."

Because I am really scared, I am afraid that you will not wake up.

I can't sleep every night, thinking of the rotten bones. I always feel that everything I am going through now is like a dream, just because I want you to come back too much, so I dream that you are back. ......

But in fact, you didn’t come back at all. You have already died. This person with a physical body is not you, but my subjective delusion...

Shen Yan bent down, touched the face of Ye Hao with his forehead and closed his eyes.

You wake up and tell me that I am not dreaming, you are really coming back... You still want to take revenge, aren't you? I finally understood how much you hate me, I can't wait for me to die, and I don't want to die too cheap.

But I still love you.

Shen Qiang clasped Ye Hao’s hand tightly. It seems that only in this way can he confirm that this person still exists, and he hopes that he will wake up and open his eyes and look at him, even if he hates his eyes, at least he can know. This soul he loves is still...

Not like it is now.

Shen Hao didn't know how he slept. His clothes didn't change, his face didn't wash. When he woke up the next day, he just had to prepare for a wash. Suddenly the police came to the hospital.

The young police officer said to Shen Yu: "Shen, when we examined the remains and relics of the deceased, we found something and thought you should understand."

Shen Yu did not ask, but was very cooperative and went to the police station.

Since he decided to hand it over to the police, he is ready to face everything, and he will cooperate no matter what.

The police said to Shen Yu: "After our inspection and testing, we have confirmed the identity of the deceased. It was Han Xu who disappeared after committing a crime against you ten years ago. The items on his body also prove this."

Sinking and hoarse opening: "I know."

The police silenced for a moment and said: "However, when we checked the exhibits, we accidentally discovered one thing."

Shen Yan asked: "What?"

The police said: "We recovered some of the information on the mobile phone of the deceased by means of technology and found that it was less than half an hour before he died. That is, after leaving you and his hotel, he made a call and called 110. The time is exactly the same as the one who called the police to give you the first aid."

The expression of sinking finally had a crack, and the lips trembled. "What are you talking about?"

The police took out the mobile phone in the plastic bag and said to Shen Yu: "He should have called the police to rescue you, but this is not clear. Since he wants to kill you, why should you call to save you?"

Since he wants to kill you, why should you call to save you?

Suddenly, some of them stood unsteadily, and their eyes looked violently! When he tried to find the person who called the police, he wanted to thank the passerby. He thought he could live... It was God, it was luck, it was accident...

It is because of that person that he can live to the present.

But now the facts tell him that he can live is not luck, not accidental... Is it because Ye Hao never thought about asking him to die from beginning to end?

He actually... don’t want him to die...?

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